How was your Thanksgiving?

There are a total of 297 votes:

It was a great holiday - lots of food, family and football!
(78 votes, 26%)
Red dot

We gathered a few friends or family, but kept it small and easy
(157 votes, 52%)
Red dot

We helped others by serving at a shelter, delivering meals, or for another cause
(4 votes, 1%)
Red dot

We don't celebrate this holiday
(16 votes, 5%)
Red dot

We went shopping!
(1 votes, 0%)
Red dot

(41 votes, 13%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

I chose the first answer although it didn't fit totally, We had plenty of food and family but no football. Also we did a family work party at my BIL's house to help him get some remodeling/fixing up done on his home. It was an excellent Thanksgiving. lots of good conversation and hugs even though only 19 were there. And the best part.. No cooking for me. I'll wash up any day! :)

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I had to go into work at lunch and work for just a few hours. DH went to his moms for a feast. I got to celebrate after work, so all in all it was a good day.

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

We had a small family gathering. Went to my sons and dil's, her parents were there. It was great, no cooking or clean up, my son said he was doing it and for us to sit and relax. We did and didn't watch any football but did watch a little of the Dog Show.

It was such a wonderful day.

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Lots of food and family, but no football.

Silver Lake, OH(Zone 5b)

Food and Family - no football, wish we had done something for someone else, how embarrassing not to have done that when so many need our help and we have so much.

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Food and family.
If we are not disposed to physically attend to other's needs, many could donate money to those charities. Wow! They are not bashful in letting you know ....enclosed is their return stub with envelope.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Lots of food and family, but no football......old movies instead.

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

No football here

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

Small family feast, it was great just to be with family! Grandpa just passed away, so We cheered up Grandma, she cooked the turkey.

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

We had horsie We ate hay. The alfalfa gravy and roasted oats were fabulous! Elliot sat at the head of the table.

Here's Kuki arguing with Damiana over who the dog is.

Thumbnail by drdon
Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

Don, you are too funny! Cute picture!!!

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

We had a small gathering and wonderful weather. We had our Thanksgiving meal outside.


Thumbnail by ACsAgapePlants
St Augustine, FL(Zone 9a)

We went to a restaurant with another couple. Sat outside in 75 degree sunny weather. I think I am in heaven here in Florida, having just moved from snowy Massachusetts. Karen

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Hope I don't see another turkey for awhile! We had a large gathering of around 45 people, I deep fried 3 1/2 turkey's, the half was a breast. we had all the trimmings and then some, with that many people the desert table was loaded, everyone brought some kind of desert. Lot's of excellant food, great people, and wonderful conversation. I love this time of Year!

Thumbnail by diamond123
Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I think it's too bad that so far, nobody chose the option about helping others, but then I remembered that at our Thanksgiving, I took turns with my cousin reminding Aunt Lisa whose child was whose, which was the mashed potato and which was the spinach, and so on. I'm sure lots of families include someone similar to Aunt Lisa, who is otherwise institutionalized.

How - and Why - do you deep fry a turkey?

xxxx, Carrie

This message was edited Nov 28, 2005 2:47 PM

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

Carrie our chuch collected and delivered food to three families and will be doing the same for Christmas.


Payneville, KY(Zone 7a)

We had a large gathering (to us) of 19 family and friends and lots of food. Very little football, as we are not a football kind of home. I did most of the cooking and would love it if others would bring food and cut down on my workload...

but for the past few years, my DH and I have talked about cooking and serving at a homeless shelter or a shelter in general. We are seriously thinking about doing that next year. We have so much to be thankful for.

:) Kathy

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

We had a little of everything...we visited my Mom in the nursing home and took treats for the nurses and staff, then we went to a restaurant for a lovely family style dinner and later visited my cousins' for coffee and pumpkin pie to say Hi! to the whole gang.

Then, of course, we watched lots of football, including Notred Dame-Stanford on Saturday and the Bengals on Sunday, so we are on a win streak now! Lots of fun for everyone.

Hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving. It's my favorite holiday. Especially when I don't cook! LOL

Memphis, TN(Zone 7b)

We had MIL and FIL come to see us. Had a wonderful turkey thanks to my husband and his frying expertise - and we had a really nice relaxing visit. We did go to Lowes and Home Depot - but no all day shopping trips.....just looking at stuff. All in all a great weekend.

Chapin, SC(Zone 7b)

We were on vacation at the beach. My husband took care of our toddler so I could have the day off. I spent 5 hours on the beach and then went back and took a nap. That night we went out and ate seafood! It was the best Thanksgiving I can remember. No cooking and a day of rest. I'll cook the traditional meal for a small group of family and friends this Saturday.

Payneville, KY(Zone 7a)

Lowe's and Home Depot were open on Thanksgiving Day?

Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

We had a bunch of men from a halfway house over. They hadn't had a homecooked meal in a while! Made some new friends, enjoyed the old ones, felt miserably full all afternoon. "Made Glutton of Myself, the rest of the day is irrelevant" should be one of the categories.

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

Everything but the football.

somewhere, PA

Hmmm... we need one w/o the football! My DH went upstairs to watch football
while everyone else played games in the living room ("everyone else" was my
family btw).

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

We had a small family gathering. After dinner us women girls scrapbooked and the menfolk and boys watched a little football and checked out each other's hunting equipment.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

For a while now I have been interested in spending this holiday serving food at a local shelter; however, I've been told that shelters have an abudance of volunteers at this time, and have a much greater need for help at other "non-holiday" times.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

It was a nice, calm, cozy day - just 7 of of the nicest Thanksgiving ever!!! As the kids get older, the Holidays get calmer....

Piedmont, SC(Zone 7b)

it was a great thanksgiving. i was at my mom's house with about 20 other family members. my mom did the turkeys and everyone brought a dish. needless to say there was PLENTY of food. afterward, we settled into the usual football and goodies from the sweets table.

my family has a tradition where we sign a certain tablecloth each year and say what we are thankful for. it is funny to look back at the years past and see who was here and what they were thankful for. my little nephew said he was thankful for passing fifth grade!!! i was just thankful that we were all together healthy and happy.

Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

We had a rather quiet day with a few friends since All our relatives live in other parts of the country. Was a good day with good (traditional) food.
LOTS to be thankful for!

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Family, food, lots of cooking and thank God, No football!

Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

Quiet day watching the fire and the snow falling crazily outside...good smells and coziness (no tv) and waiting for Friday when I got to play in the snow with the horsies.

Farmington, KY(Zone 7a)

Food, Freinds, Food, Family, Food, The Marx Brothers, Food, Abbott & Costello, Food, a nap, Food, a cold, Food, no football, Food and oh yeah food.

Payneville, KY(Zone 7a)

Yeah, but Davart, was there any food there? :)

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I had a great day, 20, including Mollymc and her son....

SCutler, you took the words right out of my mouth. I was the chef at the only soup kitchen in Ft. Lauderdale for 8 years. During the holiday season I had to beat volunteers off with a stick. But come April, June, July, etc. it was real slim pickens. Many a day I would do the cooking and try to do the serving to between 300-450. Making phone calls in-between, I eventually scared up enough servers to be able to go back into the kitchen. Oh......those were the days........ I have since to be too much for the ol' broad..LOL

Thanks for that posting...


Payneville, KY(Zone 7a)

Thanks Happy and SCutler, that's a good thing to remember and I will for sure. Gee, if I work at a shelter when the winter months when I have time off from the farm, then come time for Thanksgiving, I may not be "run off with a stick". To time to be thankful and helpful is all the time, you are right. Thanks for that reminder. God Bless, Kathy

Its great when the kids get big enough that THEY can invite the parents over and THEY can do the cooking and THEY can deal with all the leftovers and all the wife and I have to do is show up, eat, chat get the grandkids all wound up, give hugs and leave. Yes it was a sweet thanksgiving time.

Leander, TX(Zone 8b)

My DH and I cooked for 17 family members. We then watched the Aggie/Longhorn game on Friday. Shopped Friday night & all day Saturday. Then went to the in-laws that had 22 family members in town. Whew. The house is a mess but we had a great time!

Kea`au, HI(Zone 11)

We enjoyed our Hawai`i Thanksgiving at the home of friends who prepared a very fine, moist and delicious turkey --NOT deep fried, thank goodness. The best turkey we have ever had in Hawai`i was prepared in an imu, an excavated oven in the ground heated by hot stones through steam that comes from banana stalks. It's the way we do kalua pig. Very slow process, overnight, really.

This day was marked also by the safety of the family's two sons who, a year ago, were both serving in Iraq. Now they are back on the mainland, one at the University of Hawai`i and the other in training as an Army Ranger.

When did it become even vaguely good to prepare a turkey in a speedy fashion?

Looks as though Dave's Garden won't be much help for the football futures!

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey Bill, people have been deep frying poultry for about 50 yrs or more! Have you ever tried a well prepared deep fried Turkey? They are delicious! I have had turkey prepared many way's includeing the traditional and I have to say I liked them all. It didn't matter to me how long it took to cook as long as it was done. Different Strokes for different folks I guess. Never had one steamed, but you can be sure I will try it this summer when the weather is more accomodating. Aloha!

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