What's this on my purple passion plant?

Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

It looks like small brown bumps. I never noticed them before, and they're not all over the plant. Mostly just here, and a bit on another stem. Could they be scale? If so, how did they get it, and how do I get it off?


Thumbnail by ceallachg
Loveland, CO(Zone 5b)

Well I don't have a purple passion, but if I did... those look like root buds to me :)

You dont' want them to come off! :) If you were to cut off a piece, those little bumps are where the roots would grow from! :) So, this means your plant is happy and you should consider those a compliment :) Or, that's what I would say if it were my plant....

If I'm wrong, someone please step in and stop me before I do more damage! LOL :)


Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

Thanks for answering. But oops... I already picked a couple off! I was wondering if they were root buds, too, because I remember someone else had asked what their tree was doing and that was the answer. And this looks like her tree did. Why would it be forming root buds above the surface, though?


Loveland, CO(Zone 5b)

If it is wanting to trail, it would form root buds along the stems in hopes that they fall onto the soil and root...

I could be wrong, though...

We'd better wait and see if someone else can offer some wisdom :)


Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

It looks like it's forming root buds to me. They can/will form along the stem. Lay them along the soil and they will root as Sarah explains. My philodendron forms these when it puts out more aerial roots. I stick them back in the soil for extra support.
You plant looks really happy to me, too!!

Loveland, CO(Zone 5b)

:) I guess the verdict from Colorado is: Root buds :)


Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

Wow... my betta fish has blown bubble nests 3 times in the last few days, my zebra plant looks like it's starting to bloom, and now my purple passion plant is looking to outgrow its pot. I must be doing something right! At least, with those three, anyway. :) Thanks, guys!

Kelly :)

Loveland, CO(Zone 5b)

Betta bubble nest??? Do explain that one! :)


Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

Edited to say: some of the leaves on the stems with the root buds are soft and sort of wilting, which is part of the reason I thought there was something wrong with it. Is it just that the plant is devoting more energy to making the root buds, or am I overwatering it? I didn't think I was overwatering it.... Is it something I should look into further?

When betta fish are really happy, they blow bubble nests so that the female can lay the eggs there. My fish kept dying on me, and so I turned to the pet forum for help keeping my new betta fish alive (although most of the previous ones, as it turns out--now that I know what to look for--were sick when I got them). Now my little guy's not only surviving, but he's happy, too! :)



This message was edited Sep 24, 2005 7:55 PM

Loveland, CO(Zone 5b)

Huh, cool... I'll have to go scope that thread out! :)


Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

I have a question, that I'm wondering if anyone can answer?

Some of the leaves on the stems with the root buds are soft and sort of wilting, which is part of the reason I thought there was something wrong with it. Is it just that the plant is devoting more energy to making the root buds, or am I overwatering it? I didn't think I was overwatering it.... Is it something I should look into further?


New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes Kelly....

It wants a bigger pot; it's roots are getting strangled. If you you divide it, would you please think of me? They really love a bog situation.

~* Robin

Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

Hi :)

Robin, if you want some, I'll gladly send you some cuttings! I'll email you.


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