Aspirin Water

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Any one try this before? What were your results?

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I have not tried it, but am going to after reading this:


surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

I'm starting today!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks so much Susan for the great link!! Glad to hear that you will be trying aspirin water too, downscale_babe!! Please let us know how your plants respond and any differences you observe. Pictures would be an added bonus!!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I think I am also going to try the Plant Tea from the link above. Has anyone used it?


Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the link and this is something I am definitely going to start today..

Columbia, SC(Zone 8a)

You've got my attention. I'll certainly give it a try.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

I've heard this and forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder. I'm definitely going to try it.
:) Donna

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I'd love to see pictures of plants sprayed with aspirin water and those that were not sprayed. Seeing is believeing!!

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I guess for seed germination you would not need the yucca stuff right? Just water the seed flats with the aspirin dissolved in the water?

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Hadn't seen this before. Will have to look at it when I have time to read it thoroughly. Unfortunately, not tonight since in training for my 2nd job. Thanks for the link!! I spent months searching for this data!!! ~ Suzi :)

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Debbie: Here is what the article said: "1.5 crushed aspirin (81 gr. strength) to two gallons of water. Important note: The tablets should be the uncoated type. She also added two tablespoons of yucca extract to help the aspirin water stick better to the leaves. (The yucca extract can be substituted with a mild liquid soap)." Mild liquid soap will work just fine (read on another DG forum that Palmolive is the best to use) . The liquid soap adheres to the plant leaves and prevents the aspirin water from just rolling off the leaf surfaces. Don't forget to spray both sides for the best coverage.

If you rather water your seedlings/plants instead of spraying them, remember the saying..."a weak solution weekly" is the best.

Suzi: You lead a VERY busy life! Read the articles whenever you have some free time! I first read about aspirin water in the "Avant Gardener" newsletter. It definitely peaked my interest and I started researching & reading about it on the Web. Glad to be able to share this fascinating information with other interested gardeners too!

Canyon Lake, TX(Zone 9b)

Boy, this is great news, I had heard about rooting plants in willow water years ago. Palms Nursery told me to go cut some small limbs off the willow trees growing beside the road, in our subdivision and soak the cut up twigs over night in water. I did, and put cuttings in it, let them soak over night, then plant them. They all lived, But I have never thought about it again, till finding this thread! Up here in Canyon Lake, where will you find a willow tree. The aspirin solves that problen!! Thanks ya'll, Krispi

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Thought you might like these links about aspirin water... I spent a good amount of time this summer looking for the data after hearing about it from Drew of Drew_N_Corinn. Finally found it - fortunately! and in particular:

ddbjs1979 - THANK YOU!!!!! I have been looking for the aspirin 1:10,000 info for months!!! Now, I see on your site: [] that it is 3 aspirin dissolved in 4 gal of water. I was thinking 1 or 2 per gal - and since it says more can be toxic I am so glad I did not try to guess the amt! link is pretty interesting... I decided to copy these links up to my journal so I wouldn't have to go looking for them. Have any others? Time to hit the sack, night!

Later, Suzi :)

Canyon Lake, TX(Zone 9b)

How do you copy these links up to your journal? I just found the My info: site last night, but don't have a clue as to what it means or what to do. Thanks, Krispi

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I can't find the link where I found this recipe for ASA water, but it comes out to the same strength as the above recipe, but just for 1 gallon:

Dissolve one uncoated regular aspirin in 1 cup water. Discard 1/4 cup of the mixture and add water to refill the cup. Pour this into a gallon jug and fill to the top with water.

I am wondering if this mixture would work to soak daylily seeds in, but am afraid to ruin any of my seeds. Maybe next year if I have more seeds, I will give it a test along with the peroxide water that I have been using and see which works the best.


Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Susan - I knew there was a way to compute that, but hadn't taken the time to figure it out! Great work!!

Krispi - You can copy them up into your journal (oops, change that to garden diary), but you'll have to set it up first. Instructions are on here somewhere. The "journals" Tab is what is the main "folder" and an entry would be paper in that folder.

My suggestions: Go up to tab on the top, above here, click on journals and set up one for yourself, to test it all out. Copy a link up to your journal (OOPS!! Edited to say that go to the Journals tab above, but choose your GARDEN DIARY - not the journal!!) by setting up a tab, then an entry. Inside that entry, copy by highlighting, then copy, then paste the data, or enter data you want to see or remember. You might want to click on view others' (edit: garden diaries) and look at them to get a better idea of what you might want to write.

There is a "test" forum, where you can learn lots of things and more importantly, practice! It has all kinds of info on there. Look at the titles, check out the ones you are interested in, and practice! practice! practice!

Good luck and welcome aboard! You are more than welcome to look at my journal too. If I can help you in any way, let me know. If I don't get back to you right away, I'll apologize in advance. I am not ignoring you, I am a single mother with 2 daughters, working both a full and a part time job.

Later ~ Suzi :)

This message was edited Dec 23, 2005 1:40 AM

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Excellent link, Suzi!! Thanks for posting it!! I read and re-read the article. I especially loved the following comments, "Plants make salicylic acid to trigger natural defenses against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Aspirin thus is an activator of ‘Systemic Acquired Resistance’ (SAR). However, plants often don’t produce the acid quickly enough to prevent injury when attacked by a microbe. Spraying aspirin on the plants speeds up the SAR response. Tests have shown this works on many crops, producing better plants using less pesticide. “It also makes it possible to successfully grow many fine heirloom varieties which were discarded because they lacked disease resistance.” AND '“This may be the most important research of the century. Stimulating SAR defenses with aspirin or other activator compounds could result in increased food production and the elimination of synthetic pesticides.”

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Yep - DGers are going to have the best gardens in 2006 with all the info we are learning!! I literally looked for months for info on this... Then, it dropped into my lap one day, near the end of the season. Decided then that I would try it, but didn't know to what extent at the time. Can't wait!

Pretty sure will combine it with winter sowing too! This is going to be an interesting gardening year!

If that info on the journals and garden diary was a little confusing, sorry. In my defense, it was late. Be glad to help in any way I can to clear it up. Basically, just jump in there and try. I have a tab in my garden diary (practicing calling it the correct name!) that has codes in it. That might help you too.

You all have fun!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! ~ Suzi :)

Canyon Lake, TX(Zone 9b)

Thanks so much, Suzi, for the info. I am going to try to figure it out. Canwe copy the stuff on here to be able sit and read so as to follow the directions? Everyone here on DG, have a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Krispi

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Krispi - you can:
...print it, if have a printer. on "watch thread" to save it, then later, go on the "my info" link to find it again and re-read it.
...put the links onto your "favorites".
... copy documents and save them to your computer.
... copy links and put them on your desktop to go back and read at your leisure.
Modern technology is great!!
D-mail me if need specifics on how to do any of the above... ~ Suzi :)

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Just to be sure, this aspirin solution - is a foliar application, or can you water the roots with this?

Thanks - Rj

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

rjuddharrison: From re-reading the articles, it appears that the aspirin water solution was sprayed on the plants foliage. However, there is one way to find out....experiment! Take two identical plants and spray one with aspirin water and water the roots of the other one. Let us know your findings!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL - I can already feel my plants glaring at me-- noooo not another experiment!!
I may work up the courage to give it a try. It's taken me months to try H202 - that I also learned here at DG. The results are still in progress.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I've been using Spray N Grow for years, then I started using H202 and Messenger. Wonder if I could just mix Spray N Grow, H202, ASA, Messenger and Plant
tea all together? Could be interesting LOL!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


I can already feel my plants glaring at me-- noooo not another experiment!!
I may work up the courage to give it a try.

Take a leap of faith! Start off with just 2 plants that are easily expendable and see how they react to being sprayed with aspirin water. What have you got to loose? Plants can be replaced....people can't.

I've been using Spray N Grow for years, then I started using H202 and Messenger. Wonder if I could just mix Spray N Grow, H202, ASA, Messenger and Plant tea all together?

First, I'm not familiar with Spray N Grow. What exactly is in it? Second, isn't H2O2 used predominately for rooting purposes as opposed to Messenger, which is used to make plants healthier & more robust thereby helping them fight off viruses & other fungal diseases? What is ASA? I use "plant tea" as a fertilizer.

Third, I am not a chemist and don't like to mix products together without knowing what type of chemical reaction will take place. The fumes alone could prove to be very dangerous. Any chemists or chemical majors out there that could answer this question, it would be greatly appreciated!

This message was edited Dec 29, 2005 8:11 PM

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

hahaha...yes it would be great if we could mix all the stuff together! The outcome would either be mutant or very fried plants..
Shirley - I intend to spary the aspirin solution on the leaves- but my curiosity is the roots.. I will probably try it as you suggest. Re the H202, I know a few people who've incorporated it in to regular waterings on some of their plants. Hmm..I have 1000 brugs to try on...I think I will do the asprin treatment on one of these guys.
I'll keep you posted!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Rj: Aspirin water is also being discussed on the Brug Forum too. Definitely try the aspirin water on some of their leaves & others on their roots and report back please! I'd be in Brug Heaven with 1,000 of them in bloom!!! Holey Moley!!!!!

This message was edited Jan 1, 2006 5:19 AM

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Gee I have 2... I'd be in brug heaven with 10!! Good luck, from what I read it sounded really good for them too! Will be looking for your update! ~ Suzi :)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Okay...I will ...I wonder if there is a temperature recomendation - when and when not to?

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Rj: It doesn't sound like you have a problem with freezing temps in zone 9a! I don't remember reading about temperature recommendations. I would think that common sense would prevail. Personally, I would not spray when the temps are below freezing or above 95 degrees, for an extended period of time.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Big smile, I was thinking of the HOT times, like over 80 degrees. I still haven't tried the experiment but hope to this weekend. I am relandscaping the front of the house, expanding the flower beds --(on vacation)
This will be interesting, because it's been so warm this winter that I've seen scaly bugs ---I am hoping the leaves become healthy enough to resist eventually.

rosswood, BC

I used willow water.Just take a few finger sized cuttings from a willow tree/bush and place in water for a day or 2 and then use the water to water the seedlings or to water seeds.Excessive watering is harmful/toxic..
I,m told that the northamerican indian used this plant for releif of headaches.The settlers called it the headache plant.Then modern? tech came along and the bayer company ended up with a copyrite after extracting the active ingredient.and then we had aspirin.Sheesh I,m getting a headache just thinking about it LOL

Gord in BC

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