Ok, not the best photo, but look!

Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

I had to take this photo with my cell phone, because my camera's not cooperating. But I found this at Home Depot. It's a Jewel Orchid. It's non-toxic to cats, and the foliage is amazing! It's a very fine velvety leaf, almost black, with pink veins running through it. How funky! It's supposed to be easy to care for, likes low light, and blooms once a year in the winter.

Kelly :)

Thumbnail by ceallachg
Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

I saw these in a local nursery this weekend but they were very small with only 2 or 3 leaves. They were beautiful though. If they had been as big as the one you got I would have bought one too. The leaves are beautiful, aren't they? Wonder what the flower is going to look like? Can't really tell from the photo...how big is yours?


Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

Funny you should mention size, because I initially saw one twice the size of this one in a hanging basket, and almost bought it. The hanging basket was $20, though, and this one was $7, so I figured I could be patient. :) This one is about 5 inches high and about 8 inches across.


PS: Here's a link to a great photo that shows what it looks like with the flowers.


Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

The flowers are amazing.........simply because of the sheer number and LONG lifespan. I have this plant all over the place.......keep breaking it up and sticking it places. When outside, it thickens up with lovely rosette growth, and the colors intensify nicely.

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Is there a trick to getting them to bloom, or is it a matter age that gets them to bloom? I got one in trade in the spring and am so anxious for it to bloom. What fertilizer is best? Lou

Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

Very pretty! If it does well outside in TX it would probably do well outside here. Still...the ones I saw were really small and I'm fighting this gigantic grasshopper invasion right now. You found a prize! I've been prowling Home Depot and Walmart lately but haven't found anything really interesting.


Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Lou, I fert. mine about every 3 waterings w/orchid fertilizer. They bloom in late winter/early spring. The blooms, however, last for WEEKS. The more growth you have until then, the more blooms you'll get. My plant, for example, spread about 2 feet across. When it bloomed, there was a 2 ft. span of flowers. Stop you dead you in your tracks.......=)

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Thanks, for the info. Will get orchid fertizer and hopw to see blooms soon. Lou

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