pelargonium V geranium

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

hi fellow geranium fans.

I get asked this question so many times that I decided to research the said subject. Here's what I found. 3 plants are generally grouped as Geraniums. The geraniums, pelargoniums and Erodiums.

Geranium comes from the Greek word Geranion, a form of Geranos, which means a crane, as in bird, hence Cranesbill the other name for geraniums.

Pelargonium comes from the word Pelargos meaning a Stork.

Erodium comes from the word Erodios meaning a Heron giving them their other name Storksbill.

Pelargoniums were first put forward as being different way back in 1738 by J Burman. Linnaeus, the daddy of plant nomeculture, decided, in 1753, they weren't distinct enough and he called them Geraniums along with the Erodiums. around this time Pelargoniums started to arrive from Southern African and quickly caught on and because Linnaeus had such a good reputation the name stuck.

In 1789 a botanist called L'Heritier said the 3 plants should be different but it was too late as the masses had the name Geranium firmly in their minds.

so 300 years on we can fly to the moon, send emails at 3000 km/sec ........ but gardeners can't call Pelargoniums by their correct name.

lets get it right from today, please.


Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Great history Mark! But unless you get the entire population of the planet to quite calling pelargoniums geraniums I am afraid it is a losing battle. I was at the nursery today and they had a sign up that said all Geraniums half guessed it...nothing on the table except pelargoniums!

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Well how come pelergoniums aren't called storksbill and erodiums called heronsbill?? (He he! Sorry Mark....Couldn't resist!)

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

Hello, gang of botanists!!

In Greece graniums are a tradition, and a passion (pathos).
Now, although your Greek bird names are A1 accurate, what we call geraniums you call pelargoniums, what we call pelargoniums I haven't seen in your photos, what you call aromatic geraniums we only have one kind (we call it arbarorhiza and we put it in quince jelly for the aroma it gives), what you call geraniums I haven't seen around, and we don't have a clue about!! It's all Greek to me LOLOLOL!

I will send some photos because wife Eleni is a champ in geraniums (our geraniums)


Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

just letting people see this thread who came after it originally was posted.


North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

And don't forget that the Cranesbills(hardy geraniums), are perennials!!! this could get confusing????? Elaine

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

very true 1601.


Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

well, was thinking I didn't have cranesbill, but turns out that's what I got from the wildflower co-op. cool!
I'm good currently have at least one of each, but geraniums are my favorite.

Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

Pelargoniums are some of my favorite plants. I would sure like to know how to find the seeds in these so I could propagate some from seed. I have ordered seed in the past but only got 5 in a packet. Does anyone know where the seeds are? Rose in IL

Here in the UK the Zonal Pelargonium of parks and gardens is erroneously called the geranium. The true Geranium being the wild plant,locally called the cranesbill; also its garden species and cultivars.

The other true Pelargoniums grown here are P.peltatum - the Ivy leaved Pelargonium, and P.regale - the Regal Pelargonium.


"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

And garden Geraniums, properly Pelargoniums, are (tender) perennials also, although used as annuals. John

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

there are so few seeds in a packet because many species and cultivars are such shy seeders.


Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks for all this information. Especially since I thought I had a wild geranium growing in my yard and now find I am on the search again to find out what it is. I had just heard the description of this plant. But, now with the picture I am back to looking.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Kathy Herb Robert is the wild geranium I believe and if my memory serves me well!! Yes, just found a link:-

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