Bargain Violets

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

AFRICAN VIOLET ~~Midget Lillian~Mosaic MICRO 3 $9.38
AFRICAN VIOLET ~Skagit Tiny Limelight~Ruffeld Girly 3 $7.10
USPS has increased their rates, shipping is $9.50 for the first plant, each additional plant is $1.50 up to 4 plants total

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Yes, please do! Thing Two is really the scamp of the group, he's more dog than cat. Follows me everywhere and squeeks at me - not a true meow. Likes to bat at my fish in my tank! Thinks he's the boss.

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Ali, are those on ebay? Midget Lillian?

Here's Little Pro

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

I have Buckeye Cherry Topping

Thumbnail by Allison_FL
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Here's Orion

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

and Orion reverse (way cool color on the reverse, not to mention cool shaped leaves! ) Ali, didn't you tell me this is a vintage? or was that Ozio

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Here's the reverse

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

I need Orion please

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Onion is Vintage

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Here's woodland sprite, just before I took leaves.

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Here's my tray, by the time I was done, it was three and a half rows, not including Bristols Rhubarb in the back.

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Do you have leaves down of 'Buckeye Cherry Topping', Allison? It's gorgeous! I'd love one, if possible, please?

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Who is this girl just Nov. 17 2005 lol
I'm hoping that no one thinks 'Don't give her to me as a trade partner' (like the kid that is last to be picked for sports) Here is my collection (don't laugh)

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

I was shaking in my boots for this strep disection! Never done it before, so I was armed with my printed instructions... and a sharp blade.

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

and the second cut,

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

final product before being burried in the white snow of perlite
sorry for the bad shot, too much flash

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

woodland sprite wow I need please lol
'Buckeye Cherry Topping' yes of course you may ! I still have a few other Buckeyes I forget which ones.

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Here they are, in their new home.

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Excellent Strep pictures good job ! You'll have enough
babies for all of us !

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Ali, I am so scared to take cuttings of the streps you want. here's a shot of them, the other two are even smaller. I was worried the leaves weren't big enough, what do you think? If you tell me to do it, I will. I just have never owned a strep before and don't know how many leaves they need left on to survive.

I have the list of the ones you want, I know B. Rhubarb wasn't one, and that's the only one I was brave enough to cut up.

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

I made holes with my el cheapo soldering iron (like 5 bucks) from Ace. I just poke a bunch of holes and then it goes into one of these Jiffy trays.Then I put it on the heating mat, which is covered with a layer of towels.

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

If you head over to the hoya forum I made a detailed post over there of the same tray.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Allison! (LOL, we're all posting at once tonight... bunch of night owls on this forum!)

I'm pretty much head over heels with the entire Buckeye series, but the other one I'm really looking for is 'Buckeye Evermore Freckles'. The Violet Gallery has it, and I think I must include it in my order from them. Take a look at these blooms, Oh darn, the catalog listing says "leaves only" this year. Then again, my 'Rob's Outer Limit' leaves from them are doing well....

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

and thanks to you also, Laurie! I like the method you've developed!

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Critter, do you have Buckeye Befuddled? Semidbl light lavender pink large ruffled pansy, dark purple and raspberry fantasy, variable rasperry edge, Variegate dark green, pink and cream plain/red back leaves? I have that one and B. Country Gal.

I can make sure to put down extra leaves for you if you want them

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Well, i cant say that it's a good method for AV's just 'yet' since I'm really so new at this. I didn't have too much luck with leaves in the 30/30/30 mix, they just rotted. BUt I'm having some good luck with the perlite all the way around.
Succulents go mad as did the hoya. Begonias went to town too. Even my orchid cactus.

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

and for now girls, nighty night, this night owl need to go to bed... Hugs all around!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I would *love* to have 'Buckeye Befuddled' -- thank you!! The red backs make the variegated foliage even more outstanding.... those leaves just glow, don't they?

OH! I just checked out your thread in the hoya forum... You have H. australis!! Since I meandered over to the Hoya section at Rob's recently, that one and H. lacunosa have shot to the top of my "most wanted" houseplant list! DH is going to put up hooks for baskets to hang in front of our 3 family room windows... he wanted to know what I was planning to grow there? I said, oh, probably some of those spider plants from the extra babies I've started, maybe some philos in the middle pot.... Ha! He has no idea that I've discovered Hoyas now! The spider plants may still get the side spots, but I really want to put a H. australis in that center window eventually!

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Begonia the Strep leaves like to be close to light keep them from rotting. This method gives you loags of babies ! Did you know one leaf is a plantlet with Streps they don't have crowns like Av's !
I would not cut the real small Streps yet. You only need a 2 inch section to grow a baby Strep ! Have fun !

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Ali, I'll take some closer photos of the other streps so you can see. some are at least 2". All my research says that the method I used for cutting vs. cutting into wedges (?) was for 'experienced' propagators, but I thought I'd at least give it a try.

I have the room in that tray to put a few more leaves of streps down but just wasn't sure how many leaves it needed to survive if I take a leaf off.
Here's a photo of what I was thinking. So that I at least left some for photosynthesis. But if I do this, will the section left on wither?

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Yes that would be a great cut..Put down leaves from all your plants !

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

so if I leave some on the plant, that piece wont dry up?

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

No it won't you can have a pot full of stubs blooming :)) Just let them be extremly dry before watering they do not like to be wet

Vero Beach, FL(Zone 9b)

Hmm I have not tried propogating my streps yet!
Maybe I should give it a shot!

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Jill I have Buckeye Elusive Stars a couple babies growing also ! Would you want one ? I may have a few more Buckeyes left.
Two of my most favorite always blooming fantasy plants I have are my B-Man's Etna and B-man's Cosimo plants. B-man's Etna has been in bloom wicked in a tiny painted vase on my dressor over a month does not get hardly any light as the lamp blinds me from seeing my computer. It's so pretty and the blossoms so fresh looking still looks like silk. Same plant from this picture I took over a month ago only it opened more blossoms and never lost any !
I really like the B-man's too !

Thumbnail by Allison_FL
Vero Beach, FL(Zone 9b)

You have another Bman's coming Allison.I sent you Allisio.
That is the only Bmans I have..I will have to check out the others! Allisio grows like crazy and it is gorgeous!

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Yes I love these two their fantasy blossoms and I love Fantasys ! They grow nice and bloom all the time. I have some leaves down of a few others and sent a couple B-man plants out today in some boxes.
The picture above it never stopped blooming from over a month ago but has 4x's more blossoms all still so fresh looking. ! It's been in my bedroom for a month not much light just so I can enjoy it.

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Lorry Begonias great pictures of Strep leaf progating leaf cuttings are in this thread :))

Vero Beach, FL(Zone 9b)

Mine have not bloomed yet..Allissio that is but they are FAST growers and just LOVELY so far :)

Vero Beach, FL(Zone 9b)

And thanks Begonia for posting this *and Allison for pointing it out to me*
I am going to try this with my streps!

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