Hurricane RITA - #18

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

We are sitting in the bullseye and are ready to leave thursday if necessary. I was out getting some supplies today and it looked like the day before Christmas, people are really getting ready for this one
I have rented a small covered trailer ( the last one available) to haul my critters out if necessary. Now it's watch and wait. Every TV and internet connection in every place were watching this one.


Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

Angelsong, ditto thanks for the coastal town names. Also Santa Fe is slap dab on the coast (home to trois & DW Barbara, plus sunnytx), and Seabrook (its_time).

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

The Mayor of New Orleans (on CNN) has just suspended the invitation for folks to move back home, and is encouraging total evacuation of the east bank. Not mandatory yet, but probably will be.

He said he has received notification of 2 scenarios, one of Rita hitting near Houston, and the other having the bulls eye just west of NO, putting NO on the dangerous east side of the storm. He's sending buses.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Here's the data from NOAA (5 pm update) about the track forecasts given to the NO Mayor:




Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

I was wondering about trois - knew he was near the coast. Don't wait too long folks - and good luck.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Trois, bless your heart for getting ready and for taking your critters with you!

I guess I better put a thread on the Florida Forum and put a link to here. Usually Sugar and Happy have already done it. I think they're both out of town.

The name Buras, LA turned up in the strike probabilities. Made me shiver, that's the name that had the highest strike for Katrina. It's SE of New Orleans.

Be back for the 8 PM update. Hang on Sloopy!!!!!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Trois, glad you are able to make preparations for the critters as well as yourselves!

They are right now discussing ALL the tracks on CNN, in great detail which you cannot see on the NOAA site. Doesn't look good, no matter where Rita goes unless she just fizzles out. NO will at least get lots of rain causing more flooding in the low lying areas if they get more than 3". Plus, most of the tornadoes spawned are on the east side of a hurricane. Sigh.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

as of 4:25 PM:
"New Orleans Suspends Reopening of City
AP - 16 minutes ago
NEW ORLEANS - Under pressure from President Bush and other top federal
officials, the mayor Monday suspended the reopening of large portions
of the city over the next few days because of the threat of a new
round of flooding from a tropical storm. "I am concerned about this
hurricane getting in the gulf. ... If we are off, I'd rather err on
the side of conservatism to make sure we have everyone out," Mayor Ray
Nagin said. "

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

It will probably not do much damage here unless it is a strong cat 4 or more. We won't have as much flooding probabilities as some other places as we have had 33 inches of rain in 24 hours with no harm done. That was about 5 years ago.
Tornados and very strong winds would be the big worry. When we had Alicia in 1982 it did little damage to this area. I was in Communications and was in this area the following day. Power outages were the problem close to the gulf. We never lost our power in Houston where we lived. Watched the entire thing on TV and out the window.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

We are going to get some woods today and board up if needed. Also going to the groceries to buy some canned foods etc.. in case if it come near this way.. DH said go and get some plywood before it run out. also foods!!! We want to prepare early so we dont have to worry about it later this week... We are about 1 1/2 hour from Houston TX.

Our local news said we re not under evucation but just board up and get things ready and watch Rita!

We are going to stay here unless it's Cat. 5 or 6... The critters and we leave! NO flood problem over here.. We re on high ground. Yes, I am same with Trois.. worry about Tornado...

This message was edited Sep 19, 2005 5:32 PM

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Hey trois! Was about to seek you out and see if you were ready for this one......will be watching for it may be your turn...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6a)

(((((Tricia and family))))))

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Trois! So glad to know you and your wife are okay and on guard. I lived in Sugar Land during was 1982! I was thinking it was 1980...but it was 82. Crazy hurricane! Lots of rain and a tornado.

I looked up Santa Fe, TX on the map b/c I thought you lived near Galveston. You do, indeed. Close to my high school rival Texas (Toxic) City. Yep, you are close to the water friend! Tell your very sweet wife hello for me! Be safe.


This message was edited Sep 19, 2005 5:51 PM

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

Thanks for your concern, everyone. Tomorrow we gather all papers and things that we must have, Wednesday pack and leave early Thursday is conditions remain the same.


Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

The Galveston officials are telling people that if they evacuate by bus, they CAN take their pets, as long as they are in cages. Good news for pet owners!

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Mini I haven't watched the news today so not sure what they are saying. We already had a trip planned so won't be here from Sat (Friday if it looks like the weather will be bad) until about Thursday. With us living right next to I-10 I wouldn't think the flooding would be a problem from either ports (Arthur or Orange) what do you think? We have a large board we can use to board up if needed but I was only planning on taping the windows if it hit this way. Can you give me some helpful hints if you've been through a hurricane before?


in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

On the local news tonight here in Houston , they have just announced voluntary evacuation for Galveston . We live in the Clear Lake just 2 minutes from Nasa and about 20 miles from Galveston. We are watching this one closely.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I am not looking forward to this. No money to stock up but we can eat beans. I will take my 2 daschunds. Linky is 15 and princess is 4. we were in Baytown for Alicia when she hit galveston. We live in Mont Belvieu now. They lost power out here for 8 days with Alicia.

Keep us in your prayers also. We are in the across the bay from Galveston. Not far as the bird flies or Hurricanes travel.

Alicia was our first as we moved to TX in 1978. We went to the beach several days after. It was horrible. Huge fish on the beach. Seagulls with their wings tore off. I could not believe that and now for a CAT 5 to hit MS. Wow it has torn my heart out to here of the devastion to the people and all their belongings. Iiving here we also have alot of it on the news and such since alot of evacuees are in Houston area.

I need to get some pictures together, incase. But more than anything my Dog food and never too early to get some water ready.
Maybe I will take my DH to work tomorrow to go get a few things. Or atleast go when he gets home.

Sandy ^8^

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

araness, do you have access to the weather channel? you need to start planning, i would think. i don't want to scare you, but i just looked up on the map where you are. it ain't good. if it goes towards galveston you will be on the north side which is the bad side. if it goes farther up you could be right in it. they are saying possibly a cat 4. (possibly) board up and anything valuable, pile up high if you can. tie everything down outside that you can or bring it in. since you are leaving anyway, that is good. naturally, take your pets with you. hurricanes can change suddenly, they are funny creatures. be prepared/not scared. tape on the windows won't do a darn thing-old wive's tale. board up what you can. if it sounds like it is really coming your way and you don't have wood, put mattresses in front of the windows and then furniture behind that. i don't know how high you are, that of course, makes a world of difference. if you are high enough that you won't get water, fill your bathtubs and sinks with fresh water and put a few drops of clorox in to keep it good. also, batteries, flashlights, canned food, you know, all the stuff you need. good luck-preparing for a hurricane is never a waste of time. 9 times out of 10 it doesn't come and so you put it all back. that 10th time, you'll be glad you prepared. good luck, debi

Debi, excellent advice. Having done this drill too many times to count, I say be prepared. It may sound like work now, but it sure beats having to deal with losses after because of lack of preparedness. It may not hit you and then all you have to do is put it back.
Good luck to all and lets hope that it heads south somewhere where nobody lives.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Saint, here are some good tips on preparing from the National Hurricane Center

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Araness.. Please get prepare and be ready..

Finally got back from Walmart.. What a crazy people over there.. The water gallons shelves's empty!!! Lucky I grabbed last 4 gallons and a big box of bottles of water.. Got lots of canned foods.. mostly shelves are half empty.

WE are too tired and tomorrow we are going buy some plywood for our windows.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh, gosh...Just catching up and reading about this newest one. I'm praying for everyone in Rita's path.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Y'know, Katrina wasn't strong over FL, a Cat 1 and then BANG! in the Gulf it rapidly went to a Cat 5. Just be wary of this one, PLEASE.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Sandy ^8^,
We'll be thinking about you and the Hunds!


Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Darius, that seems to be what everybody expects, just revs up in the Gulf. Looks like it might be a rainmaker too.

I was listening to a live feed from an amature weather man that has his tower on the Rickenbacker Causeway. He's pretty well known and has a good track record. He's saying Galveston for landfall. But we both know that this far out it's anybody's guess.

My DGD lives in Marathon, but won't evacuate....she never does. I guess when you're 20 not many things scare you. *smile*
See ya'll at the 11 o'clock update.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Trois is in Sante Fe, Texas... just inland from Galveston. I can't locate Gordonville which is Way2s locale. Gordon, yes. Gordonville, no. hmpf.

This is another wait and see how bad it gets. Hard living on the Gulf.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Yep, at 20 you re invinceable! Weren't we? LOL!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Blooms, where IS John? Usually he posts on Weather. Haven't seen him lately.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

he got sent to the woodshed for a month for agitating on some thread or other.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Ack, maybe I better watch my mouth!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

he simply won't stop when he's warned, *bless his heart* ;-))

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

has anyone got the water temps in the gulf vs the water temps in the atlantic - this often dictates the strenthining effect?

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

WC said the water in the Gulf was at 80* but seems like it would differ from one section to another

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Note: Due to hurricane Katrina, some of our web links to temperature data may not be available (listed as N/A above). The buoy data center is located in Mississippi, and they hope to have everything "up and running" as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience.

Key West looks like around 85º and CNN said today the Gulf is between 89º and 90º and not just at the surface.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

darius, that's what i heard on the water temps.

one other thing i wanted to tell araness and anybody else who might need advice. i know it's not the most important thing, but re: the plants. living in the keys, i had everything important in raised beds and large pots. when a blow was coming i would dolly the big containers to the highest spot on the property or onto the raised beds then i would lay them on their sides. better a few broken twigs than a plant snapped in half. hanging plants all got taken down and hung inside our shed as well as garden ornaments etc. if a container plant was rooted to the ground i usually left it, but i would try to rope it to other larger trees. my yard before a hurricane always looked like a giant maze of yellow rope. be safe everybody. debi

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

We should have the 11pm update soon.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

When I was in the USCG (around 1982 I think) I installed some NOAA equipment on some of our LNB's (Large Navigational Bouys) In the Atlantic, near the Cape May, NJ area. They actually offered me a job if I would leave the CG when my enlistment was up.
I have allways woundered where I would be if I took that job instead of re-enlisting, can never tell, just glad I'm not working the LNB's in the Gulf right now. Prayers for everyone.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I'd be glad I wasn't doing that job now!

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Darn, Blooms, sorry to hear about John. He keeps the place from stagnating. Hope he makes out OK in the storm.

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