Fall planting?

There are a total of 294 votes:

New perennials are going in this fall
(67 votes, 22%)
Red dot

New trees and shrubs are on my to-do list
(34 votes, 11%)
Red dot

I'm setting out some spring-blooming bulbs
(70 votes, 23%)
Red dot

Cool-season annuals are going in
(14 votes, 4%)
Red dot

I'm setting out my fall vegetable garden
(20 votes, 6%)
Red dot

I'm re-seeding or overseeding my lawn
(12 votes, 4%)
Red dot

Frost-free (or nearly so); new stuff goes in all the time
(31 votes, 10%)
Red dot

No more planting for me this year!
(46 votes, 15%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

Guess everyone's so busy setting it out or concerned with other 'very pressing matters', they voted but didn't comment. In my neck of the woods, been working on this for several months. But, I certainly understand those folks who 'want a rest' LOL.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Fall flowers and veggies going in around here. Gotta have the smell of stocks or it isn't fall.

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

In my zone this is the time of year I start thinking about what I have that I want to save for next spring. And where in the world am I going to put it all.


Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

Still too dry to consider spending any time or money on gardening. Hopefully Rita will be nice and give a shower or two. If I was irrigating I would be spending a fortune.

Bancroft, MI

I tried to select more than one but the poll wouldn't allow it. I have spring flowering bulbs going in and bushes and new perennials. The nurseries are clearancing all their remaining flowers and bushes this time of year and I just can't help myself. Just bought 8 more mums on friday (were 1.99 ea now 50 cents).....can always find someplace....and the spring bulbs...well its an ongoing project...never have enough... :)

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

I've still got a few new daylilies to plant and some perennial stuff that I'm moving around, I'm about at the end of my safe planting time. Have some bulbs that should be in this week then I'll be mulching and putting everything to bed for the winter.

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

I voted for the new trees and shrubs because you can only choose one category. Just put in 2 Japanese Maples and 2 Whitespire Japanese Birches, 2 Holly bushes, an Elderberry, and two sets of rose bush cuttings. But I've also been busy planting lots of perennials rescued from a building construction zone, and I have a number of spring blooming bulbs on order that should be here any day now.

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

I voted bulbs, but will probably be putting in some other stuff. I want to plant some carrots to overwinter in the raised bed and some lettuce to eat now, but I keep not getting to it! Lots of catcing up to do, as the summer was too dry to really do a lot of moving around. Now that we are getting some nice rain, I can get things caught up in between cold fronts and tropical lows merging over the top of us.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

I voted bulbs but I already put in a whole slew of perrenials.. (does that count.. it was in August) I planted new daylilies in Sept. and am thinking of putting in some bulbs in a couple weeks.. (didn't I say I was done for this year?? what happened?)

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

My situation is a little different in that I will be facing major expense in taking out some trees and replacing fencing. There is a strip of no-man's-land between my property and the place behind me, which is in a different city. The builder for this subdivision left a lot of "trash trees" such as hackberry and chinaberry and limbs have broken off and virtually destroyed the wooden fencing. I dread the clearing process as there is so little room between our houses to carry out the huge load of branches. But I've forged ahead and planted Swiss hard, brassicas and will have lettuce going in after this heat wave dissipates. (105 yesterday.)

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Just got these on Clearance from Lowe's... They will all go in!! And more that I had waiting :)


Thumbnail by soulgardenlove
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Except for the madevilla and the begonias.. they will all go in :)

Thumbnail by soulgardenlove
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Haven't had rain in a month and of course it rained today :) But they will go in soon.
All the one gallons were 3.96 marked down to $1. and I got them for .75 after negotiating :)


Thumbnail by soulgardenlove
Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

My lawn (or what's left of it) is in really sad shape. Fixing that problem is my #1 priority this Fall. It's hard to even see the beauty of my garden when the lawn around it looks so bad!

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

I voted for the bulbs, as I am relocated some irises now. It's a little too early to start the winter vegetable garden; the summer stuff isn't done yet. In about a month, DH might plant a couple native plants where the oleanders are dying out. Though it is pretty much frost-free here, new stuff doesn't go in all the time. Summer is the most deadly season for plants, so I don't usually plant much of anything in July, August, and most of September.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Susan, you're going to be busy!! LOL I have some bulbs to put in and also will be planting garlic now for next spring . Hopefully onions too but haven't gotten around to buying any yet. We are in the process of removing stuff that has gotten too big for the yard. We yanked out a huge ceonothus yesterday. Hubby wraps a chain around the plant trunk, around his bumper and drives off with the plant. LOL He took out probably 50 volunteer alders using this method last month. I have a flat of pansies to plant this afternoon where the ceonothus came out from. And we have the usual assorted containers nursery plants we haven't planted yet, so we might get to some of those or we might leave them in the pots one more winter. I'd like to get at least half of them in, esp the roses and peonies. They haven't been planted yet as we haven't decided where to put them.


Plymouth, MI(Zone 5b)

Our fall is being spent planting spring-blooming bulbs (we love daffodils - poor husband, I don't think he even KNEW that there was more than one kind of daffodil and now he's planted about 20 different varieties) and spreading grass seed. Our backyard is currently a giant sandbox with an occasional weed. We purchased a new home in April and have been slowly bringing the yard back under control after its seen 7 years of neglect. We have loads of maple trees and the sandiest soil I've ever seen. But on the plus side, all of our flowers and veggies that were planted earlier did great this summer. And to add extra excitement, my grass seed sprouted today! I've spent a lot of today admiring the "nursery" :)

somewhere, PA

Calypsa - congrats on the new place. My grandparents had quite a bit of farmland in
Hillsdale, Mich and I sure remember the sandy soil!!!

For me...Bulbs & a new shrub border! Plus I lost four trees this year - hit by the dry
May & June and then blistering heat of July & Aug. Two were newly planted so I should
have watered more but the other two were established. So ... trees too.

I love putting in bulbs every fall. It makes the end of winter fun - all the anticipation of
the blooms to come.


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I won't be starting any more morning glory vines. I am going to start concentrating on shade trees to plant this fall, so that maybe bits of my yard might get shade next year! Oh, and if I see an evergreen vine or two, those might also make it into the agenda!

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Well the perennials that are going in this fall, aren't really new. They've been sitting in pots in the driveway since I bought them during the summer!! One of these days I'll get everything planted, in the meantime, I have a container garden lining the top half of my drive and the path leading to the front door!!

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

Said trees and shrubs but also everything else you can think of is going in! Got two new big bed in already and more to come this Fall!!!

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

My fall vegetable crop was mostly planted quite a while back.

No room for any more trees.

Perhaps some crocus bulbs will be planted.

Rita gave some more rain here yesterday...already moist here.

This message was edited Sep 26, 2005 10:12 PM

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Just came home with some new Iris roots. They were on sale. As soon as ground dries a little they go in. We had 7" rain Saturday night on already damp soil.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I am setting out bulbs for spring and perrenials also.

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

No more planting here. Only cleaning up the gardens in preparation for winter.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Mostly perennials still going in here; but also a couple of shrubs, conifers, and some bulbs that will probably be potted when I clear out the perennials that're now in the pots. I got some good ideas for that this summer from fellow DG'ers.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I agree with gomyway. I'd like to have included more than one choice. We are planting lots of new daylilies from trading, one tree and DH is reseeding the lawn.

We don't finish up until mid December and then have the winter for traveling and armchair gardening until we can get out in mid March.

Turner, OR(Zone 8a)

I picked reseeding the lawn, because it is a must, but also plan on lots of planting! (new 1 1/2 acre property that has nothing but poison oak, blackberry and Hawthornes,,,ugh!)

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Susan (soulgardenlove)...dang girl. good deal on those Lowes plants. Funny, b/c they will negotiate. haha. I especially like the blonde plant sitting in his baby seat. haha. He is a cutie.

I answered that I am planting the fall veggies. My current tomato plants are about done in...especially since it has decided to be over a week of 100+ degrees. We had 108 the last 3 days. So my tomato seedlings are still not in the ground due to the high temps. I almost lost them when I was hardening them off...it was so hot, I lost my sweet 100 seedling and a beefsteak and a rutgers. But I seeded 2 of each but gave the other sweet 100 to a friend. darn it. I pulled up all my danvers half long carrots (they were yummy) so in that spot, I have winter squash seeds, red bell pepper seeds, lettuce seeds planted. I have one red bell pepper seedling that is blooming...a friend gave it to me about a month ago and it looks to be happy.

I'll dig up my current mater plants once the remaining few maters ripen.

I have a pansy going from seed. Having difficulty with it. Couldn't get 3 seeds to germinate, got one to germinate, but he is a slow grower. Tiny little guy with only 3 little bitty leaves on him. Anyone know if pansies are normally difficult to grow from seed? Maybe it is too hot for it? I brought it into the sunroom as well as my tomato seedlings so it would be cooler.


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I'm moving from a house into an apartment this winter, so all planting has ceased except for the amount of lawn repair necessary for half-decent curb appeal. I would love to take some of my perennials with me and keep them in pots on the balcony or indoors, but they probably wouldn't survive out of the ground... ??


Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Planted a doz daylilies this month, 50 tulips - have about 100 daffodils to go yet.

Bossier City, LA(Zone 8b)

I am planting bulbs tulips, daffodils, and also pansys.

Thornton, IL

Bulbs I got from a friend :-) and some re-arranging maybe, need new evergreen shrubs and a tree, prob not until next year, who knows?

waukesha, WI(Zone 5a)

Have about a hundred bulbs to get in, move some perennials, do some lawn maintenance, and then I'm going to sit down and read for 6 months. With a few intervals of cleanup unless I find some more bulb bargains.....I think we are due for a septic pumpout which means I have to dig out some lilies and daisies for access, so I'm shifting them to another location. The lilies are just those pervasive orange ditch lilies so if they don't survive, which they will, it's no big loss. Looking forward to not doing any more bending for a while.

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

I was looking for some perennials that bloom a long time in the shade. Thanks to DG members, I have several candidates that I am looking for now. Love this place.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I put that I'm planting some cool season annuals, but I also plan to do some bulbs. It wouldn't let me do two votes. :)

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

No new planting for me this fall. There are a few good reasons for that: I have no space left in the garden, I don't feel like starting a new bed and the house is up for sale.

I'll leave that to the new owners. I don't even know if I'll pull out the cannas and the dahlias bulbs.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Already have cabbage, broccoli, swiss chard and lettuce growing. I scattered lettuce seeds over the entire wheat staw covered tomato bed. The seeds were getting old and I figured I had nothing to lose. The tomato plants come out any day now. Also going to put in some beets in the next few days.

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

I'm getting new hostas and coleus with trades and purchases, so those are my new perennials. I had no plans to do anything this fall because of just having back surgery, but ya'll know how that goes!!

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