
west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Anyone had much luck with these from seeds? I was going to winter sow--I think they need stratification. Anyone have any special "tips" or advice for monarda? Its been kinda troublesome for me in the past but I'm trying again this winter.
Thanks! You guys are the greatest for advice!

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Sorry, all my experience is with plants vs seeds- I am too impatient.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

April--how do the plants do for you down here?

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Actually they do quite well- they spread fairly rapidly so are a common " pass along" plant. Sometimes the varieties that the chains have are not really suited for our area. If you have any question I recommend one of the "native" plant nurseries in the Heights; Buchannan's, Joshua's and I think the other is A Place in Time, or something like that. They are all in the Heights and every one who works there is very helpful and so far as I can tell they wait until you are out of ear shot before they laugh at your stupid questions!.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks April--I'm real aware of those places--I worked in the heights for a long time. I never buy at the big box stores but, and this is my opinion only, I was never very impressed with buchanons either--their selection is really limited and they never had anything very "different" from the common varieties (I've gardened in my home for almost 20 yrs now). The other two nurseries are better but there are even better ones closer to here (I'm on west side of Houston--by the farm and ranch club--bear creek agricul;ture center--on hwy 6).

The reason why I was asking you is because alot of people I've known that grew them around here found them to be a real "challenge" (to put it mildly) once the heat and humidity of August--September comes around. Which is probably why I'm determined to grow Of course, as you well know, almost everything around here is a real challenge to grow around here come Aug and Sept! I love the blooms on them too and I'm sure the butterflies and hummers will too. I think I'm just going to see that they have good "air space" distances which should help with the humidity problem but is another challenge for me since I grow sooooooo much in a limited amount of space.

(edited to correct some of the spelling and grammer errors--its an amazement to me I ever got a college degree--I write so badly at times--lol--except my degree is in Science, which helps to explain it! lol):

I'm trying winter outdoor sowing for stratification for the seeds--I'm just hoping we, at some point, get a winter for stratification!

This message was edited Jan 11, 2006 10:16 PM

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok dmj, don't share the better nurseries w/ me, I don't mind. I 'll just keep shopping at the inferior stores and my yard will look like everybody elses. Sure that's ok w/ me, really, I am fine with it. (LOL)

In August/September a lot of things look bad- most of my expectations are not met in those months but generally when the weather cools a bit they come back and if not they come back in the spring.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

April-- they are not inferior garden centers....I just know some of those folks (owners), perhaps too well, because I designed and built a community butterfly garden at Hamilton Middle School. It's more a personnal issue. But Buchanon's never has too much anytime I've been there. I've since left the heights (I teach science to G/T kids) and gone back to the school in the southwest part of town where I used to work. The community in the Heights just wanted too much work from me for no money. So that's some of the background. Probably more info about me than you wanted! I really would like to get into market growing if I could figure out some niche. West side of Houston could really use a good farmer's market too, in my opinion. And you and I can grow....... (the wheels are spinning...)

If I need to buy something I usually use Cornelius on Dairy Ashford because the owner will order stuff for me. I like Arbor Gate in Tomball, but I don't know the owners there. I also, mainly use a wholesale place, because I have a tax free number. But 90% of what I plant I start from seed. That's why you often see me shamelessly begging for seed across the forums!

I think the west side of Houston really needs some better garden centers (sure would be better for you and me with gas etc) because this is the side of town with the most rapid growth.

yep Aug/Sept is brutal. I just try not to look too closely at the garden until Oct's less heartbreaking, I just keep it watered good which was a full time job in itself this fall huh?

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

I have a tax id also, my oldest daughter and I do some landscaping- started last last summer and have some business, but not enough. Hoping for more business this year and next. And I am aware of many folks who want, want, want but don't want to pay!

I know what you mean about Buchanan's- I think Yucca Dew is worse but I still buy from them when I can't control myself.

I wish I was patient enough for more seed- I do trees from seed, but mainly I need that immediate gratification. Anytime I have seed you are welcome to it. West side is really needing some good gardening centers. I have tried and am fond of Enchanted Garden/Enchanted Forest in Richmond. One of them- I can never keep the names straight- if off 99 and duh can't recall the FM that crosses, but between 90 and that HS on 99, on the HS side.

I can't imagine that you have much time for anything else but teaching! Wow.
I am always up for growing ventures! I'd like to buy Brays Bayou Nursery- the owners are wonderful people but getting old and cannot want to continue the hard work for much longer. I am a very hard worker, but alas, cash poor.

Bob Beyers is leaving or has already left Houston for Austin- have you purchased from him? I have one of his varigated hamelias and it is lovely.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Where is the Brays Bayou nursery? I'm working near Hillcroft and Bellaire....some of that are is really going downhill. Not sure if that area is good but, wonder what kind of price they want for it.

Basically I'm working where I am now so that I have more time to do what I want to do...which is maintain my own garden rather than someone else's! The adults in the community always wanted to do the fun stuff like planting and wanted to leave the "grudge" work like weeding and hauling dirt and mulch to my students which I felt was very unfair.

I've heard of the Enchanted Gardens but never could find anyone to drive out there with me. I can't imagine why others are not as obsessed with gardening as I am. lol. Never tried Yucca Dew either--I've just always missed their "open to the public days" and been afraid to mail order from that close. I was trying to find my garden notebook to tell you which wholesale nursery I've used--for some reason my mind is drawing a blank. Its up off of West Little York but pretty far east on it.

The wireless laptop I'm on keeps blinking out for internet so as soon as I located my binder I'll post that nursery for you. They used to be retail a long time ago but only wholesale now--mainly natives. I know the master gardeners get their plants from them for their local sales.

What big intersection are you near down there? I assume your south hwy 6--I'm pretty close to Barker Cypress and West Little York--about 2-3 miles NW of Bear Creek Extension Service. I have a feeling your really not that far as far as Houston goes.

edited to add if you can do trees from seed you got more patience and skill than me! I mainly just do annual flowers, veggies, and perennial plants I don't want to spend the cash on. Anyone but me noticed how much the garden centers want these days for just something like rudbeckias or salvias in galloon sizes?

This message was edited Jan 14, 2006 11:52 AM

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Braes Bayou is off Wilcrest near the beltway. Have no idea of what they'd be asking. They bought the place from the previous owner- and lucky them pretty much took over the client list. It's a husband and wife team. She's in the nursery and deals w/ clients- this is all strictly wholesale, she doesn't want to deal w/ the public per se. The husband is out on the "farm"- I think they have property in Brenham area if I am not mistaken. When they bought the nursery neither husband or wife had any experience growing- had both had "office" type jobs back in Germany and only grew house plants. I am amazed at how well they have done. She is the nicest person and will spend hours talking to you, which is both good and bad depending on what you have planned for the day.

I think the cost of almost all of the plants I buy is outrageous, that's why I like the idea of trading. Frankly I am all for the idea of bartering for everything.

Yucca Dew is not worth the drive up, I did go once- very small. But their web site is pretty representative of what they have. I have ordered from them- no break on shipping cost even though they are so close, but they sent great plants- healthy and I believe they always/usually send a nice gift plant as well. Do you get their catalogue? If not you can view it on line.

Are you thinking of Treesearch? They are wonderful but sometimes they are off the wall. I called 3 or 4 weeks after we had the bad weather from the hurricane that missed us for palm grass for a small job, they told me it was not in real good shape because it had been sitting in the sun since the hurricane! I don't know but it seems like you could find time somewhere in those 3 weeks to move them- oh well.

I am @ Hwy 6 & 59 or 90 or Murphey Rd- and nothing is all that far in Houston- and I can't figure out why the rest of the world is not as obsessed as I am either.
I believe I have gone on enough- more than willing to go to Enchanted Garden w/ you if we can find a date that works for both of us. It would be nice to meet and pick each others brains!

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