holes in my brussel sprouts & cabbage leaves

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

help!!!!!!!!!!!! my brussel sprouts mostly and my cabbage leaves are being eaten. I can't see what's doing it. I had planted 2 hyssop herbs by the cabbage plants, it said they repelled cabbage butterflies. The one's nearest to the plants seem to have less holes. however, the brussel sprouts i didn't plant this until just 2 days ago, after the many holes and almost complete destruction of several leaves. what is causing this? how can i deterr them? i have marigolds surrounding my 2 small veggie gardens. anything else i'll be glad to try.


Santa Barbara, CA

Check the underside of the leaves, looking for the small caterpillers (inchworms and others). Hand pick. Also look for small clusters of yellowish eggs -- rub off. If you wish, you can buy some B.t. dust (Dipel brand, for example) and either dust the plants or make a spray and apply. The biological control works but degrades in sunlight so you might want to repeat every week or so as long as there is a problem. Harder chemical treatments will kill off the predators and parasites that naturally keep these under control.

New Paris, OH

Look for "frass" (worm poop). if it green the catapiller is still actively feeding and should be above the frass. if it black it was deposited some time ago and the worm will elsewhere other than above the frass (but still on the plant). The like to hang out on the undersides of leaves. On cabbage they get under the outter leaves and into the young leaves in the middle. On B sprouts they can be about anywhere.

The companion plant unless it is touching the cabbages et. al. won't do a whole lot of good. And remember the repell but do not stop the moths.

If you hand pick off all the worms and eggs and put a row cover over the plants you should have no more problems. Or you could try Dipel (Bt)

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