Weegy's excess iris part II

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

How about offering your daylilies to the people here!!!?? You won't beleive the response you'll get!
This is the first year I've really divided quite this heavily. I have a couple coming down on Tuesday to help me, their pay is whatever they want of the iris's. I hope to finish up this offering this week. Winnie, I still owe you 2 boxes, is that right? I won't be done digging up for quite a few weeks. I have some LA's that need to be moved and also some intermediates that need to be thinned, (I didn't forget those of you who want intermediates, will get those to you next week!).
Glad you're feeling better.
If anyone sent postage and hasn't gotten a box in the last few weeks, please don't hesitate to let me know, I've forgotten 2 people already and it breaks my heart. Thanks guys for your patience.

Celina, TN(Zone 6b)

I thought I might offer some of the ditch lilies for postage. Yes I am down for two more boxes. Will try and get the postage for the last box to you next week.
I have a few LA Iris.
What are the intermediate Iris?

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

The flowers on the intermediates don't stand as tall as the tall bearded. If you want some of those there will be plenty, they are really crowded.
I could send a box of TB's and a box of intermed's if you want. Let me know.
Yeah, do offer your lilies (what are ditch lilies?) here at Dave's...you'll never throw another plant away!

Loganville, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi, I don't mean to be such an iris idiot but what is the LA iris? I have the lovely TB that a really neat person sent me and I have a few Japanese Irises that are growing like crazy...but don't know about the rest. Can you explain what LA and intermdiates are for us unexperienced iris growers? Thanks!!

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Intermediates are just like TB's but they're shorter, Louisiana's have long slender leaves, they like water, they can live in bogs and the flowers are a little different than a TB, they're very tall...see if the plant files has a photo for you, I tried to send you one of mine, wouldn't go through, darned dial-up!
What really neat person sent you iris's????!?!?!?

Look in the plant files and see if you can find Rhett, Red Velvet Elvis or Captain Gates, those are a few that I have that I can think of off the top of my head.
Hope that helps.

Augusta, AR(Zone 8a)

Oh my gosh Loiuse! I went to the post office this morning to send off some packages, and my postmaster brought out a huge box for me. I looked at the name, and guess who it was from? You got it. That was the fastest mailing I believe I have ever seen! You sent them on Saturday, and this morning I am getting them. Whew. So I took them home, opened the box to all the great irises you sent. They just get coming and coming. I am so thrilled with what you sent. Christmas has came early for me this year! Thanks so much for everything Loiuse. You have truly made my day =). Bless you girlfriend. Sheila
p.s now to look em up to see what I got..oh boy =)))

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Louise, recd. both box's this morning. WOW, so many!!
Planted all of the named iris late this afternoon, after returning from driving my young man home from work. I am a volunteer driver for our cty.
Will get the rest in the ground tomorrow before my board meeting.

My very deepest THANKS for all the iris. Will look them up probably when the snow flies here.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

You are so very welcome, I hope you enjoy. You're right, that was fast, even I'm amazed!
I am so glad to do this for you, it keeps me from throwing the poor things away. This is a business for me, but if I can make nice people happy and not have an excess here for me to deal with, well, that makes me happy. Enjoy, and all I ask for is pictures!

Augusta, AR(Zone 8a)

You bet Louise! I will send you pics as soon as I can. I don't have a digital camera, but I can use my moms.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

I'm mailing out 10 boxes today, if by the middle of next week, you haven't gotten anything from me, please let me know. I've already had 1 person that never got hers and I don't want that to happen. Seems I mailed it, it never made but please let me know, I don't want to miss anyone, especially if I cashed your check, I only cash them once I've mailed. Thanks guys.
THIS OFFER IS NOW CLOSED... as it is getting late in the season for alot of you. (And I am beat!)

Chapin, SC(Zone 7b)

Hi Louise,

My iris came today and what big, gorgeous plants! Thank you, thank you, thank you, I can't thank you enough for your generosity. I'll post a pic after I have them planted.

Question: the one that has side "roots " about the size of quail eggs - can I take those off and plant them separately?

Thanks again,


Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Yes, you can Leslie, those are the babies, the one they're growing on is the mother plant. She won't bloom again but will make more babies so I don't throw her away. I'm glad they're all ok and have fun planting!
You are very welcome!

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi Louise..................I received the box of irises Saturday but have had a bad headache and didn't get on DG to tell you. Thank you so much! As soon as the rain we are getting from Katrina stops I'll plant them. The box was ripped open on one end but there were several corms in it.

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!


Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Cathy, I wonder why the box was ripped open. I hope they're all there. I can't tell you how many I put in, but there were a bunch. Enjoy and be safe.

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