Kalanchoe not growing...

I bought kalanchoe plants at Lowe's in late July. They were in tiny 4th of July pots, maybe two inches wide. I repotted them in 4 inch pots. They have not grown at all that I can tell. One plant has bloomed - one bloom at a time. I repotted a couple of them again last week to give them a change of soil thinking that might help. The roots don't seem to have grown either. Am I doing something wrong or is this normal for them? Two of them are in east-facing windows that get morning sun, and two are in south-facing windows that get sun for most of the day.
Here is a pic of the one poor little bloom! LOL

Thumbnail by RainGazer

Anyone have any ideas?

Since Kalanchoes are succulents, go to the cacti and succulent forum. They are the experts over there. The only thing I can think of is if the pot is not in the plants ideal growing situation, low light, etc. it will stay small for years. I container all of my succulents and during the summer they enjoy a few hours of sun outside everyday. During that time I fertilize and they grow like crazy. During the winter, most succulents go dormant and do not grow. Hope that helps!

Headed to the C&S forum now. I repotted them a couple times thinking that might be the problem. I KNOW the pots they came in were too small.
Thanks for your help!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5a)

Hello. Sorry it took me a while to respond. You should check to see if your plant is the Calandiva hybrid. I received one of these from my mother’s funeral and when I was doing some research online I found out that this plant only is guaranteed to bloom once. Check out www.calandiva.com and then the FAQ and reblooming. You might have bought yours at the end of its blooming cycle. I really dislike the fact that this company has created a plant that only blooms in "special green house conditions." This plant is considered a keepsake on the website but it doesn't really hold true to that meaning if it will never bloom again. Sorry for my rant. Hope this was a bit helpful.


Hi Jessica,
Thank you for that link. I looked there and I don't think that's what I've got (thankfully). The blooms on those have lots of petals and mine only has four petals per bloom. I don't think I'd be very happy with a plant I bought for the beauty of its blooms that would only bloom once. I'd feel rather cheated, I do believe.

(Zone 7b)

I've been given these as gifts, and could never get it to rebloom, unlike my other flowering houseplants - lots of shiny new growth and never another flower. The last one I received, I decided to do an experiment on, and have been giving it a pinch of fertilizer with each watering, and now have pitiful little bunches of 3 blooms here and there - nothing compared to the carpet of bloom it had when I got it. And mine is the single 4-petalled variety like yours. So, I'm not impressed.

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