Brugmansia as houseplant?

Ridgeville, IN(Zone 5a)

I just got my first brug, and I didn't know if you could grow it as a houseplant in the winter months, or if it must have a dormant period. Does anyone grow a brug as a houseplant? What are your growing conditions? Thanks. Jenny

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

You can grow it as a houseplant, but they really attract spider mites and whiteflies during the winter indoors.

You can combat those, if it suits you, with a Systemic insecticide.

The best location to grow them, if you must, during the winter indoors is in a bright and somewhat cool place.

It's much easier, (if you have more than one, especially), to let them go dormant or semi-dormant.

I put mine in our basement furnace room under fluorescent lights. They still grow leaves, but they're sub-standard, (in my opinion) and usually need to be cut back before you take them outdoors again in the spring/summer. I only need to water them, say, once or twice a month when they're in the cool basement room.

They're very forgiving plants when you let them go dormant.....they need to be fussed over a bit (in my opinion) when you try to continue to grow them on indoors.....besides that...they grow so large and it seems that when growing indoors they get quite lanky.

Hope that helps.

Ridgeville, IN(Zone 5a)

Thanks Nan. It would actually work better for me to let them go dormant. My sunroom gets packed enough the way it is in the winter. Could I just put it in my basement for the winter? It's dark, cool....about 50* consistantly.....Should I cut back and just store the roots? Or keep it potted? Your thoughts? Thanks so much! Jenny

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Jenny ~ I'm with Nan.....dormancy really is the best option in our zones. There are no problems like pests to contend with, and I have tried it both ways. The brug I kept as a houseplant became lovingly known as the Spider Mite Hotel. Too much stress for me.
Just drag the baby into the basement as is, in the pot if you can is the easiest, no cutting back is necessary. Just like Nan said, give it water once every two weeks or so. You will be happy come spring when she begins to leaf out all over again!

Ridgeville, IN(Zone 5a)

Thanks Jackie. Sounds easy enough! :o) You think it will be ok in the dark? Or do I need to hang grow lights? Jenny

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Good morning Jenny!, yes, dark is fine.
I was worried last fall, but, boy am I glad that I tried it.
Good luck!!

Ridgeville, IN(Zone 5a)

Wonderful!!! Even better! :o) Thank you!! Jenny

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

oOpS! Sorry, Jenny....I had forgotten to 'watch' this thread, and I meant to!

Jackie's got you on track, though!

I do keep mine under lights, (have never tried them in total darkness!) but I have one or two that have been in 'less than ideal' light conditions and they do Jackie's tried it and it works, then there you go!

Just be sure not to feed it during the time you store it.

Cutting back will be your choice....I have to due to space issues (the ceilings are only so high!)
If they do grow a bit during the winter, you might want to cut back that growth in the spring.

Ridgeville, IN(Zone 5a)

Thanks so much Nan. Between you and Jackie, you have me feeling much less overwhelmed. ;o) I sure appreciate it! Jenny

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Forgot to mention...the 50 degree temperature should be *perfect* for that dormant period...but be sure to keep the soil relatively dry so they don't rot.

Ridgeville, IN(Zone 5a)

Definately. ;O) I think I"m going to print this thread.....just so I can look back at it over the winter. :O) Thanks so much! Jenny

Cedar Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

zone 8a, sunny Texas: I'm thinking about options for Brugs I just aquired; four that are setting buds and or just blooming now. I have a greenhouse where I keep tropicals for winter. It is 12' X 24', 7' tall. I keep night temps above 65 F and frequently during the day, in winter, even with ventilation and fans, especially bright days, temps get up into 80s and 90s. My gardenia and many tropical Hibiscuses bloom all winter (unless I get the spicermites under control too late!!!!). Sun goes behind a 2 story SW wall around 2:00 and gh is pretty shady by 4:00.

I have a not too bright (only one window, south facing but drapped), heated garage that rarely falls below 50F in winter and frequently gets up in the 70s and 80s on sunny days. And also have 4 Bloom Houses (7' x 7' x 7') kept at varying temps depending on plants stored in them. This winter I'm using three for huge, potted hibiscuses so temps will be above 65 at night. One I'm reserving for container plants that need some protection from freezing but not heated unless temps get below freezing. This one will be in pretty sunny area but with shade cloth. All will be at the mercy of high daytime temps when days heat up during winter eased only by small fans.

So with these options what would youall do for winter storage?

Since I'm not putting the huge Hibs and gardenia in big gh this winter there will be some space for at least a couple of Brugs.

Also, I assume that I can go ahead and pot up the cuttings that I have rooting right now and let them grow during winter in big gh. Is my thinking right on that?
Many thanks, geekgranny

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