Amaryllis Blooms

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Vossner said: sorry, I don't follow

Vossner, I think boojum is talking about the black and white animal that you can see in the picture of her Carina.

Beautiful amaryllis, boojum! And I'm in awe of your artwork. I especially love the first one. Love your house, too!


EDIT: quote not working again. *sigh*

This message was edited Feb 4, 2006 12:10 PM

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Royal Velvet, Pink Star. the droopy Lady Jane and Piquant (a real beauty) currently blooming. Dancing Queen just finished and was amazing. I see a third stalk coming, so get to enjoy DQ all over again in a few weeks. Green Goddess and Susan flower pods starting to split open. Can already tell Susan will be gorgeous. Here's a pic of what she'll look like.

Thumbnail by beaker_ch
Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Is she really a deep pink like that shows? Lovely!

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

The coloring on the bud looks like a lavender pick, darker than the picture. But I think when it opens, it will look very much like the picture. The Hercules that I've been waiting for since Nov 1st will be a dark pink. Here's a picture of Hercules. Hercules also has three stalks this year.

Thumbnail by beaker_ch
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Beaker, don't these flowers perk you right up!? This is my idea of what winter should be like.

vossner, sorry to lose you. Boojum is my dog's name. His head is peaking up from the table in the Carina pic.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Yes, they sure do. I'm glad I made the investment.

I was planning to plant all my bulbs in the garden, but then I was thinking I didn't want to give up that much space (not with all my other plant habits). So, now what I plan to do is go to HD and pick up some of the 6.00 recycling bins, drill holes in the bottom and use them as planters to stick out in my alleyway. I have about 12' before the alleyway proper begins and it gets full sun there. I think I could get 6 to 8 bulbs in one of those bins. Or maybe something a bit shorter like those plastic storage boxes that they have at Walmart or Target. Maybe include a few petunias for color to make sure the trash guys know it's not something for them.

I knew I'd get out there in the alley someday. Everytime I start thinking about that 12 x 30' unused concrete, makes me want to go out and buy a pick axe.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I guess DH is serious: I NEED GLASSES!!!!!!!
thanks kylee

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I got some pictures, I got some pictures

Amaryllis Jewel. I bought 5 bulbs at the B&B sale last Dec, mostly because it was a bargain, I'm not sure the white amaryllis offer that much visual punch. Notheless, they're doing well.

I think I have to go with my CA sis Kell and go for "gaude", only "gaude", lol

Thumbnail by vossner
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Amaryllis Charisma. Just wanted to show what a stunted flower looks like. It'll be better next year.

Thumbnail by vossner
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Planted narcissus in a pot for fun, and though pedestrian, I think it looks (and smells) so pretty. Will definitely make it a yearly practice.

This is the very same pot that has the single late tulips Maureen (white) and Magazine Prima (red). Leaves are showing. can't wait to see tulips coming up.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Vossner, Still sad I did not get to Walmart for amaryllis because of migraines, :o( I planted Narcissus last year and they are blooming.

They grow up on lots bought out by a chemical plant due to an explosion years ago. That is where mine came from I think. Put them in the ground you will be surprised.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

oops, I just realized I forgot the pic of the narcs

Thumbnail by vossner
Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Vossner - I'm curious. It looks like your amaryllis are planted up to their neck in your garden. Instructions for planting in pots say to leave 1/3 of the bulb exposed. Are amaryllis treated differently depending on whether in a pot or garden? I guess I thought they were susceptible to bulb rot, but yours look like they are doing just fine.

(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

The first of my amaryllis are blooming. My DH bought me a trio of dwarf double pink amaryllis from J&P for Christmas this year. These are what are actually blooming!

A beautiful face helps to make up for the disappointment :-)

J & P have agreed to credit for the mistake.

Thumbnail by llilyfan
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Oopsy. But now you'll have more!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

What a striking combination ~ I guess the mix-up wasn't all bad. :)

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

beaker, about 1/3 of the bulb was left exposed when planting, but I recently added at least 2 inches of compost on that bed so they look like they're planted deeper.

why, do you think there might be a relationship between incorrectly planting too deep and stunted blooms? In my case, even though some of mine might not be exactly 1/3 exposed, I have several other varieties with flower buds growing tall. Just curious about this.

Does anybody know if Jewel is a short Amaryllis? Mine blooms are slightly taller than 12". Or is it a case of first year blooms?

This message was edited Feb 5, 2006 12:29 PM

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

18-24" according to:

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Vossner - No, not at all. I've had two amaryllis this winter that put out stunted stalks, usually along with a normal one. I was beginning to think it was because I stored them in the frig while I was waiting to pot them up. But now I'm beginning to think it's just something that happens and next year should be different.

I was just curious about the 1/3 above ground rule and how important it is. One of the places I received bulbs from, the instuctions said "up to the neck", but I left the top of the bulb exposed anyway.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I think exposing atleast some of the bulb keeps the neck where leaves and blooms come from, from holding water. I have had several over the years do that and begin to rot. Lost them entirely. I could be wrong
about why you plant them with a little above the ground??

Lillyfan I have bought so many over the years supposing to be Red Lion and got something else. Looks like you did good especially with a credit you can get more. I never took them back to walmart or
anywhere else because I knew they would keep the bulb and they were pretty. I don't think I could find an ugly amaryllis. I can't own enough not matter if I had 50 of each color. I want yellow, green, papillo
and so many I don't have.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

yes, lilyfan, you did great.

yes, a green one would be nice, but for some reason I'm not be inclined to spend the bucks on it. Didn't mind buying the papillio but the green...maybe i'll hunt for a sale.

This message was edited Feb 5, 2006 8:15 PM

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Where did you find your papillio? I have seen on line 12.95, But idon't think I have seen or don't recall the price of the green one. Probabally because I passed out and when I came to couldn't remember.

I haven't opted to buy the papillio yet. A guy on ebey says he will have them this month and they are really cheap, I want to say 6.95, but no picture. He doesn't describe them. He just uses the name? I have been looking to see if he will have pictures but supposedly coming from out of the country??

Not worth to get another one I can get anywhere for cheaper.

Anyone have good places on line they shop great bulbs? I got 10 red Lion from Touch of nature for 20.00 last year. They may be that now.
Great price. They are Red Lion. Huge Bulbs. Great Customer Service too.

Too bad there is no such things as coops I would be tempted so bad.
If DH did not bury me beside them for compost. LOL

(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

boojum, ilovejesus99, vossner,

yep, I think I did good too! Hubby kept telling me he was adamant when he ordered those bulbs that they be the double pink. So I called and they were very good to offer me credit. We had sent his floks double pink dwarf amaryllis for Christmas 2004 and had specifically asked them to bring me home the bulbs. They didn't and my heart was broken because they just threw them in the trash!!!!!!

Moby, yes it is a nice combo, there is supposed to be a red and white one also. It is a few weeks behind these two. The only real disappointment now is that they are not named varieties.

I think it is funny that you have spent years trying to get Red Lion, ilovejesus99. And here I have spent many years trying to get 'other' amaryllis and end up with those really tall big bloomed red amaryllis! The one I think is RL for sure has a flower stalk close to 30". That is a treat to try and keep growing straight!

I've wanted Papillio for years, but seem to keep spending my money on lily bulbs....silly me.

spelling edit :-)

This message was edited Feb 6, 2006 1:41 PM

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Sandi I got mine from a B&B sale. I don't remember, I think it got for under $10 when everybody was paying $17 or so. Hasn't bloomed for me yet, but you bet I'll be bragging when the time comes, lol. You can't beat the guy that will have them for $6.95. at that price I might even get a second one! 10 RL for $20 was a great deal.

Truly the best deal I found this year was B&B but they don't have green. One of my local nurseries has lemon-lime for $24. too much.

Sometimes I get silly (maybe from being out in the sun too long) and wonder what would it be like to create a little "green" bed and plant a green rose, green glad, green amaryllis, green rudbeckia, etc. etc. wouldn't that be weird & wonderful? or, would it just get lost amount all the green around it?

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

That is far from silly, it would be gorgeous. I think that would be a great
idea. I want to see a picture when you do it.

His auction went off but You can bet when he will do it again. He did not sell any. He says has no picture, probably a year to settle in and bloom. LMK and if they go back on maybe we could get one each and the shipping between me and you should not be much as we wouldn't need priority from here to your house.

Although I think it was 6.00 shipping for the first bulb and 1.00 there after. Then from me to you.

24.00 for lemon lime is alot. It is gorgeous but not that gorgeous.
I gotta such the web and drool.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Uh-oh. I think John Scheepers gave me the wrong bulb for Emerald. Looks like Ruby Meyer to me. I wrote to them. Here it is opening.

Thumbnail by boojum
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Disappointing ~ but she's going to be gorgeous!

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Isn't that what they call a Cybister Amaryllis? I don't have any, but I thought I'd try a few next year. Unusal form, but I think I like it. Is it very tall?

The Amaryllis Bulb Company has Lemon Lime for 14.00 and their bulbs are really nice. I thought AMB was pricy, but 24.00; that's way too much.

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

I've got three bulbs of cybister 'La Paz' that are going to be opening in the next couple of weeks. Each bulb has put out three flower stalks and they're really TALL! Most of them are at about 22-26" right now. They will probably get a little taller yet before they open.

Thumbnail by kbaumle
Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm getting ready to place an order with Amaryllis Bulb Co. and they have a space for a coupon code. Does anyone know of any coupon codes there are?


Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Beaker, my cybister 'Merengue' was tall but this one is shorter with smaller flowers.

If you look at Moodene's cybister collection on Jan. 7th of this thread and look at Chico, you'll see that Ruby Meyer is in the pic and much shorter than Chico. So I think they come in different heights.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Just thought you'd like to know that John Scheepers offered to replace cybister 'Emerald'. So Ruby Meyer ended up being a freebie. When the cold nights are over they will send it.

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Oooooh, getting close now... :-) Can you tell I'm anxious to see these? LOL

Thumbnail by kbaumle
(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

Ohhhh, it is so hard to be patient at this point. At least from here the wait isn't long.

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Wow, what an interesting thread! I'm an amaryllis-o-holic and grow lots of different varieties.

I too bought a Picotee this year, in a netting bag with photo attached which turned out to be Lemon Lime. I have several LL bulbs which I love but I've been looking for Picotee for ages. Scoobadoobie you definitely have LL there.

Green Goddess (aka Bianca) is very different. I bought one of these in a netting bag, it had 2 stems in full flower, bent right over. Poor thing. Here's a photo.

Thumbnail by kniphofia
Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

So my Bianca flowered away with the flower stems drooped over. When they were finished I took the pot up to my sunny room where I put my flowered bulbs to grow their leaves. A couple of weeks later when I went to check on them I noticed another bulb scape.

I took the pot to work - I usually have a dozen or so on my desk all through the winter - and I have enjoyed this variety possibly the most this season. The flowers are superb, a glistening white with a beautiful green throat.

Thumbnail by kniphofia
Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

Oooooh, I just have to have one of those. Any white with the green. That's just gorgeous!!

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

The shape of the Bianca petals is so interesting too, the flowers look wonderful from the side..

Thumbnail by kniphofia
Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)


Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

My other favorite this season has been 'Exotic Star' which is a hybrid of H papilio. It's had 3 flower stems and has been absolutely stunning.

Thumbnail by kniphofia

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