Shoal Creek Succulents Sale

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

This is posted in the Hoya forum, but I though you all might like to know, too.

Shoal Creek is moving and has their stock on sale for 30%-50% off. (their homepage) (sale details)

They have lots of Hoyas, Epis, Ceropegia, Stapelia, etc.....

SF Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

THANK YOU! I knew they were moving, but didn't know when. I'll be glad to have them in Tucson where I can at least visit every few years.

Northern California, CA

Thanks Mary, you beat me to it!

I got the notice this AM and promptly placed a pretty big order for little money with the half off deal.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

pekasky, you are welcome. They're moving farther from me, but oh the magic of mail order! :)

Candy, I made a pretty big order, too. And now I keep going back and thinking "oh I should have gotten some Epis, oh I didn't think about the Ceropegia..." etc. I have to stay away, now! I don't have any more room in the house for more plants this winter. I got mostly Stapeliad types (they're small).

This message was edited Oct 25, 2005 9:33 AM

LOL, I had just recieved an order from them on saturday when they had the 30% off sale. Then yesterday got the 50% sale offer and placed a huge order. Mary, like you I keep going back thinking oh I should have got this or that. So I'm just not going back to look either,lol. I mostly got caudiciforms and stapelias. Oh how I can't wait for them to get here.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Isn't that a fun feeling? I just want to tackle the UPS guy everytime I see his truck! :) Ok, it doesn't hurt that he's pretty darned cute, too!

Northern California, CA

I got mostly Stapeliad types (they're small).

Ditto Mary, that was the same reasoning, though most likely flawed, that I used. :-)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Yeah, I know. But at least for this winter they're small. At least they're pretty much contained to their pot.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Oooh I wish I could order from them. They have some awesome plants that I've been eyeing for awhile.
:) Donna

Northern California, CA

Received my order today.......good sized plants and all in great condition for a great price!

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

I expect my shipment tomorrow!!

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

I received my order today and was very pleased with what I received. I can't wait until they get settled in Arizona!


Thumbnail by ACsAgapePlants
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I got mine, too. They look pretty good, I think, for the most part.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

here are my purchases from Shoal Creek, in no particular order. Overall I was pleased with the items, but I was a little disappointed that even though I specified no subs, they did three! No biggie, they were cheap, anyway. I bought them to plant in my new strawberry pot.

pleiospilos nelii
blue spruce sedum
crassula flame
cheiridopsis imitains
tilanopsis calcarea
sedum spurium summer glory
stapelia hirsuta x. gigantea
monadenium yattanum

thanks, Mary, for sharing this shopping tip.

This message was edited Nov 12, 2005 8:11 PM

Thumbnail by vossner

I got my box a week or so ago and was extremely pleased. It was a box full of stapelias and caudiciform plants.
ANNDDD yesterday I got my second box (shame on me,lol) with a ceropegia and some epiphyllums. The epi's looked a little rough but I know they will bounce right back in no time. Overall, I'm super happy!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

So glad to see "this" I just emailed them asking if the sale was "still on." LOL Yea for you all!!

I got my box yesterday and was very pleased with the plants. Many had more than one plant - not cuttings, but rooted plants and all were decent size. I can't figure out the exact percentage off, but after deducting the postage it's pretty close to 40% off. So I guess that is between 30 and 50%. Can't wait for them to move to Tucson so they can be included in a "Tucson run."

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

I am still waiting!!!!

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

I also ordered, I'm not sure but I think I'm getting my hands on some interesting stuff. Doggone it, it's fun riding on the coat tails of those in the

best to all,

SF Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

RUK: Send them an email and ask them what's going on. It's not at all like them to not have sent your plants by now. They could be lost in the mail.

Mt Zion, IL(Zone 5b)

If it helps any - - I'm still waiting too....and my order(S) were place October 24/25th. I actually placed two orders - one the night of the 24th (which I received earlier this week)..and then I was browsing the web site early the next morning (the 25th) when several more things caught my eye. I thought "What the heck - it's ON SALE!!" so I place ANOTHER order. I'm still waiting on that one.
Overall, I was very pleased with what came in the first order but I, too, had marked "no substitutes" & got a couple anyway. No biggie.
My guess is they were (are) pretty swamped. However, a quick email inquiring about your order status wouldn't hurt.
Hope your order arrives soon! (and mine too!!)

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

I will wait for the mailman and if it doesn't arrive today I will ask them.
I guess, they must have orders coming out of their ears....

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Well I'll be waiting a long time. Because I can't place an order for
:) Donna

Issaquah, WA

Ok yall I just placed an order for 5 plants ... all stapeliads ... I HOPE!!! i dont get any subs ..but who knows!

Anyone know if I will likely get rooted plants or unrooted cuttings ?


East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

all mine were rooted

Mt Zion, IL(Zone 5b)

Mine too. All rooted and health as can be. And NO SUBs on those for me....they only sub'ed on the hoyas.

Issaquah, WA

sounds awesome ! cant wait to get the stuff in the mail !!!


Mesilla Park, NM

Well, when I saw this, immediately went over and placed an order. The order did not go through, so I called and left a message. They did call back today and I Was told that they had been having problems with the internet, so if you all have any problems, give them a call.

This is what I ordered.

Echidnopsis leachii
Edithcolea grandis
Huernia transmutata
Huernia confusa
Huernia hystnx parola
Huernia Keniensis quintita
Huernia zebrina magniflora
Ceropegia Juncea
Ceropegia Sp. Orange River #2
Ceropegia succulenta
Ceropegia arenaria
Kitchingia gracilipes
Sarcostemma insigne

They may have run out of Hoyas, I could not find them anywhere on their site.

Mary, thank you for letting us know.. glad i was able to jump on the train here.. will let you all know how/when they arrive. Also, they did say that they had 30 orders or so before mine and that they were going to get out at least 20 this weekend, then mine would probably go out late, next weekend. If that helps any for those of you waiting.


BetsyJ, I'm so glad I'm not the only one that placed that SECOND order. HE HE HE

I placed an order over the internet, but I did receive a confirmation via email, so I hope that means they've received and are processing my order. Here's what I ordered, but I told them they could substitute for something similar if they had it. I had so much trouble deciding on what to get, because it was all very cool and I didn't have anything they were offering. I do hope I hear from them soon!
Edithcolea grandis
Orbea variegata
Lithops dorotheae
Lithops bromfieldii
Crassula 'Flame'
Monadenium ritchei
Huernia confusa
Stapelia mutabilis
Stapelia scitula
Tomotriche revoluta tigrida
Adenium 'Thai socotranum'

Issaquah, WA

Pixy .. I orderd a few of the same varieties you did ... we will have to compare notes on growing them here in the northwest

Cant wait to get them


Amazing - I ordered Edithcolea grandis too and when it came it was a HUGE plant and even has a flower bud. I hope it doesn't abort. I didn't get any substitutions on 17 plants ordered. Harold

OOH! I hope Chris' and my Edithcolea grandis is huge, too! I'll just be happy if I receive anything that I actually ordered. I especially want that Adenium cultivar.
Yes, Chris, we'll have to compare notes. All of these plants are new to me, although I have lots of other succulents and cactii.

Mesilla Park, NM

OOOh, I am getting excited here too. I did not have ANYthing that they have, so, they can substitute. I did request that if they do substitute (if they could send something that will do well in hanging baskets) so hopefully that will happen.
I don't even want to go take another look.

Issaquah, WA

I am a total newbie with Cacti and succulents... So I am sure once I get these you all can expect me to be asking a few questions here and there. The Edithcolea grandis was one of the main plants that I really wanted badly .. so I orderd two of them .. Lets hope I get them.

Another one was the Orbeopsis melanantha... Dunno, that one just looks cool to me ..

With my addictive personality, sales tend to be something I avoid .. But this... oi vey .. If the plants are healthy and of good size I will have to force myself not to go back for more..


Mt Zion, IL(Zone 5b)

IT DOESN'T WORK! I tried "forcing" myself not to go back too but caved and ended up with two orders! =) It's bad enough that all their stuff is just so cool and unusual...BUT TO HAVE IT ON SALE 30-50% OFF?!?!?! Weeeeeell, I AAAAM only human after all!
Ain't that right, GSkinner?! (ha ha)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

That's funny, we all seem to have ordered the Edithcolea grandis. Mine was very big and healthy. I can't wait to see it bloom!

This sale has been so great. Part of the fun for me has been seeing what everyone else has gotten! :) I love it!

I don't know how I'm going to keep myself from taking another look.

I'm new to it all mostly, but last spring I started noticing the obvious coolness of all the little cheap succulents and cactii for sale at the home stores, walmart, etc. Then I started noticing that some of them were not at all familiar to me, so I bought a few and put them in bowl garden outside. Then I made another bowl garden. Then someone gave me a bowl garden. So now, here's about half of the collection.
Did someone say 'addictive personality'?

Thumbnail by

Here's another shot.
Can you say '12 step program'? LOL And neither of these photos includes the first bowl garden I made.

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SF Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

OK, now I'm going to make all of you newbies REALLY nuts!! Take a look at It's where you can find out almost anything you want to know about cactus and succulents anywhere in the world. Also includes LOTS of nurseries, and a list of all the cactus and succulent societies, who also have annual sales!! HEHEHEHEHEHE

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