Care for cyclamens

Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

I love cyclamens but have never been able to keep one going for very long. I'd buy a perfectly beautiful specimen from the nursery, put it in a spot with morning sun, keep it moist but not wet....and have the leaves turn yellow on me in about 2 weeks and the flowers turn out paler and smaller. How am I suppose to care for these things? Please help!

Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

I had a cyclamen last year that seemed to do well. I was a little lazy about watering it, though, so sometimes it would wilt a bit. I also didn't have it in any direct sunlight at all. I kept it in a room with northern and eastern windows. I wonder if maybe it's getting a little too much water, and if maybe your temperatures are too warm? Cyclamen like to stay under 70 degrees. Here's a link that was helpful to me with my cyclamen. I hope it helps you, too!

Good luck!

Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

That's a great link, Kelly. Thank you.

I guess the best I can hope for is a couple of years worth for my cyclamens. The temperature in our area is rarely cold enough, day or night. I will put them outside at night so that they'll cool for at least part of the time.

Valley Village, CA

They like it cool, and outside. They do not like house hear. The leaves naturally die down during the summer months. Keep them out of the sun. They need north side wall conditions. Keep cutting off the old leaves. That will promote now growth. Good luck with them, NOrma

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