Hurricane RITA- #18 - Thread #3

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Now that she's cleared Florida, let's start a new thread for the dial-ups.

Here's where we were:

Here's NOAA:

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Rita left behind some bands that are still moving through here. My emergency NOAA radio keeps going off...noisy in the night!

Hang on Sloopy!!


Morning patischell ... Can't sleep so I'm keeping watch with you for a while. ... Elaine

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

I'm still up too. ran into someone who needs to take her meds and now i'm wide awake too. This sucker is really building fast. who knew the WC could be so entrancing. and howcum it is so everlovin' hot in the southeast today and yesterday? 90s is a bit much this late in Sept - is it not?

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

My friends in Naples said they were concerned about tornadoes. Everyone's still in my prayers -- turning in for the night, but praying myself to sleep for you guys.

Yeah, it's been really hot and muggy here. It was 98 yesterday and 96 today. Was cloudy all day today, though, but still oh sooo muggy. We had a bit of cooler weather for about 10 days, and it was so nice. Down in the mid 80's. Sure am wishing for winter! Guess I shouldn't complain about the weather though, huh? ... Elaine

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Good grief!!! Sure didn't expect to run into anybody at the hour. But glad to have the company. *grin*

I'm up for a "med break" too. Usually don't need them at night, but that radio is LOUD! I have it set for a 50 mile radius, and Lake Okeechobee is only 20 miles away, so I get all the marine warnings for the lake.

I feel so sad for the Texas people. The indecision about whether to evacuate or not is just mind numbing. Since I have never lived in a storm surge area, I've never even considered evacuating. Of course our building codes are way stronger here, and in Miami-Dade County all the houses are concrete block. Thank goodness my house here is too.

Anyway.....since Florida is so long and narrow, usually the whole state is effected so, if you go, you really have to go to Georgia. *grin*

Think I'll see if there's some yogurt in the 'fridge.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Here she goes. The eye is just now moving off the Key West radar. Won't be able to see it again in real time unntil she gets in radar range of the TX coast.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

yeah pati, and it's not like you are the only one on the road at the time either. lol - all of Florida trying to leave on about two roads... used to 'do' Daytona Beach at spring break time when the kids were little.... and then on the way home so would everybody be and at the border I-95 would grind to a halt.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

There'd be so many NY and Pa liscense plates I would wonder who was home minding the store

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

I just hope the right area evacuates early enuff. And how to know which is the area that needs to run. And *they* never do tell you when it's time to panic.

Pati, here's a blueberry one ... if you like blueberry. I know what you mean about hurricanes. We only get a lot of rain and some wind here. Frances and Ivan gave us a scare last year. That's the worse we have had. I sat out Frances and had 2 trees down (approx 100 ft. Poplor trees) almost hit the house. Went to 911 with the DH and "hunkered" down with him when Ivan came through. *grin* Ain't staying here by myself again. Just call me chicken!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

not chicken .... smart

Well, that's what I'd like to think. Anyway, I know one thing. I'd be leaving TX for sure. No one would have to be telling me to either. I just don't have anything worth it ... I don't think. I mean, I'm sure I'd feel different if it were me, but as long as the DH, my Kota girl and I could get out ... then I'm gone from there !

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

I LOVE Blueberry...thanks!

They ran a documentary about Hurricane Andrew a couple of nights ago...sure did stir up a lot of emotional feelings. That was my biggest storm. The worst part of hurricanes comes after it's all over. Back then FEMA was just getting started and no help came until the 82nd Airborn landed four days later. They set up a tent city, a field kitchen and a hospital unit...they will always be my heroes! It took almost three months to get all the electricity back on, and we had to boil water for weeks for drinking.

When help finally got there it was amazing. It usually took me 20 minutes to drive to work on I-95 and in the weeks after the storm it took over an hour.

Well, enough of this. Found a Peach yogurt and will take it to bed and read a little until the meds kick in.

Ya'll have a good night.

Yep, got to go too. My, I've got to get the DH off in the morning. He gets up at 6:30! Good night!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

so i am here worrying all by myself! ;-O

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Now you are not alone. right her by you :)

Longboat Key, FL


Do you get storms like these in Sweden?

This message was edited Sep 21, 2005 7:39 AM

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

(.....justmeLisa scratches TX off her list of new states to live....)

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh Lisa, I'd lol but that isn't as funny to you as it is to me.

Blizzards and tornados aren't looking so bad, are they?


Gulfport, MS(Zone 8a)

I hear NY is gorgeous this time of year, lol. We can be in zone denial together, lol

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

MsJen, Are you going to get out ahead of the storm?

Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

LOL at Lisa!!!

Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

Come to Oklahoma or Arkansas. We don't get blizzards every year, maybe ever 10 years but we do get tornados. And the occasional ice storm.

Gulfport, MS(Zone 8a)

You would think that i would enough sense to, right? But its not heading this way, is it?

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

No, but due to what the Netherlands have done with their dikes and gates, whe are soon gonna get there.

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

We cane get storms with hurricane gusts tho, as we had this last winter. It destoed 30 years of timbering.

edit.. it also ripped my roofwindows of leaving me with hurricanegusts in my middlefloor, had to close half the house down for a week.

This message was edited Sep 21, 2005 12:23 PM

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh my goodness, cherishlife. I really couldn't face up to tornados! That and earthquakes are the scariest! The ONLY good thing about a hurricane is that you know it's coming and have a chance to prepare for it.

My son lived in California for years, and for a time worked in Oklahoma, I worried about him so much. He used to poo-poo me about my fears, but I just told him, "That's my job, goes with the mother territory". *grin*

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

The problem isn't "if" to evacuate, it's "when".
The cardboard boxed cat suggestion - it's too hot here for that. I'm going to check in with the vets here, see if I can get my paws on cat boarding ...

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Here's the forecast models this morning. Looks like they are coming closer to agreeing with each other.

Thumbnail by patischell
Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

Pati, those are my feelings, exactly! They are predicting that this storm can bring 70+ mph winds even this far north (that happened in '83 w/Alicia), but at least we can prepare and/or leave. At least we know a hurricane is coming, way in advance.

Lisa, I really feel for you and all the other Katrina survivors! Even if this doesn't get anywhere close to you, just hearing about it must be awful for you! Don't give up on TX yet, it's a big state. You could always go further north from Conroe (as long as it's close enough for us to visit, lol).

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

yep, and that scares me. I saw what a Cat. 4 did 2 states over from us....the eye went in very close to us, we were on the good side last time. This time we are on the bad side. So even though I am not in the cone zone, I still am a little concerned.

Please try to take you kitties with you if any way possible. I saw what happened to folks who boarded their animals around here. The vets loose power, it is might not be able to get to them as soon as you'd like. They might not be as safe as you'd like them to be. There were some boarding facilities that just up and left, leaving the animals to on their own. Just something to think about..

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

I CAN'T Take them with me, unless somebody wants to find me a shelter I can take them to.
Don't think I'm some selfish animal owner that doesn't care. I TRULY don't know what else to do. None of the other vets in town are answering the phones this early in the morning. Nothing in the local news or papers about where to take them.
Unless I find a hotel & make a reservation, I'm out of choices.

This message was edited Sep 21, 2005 7:45 AM

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Angel I sent you a to Noah's wish as well as a shelter in your evac area. Thousands of people are "fostering" pets. All you'd have to do is take them in the car with you then the shelter will place them for you until you can go home.

Longboat Key, FL

You think maybe G-d is angry and she's trying to tell us something?

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

"as well as a shelter in my evac area".

Evacuations haven't even been *suggested* in my county. So I don't know that the organization Noah's Wish can even help. Looked from their website like they wouldn't help until it was mandatory evacs.

Flyboy - I think nature is an ugly beast. If "God wanted to punish us", HE would have destroyed the entire land with the same flood that Noah experienced. God is not a God of revenge, or evil, but a just and fair God. Besides, I didn't hear anybody say that when Florida had a dozen hurricanes of their own last year.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

was looking for some shelters north of Dallas, & i stumbled across this one just for cats. maybe you could call and ask them if there is one closer to you. it is called Texas Cares in Plano, TX 972-633-2287

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

I'm not going north of Dallas. It's southwest.... after driving 4-5 hours (or more if there's traffic), I dont' know how much more strength I'll have to wander around vets in the area searching.

This kind of garbage makes me want to just stay in the apartment & ride it out ... I don't want to leave them behind, but I'm running out of options.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Araness, good thinking!

Angel, My vet boarded animals for our first hurricane, but lost a portion of the kennel roof. He evacuated all of them to the Humane Society shelter and stayed with them. In fact, he set up his office there and treated injured animals for free. He was still there 3 weeks later when the second 'cane blew through. He is my hero!

Call your Humane Society and see if they are taking in "borders" for the storm.

Brad, behave yourself! LOL

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