aeoniums wanted

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

id love to start a collection of aeoniums, and if anyone would like to trade with me or ill send a sase thatd be great! I especially like the dark coloured ones. thanks a lot!


Thousand Oaks, CA

I have a number of varieties that I can send you... some dark, some variegated, some huge, etc. Let me know.. I am constantly trimming them as they get leggy and tossing them out. BBob

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

that would be great BBob, how would they be propagated? Would it be from a leaf cutting or stem cutting? I'd love to trade you something for some cuttings. i'll e-mail you. thanks again.


I am also looking for aeoniums too,especially vareigated types and less common ones.
Please email me

Thousand Oaks, CA

I am not sure I need much in trade... yard it already overstuffed... but I can send you cutings of whatever for postage. All the cuttings are stem cuttings. I don't have a whole lot of variegateds to send (they don't seem to grow as profusely as the other types). Some grow until they get too top-heavy, fall, snap off, lie on the ground for a few weeks, and then root.. soon there's a forest of Aeoniums- yikes!

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