Clivia Minata

Ridgeville, IN(Zone 5a)

I just got a good size clivia minata in a trade......Hi Randy! :O) I've been reading about care instructions online and in a few of my houseplant books. I'm finding somewhat conflicting information about lighting especially. Some say shade....and others say high light for said morning light. I also read too much sun will scorch the leaves. I'd like to hear from others who personally grow clivia as a houseplant.......what lighting conditions do you give your clivia? After all the reading I've done, I was considering a north window exposure.

And the potting medium? Right now I've got it in a rich organic potting soil, mixed with perlite. I read that it should be in a rich well draining medium. But then I read that it should be in a sand/peat/bark mix.

Jenny....who is confused about clivia. LOL

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow, good for you! That was a terrific trade.....those things are pricey $$$ when you have to shop f/a greenhouse! Good luck! One grower told me that they're really easy once you learn their needs.....=)

St. Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

I think either of the potting mixtures you mentioned will be fine because sand/bark and pearlite both drain well. Just be careful not to overwater - especially in the winter when it goes through a rest period. In the winter I basically ignore it and give it only a very occaisional water. The fleshy roots actually store water because in Southern Africa they have a dry season and that is how it makes it through.

The leaves definitely will scorch in sun if you put it out doors at all. Indoors you are probably OK with sun although the nicest I have ever been is to give it an east exposure with no direct sunlight.

I know your plant will do just fine on a north exposure but I bet it would bloom better with a little more light. As long as you don't rot your roots it is as tough as nails - and what the heck if you find it isn't blooming in the north window you will still have attractive leaves and then you can move it somewhere else next year.

I was looking at my Dragon Tree cuttings today and sending them green vibes to grow some roots!

Good Luck!

Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

Jenny here is a pic of one of my clivias. It has been in a southern exposure picture window for years now. About every other year I divide it and make new plants. I use just plain potting soil of a good grade. I water about once a week. As you can see my cats like to chew the edges of the leaves. Anyway it gets sun or very bright light all year. It blooms a couple of times a year. This is such an easy plant to grow. It doesn't seem to mind too much water once in awhile or too little sometimes. The one problem I have had is scale a couple of times. A yellow clivia is on my wish list but it is way too expensive. Good luck with yours, I know you will enjoy it. Jenny

Thumbnail by sh1025
Ridgeville, IN(Zone 5a)

Thanks for all the good tips. I'm at least glad I have it potted up properly. :O) I've got to say, when I first saw the roots, they somewhat remind me of orchid roots. When I first got my orchids, I had them in too much sun and scorched the I know what that looks like, and I'll keep a close eye out for that on the clivia. Sounds like a pretty easy plant to care for. Thanks everyone! ;o)

Randy, it shouldn't take too long for your Dragon Fruit to root....especially the one with arial roots already. Did you put one of those roots into the soil? I first told you that I've had mine for over a year.....I was wrong, I looked at my plant tag again yesterday, and I've only had it about 10 months. When I got my was only 1 start, and only about 1/2 the size I sent you. Once these things start growing....they grow like mad. LOL


St. Paul, MN(Zone 4a)

I did. So I am looking forward to it taking over my living room once it gets going. I saw pictures where they grew them up poles and then let them do a medusa thing at the top. I think I'll try that. I wonder if I will be able to fruit it? Maybe if I summer it outdoors. I'll post a picture once they get going.


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