Plant cuttings offer

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Hello all,

As some of you know, I've been pretty overwelmed with situations in my life lately. I've had a huge lack of energy, and I seem to have lost the desire to work with my plants the way I should. I water them only when they are drooping, poor things. Recently, I lost a table fern, a potted mint garden, and it looks like I might lose my daturas. I've been blaming it on the heat, which has been 100 degrees F, and over.

Today, I looked up, and noticed that my golden pothos is getting loooong tendrels that hang from the porch overhang, almost to the top of my cast iron plant. It needs pruning terribly, but I don't seem to have the energy to fool with the cuttings. The same goes for my spider plants. Now, I don't have tons, but I do have enough to give 5 people a long ivy tendrel, and a few spider babies. I don't need shipping or SASE, just someone to take care of them, since I seem to lack the energy it takes to do it myself. I can send them to the first five people who are interested.

Thanks so much,

Floyd, VA(Zone 7a)

ding ding ding ding ding...I've been looking for some more houseplant type schtuff... and my mom is jealous of the spider plant cutting I already have so I could share that with her and make her day :-)

On a personal note:
I dunno what your situations have been lately but I sure do hope things look up for you soon!!!! :)

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, things are already better. I just need some time.

I'm happy that you can share with your mother. What a nice surprise. Just Dmail me your address, and I'll start cutting. lol

one taken, four to go.....

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

What type of Spider plant are they?

Ridgeville, IN(Zone 5a)

I was wondering the same thing....if they are the regular spider/airplane plants....or curly....or reverse.....or something else?


Floyd, VA(Zone 7a)

hah good lord you can tell I'm new to this gardening/plant thing...I didn't even know there were multiple kinds of spider plants!! haha :)

Thanks, and I"ll dmail ya here shortly....

Hamilton Sq, NJ(Zone 6b)

I sent you a D-mail


Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I have the varigatied kind with green middles and cream color edges, also the kind with cream middles and green edges. I have a few Hawaiian. My solid green is starting to put out shoots but so far, no babies. My curly one hasn't gotten any babies with root starts yet. What I have most of is the green middle, cream edges.

Nothing spectacular. That's why I'm not asking for shipping or SASE.

Ridgeville, IN(Zone 5a)

you have mail! ;o) Jenny

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Four down, one more to go. Any takers??

Marion, IN(Zone 5a)

I will take them if no one else does....


Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Looks like it's yours. You can just Dmail me your address, and I'll get those sent this week. I was waiting for the holiday weekend to pass before I started cutting, because I was thinking it might slow shipping, but now, I guess I better get out there and start cutting. lol

It looks like they're all taken. Thank you for helping me. I know they're just common plants, but I just didn't have the energy to deal with them, and it would have made me feel guilty to throw them away. Thanks again,

I would be happy to take some, and would also take some to start for the Katrina new plant effort being discussed in that forum.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I have just enough for one more. Just Dmail me your address, and I'll send it to you.

Looks like they're all taken.

Marion, IN(Zone 5a)

jdee, Sorry I didnt get back to you in time to get those plants, I got sick and wasnt on here for a few days. Thanks for the offer.


Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Karen, you can still Dmail me your address. I have some cuttings that aren't as long as the ones I sent out, but will soon get there. You're welcome to them.

Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)


Start taking some B Complex and Royal Jelly. You'll be yourself in no time.


Floyd, VA(Zone 7a)

Just wanted to publicly thank you :) I received a good bit of very healthy cuttings and have shared with several people! Hope all is well with things down that way..


Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

You're very welcome, and thank YOU for finding them a good home. I'm very glad you're enjoying them. Things are great here. DH and I are getting ready to go to Hot Springs, Arkansas for our anniversary. I'm really looking forward to it.

crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hope your feeling better Jennifer


Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you for asking. I have good days and bad. Monday, I have a Dr appointment, to see if it might be a good idea to get back on my antidepressant medication. Maybe that will help. Something has to. lol

Thanks again,

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