What houseplant are you displaying on your outside table

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

I choose plumosus fern or vine,not sure which to call it,seems to be both at the momment.
Has anybody seen it flower and grow black berries?

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

That is a different fern. It's cool!
:) Donna

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

One of my favorites, too, Tropicman....I've got one in a hanging basket in an apple tree.

Donna...they're not 'tehcnically' ferns...even thought they're commonly called Asaparagus ferns....that one in particular is Asparagus plumosus.

I don't have a table, but a front and rear deck where I place plants outdoors for the summer...then of course you've gotta have a few by the front door.

My Acalyphas love it outdoors and they really 'color up'.
This one's by the front door.

Thumbnail by Nan
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Nan, the Acalyphas is really cool looking. I have some in my hanging baskets.
:) Donna

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Acalyphas,I'm not familar with these,very pretty and tropical looking as well.these come in other colors?How big with they get?
I have a small croton collection,and this is something I might plant with for a contrasting foliage .

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

They're very colorful...and actually pretty easy. Most of them are along the red/orange/green combination of color schemes...but there are a few that are also green and white only.

Their leaf shapes and colors change in the winter while they're indoors (except A. wilkesiana....it's leaves stay the same shape, new growth just isn't as large.)

I can try to root a few cuttings....I only have luck with cuttings during the heat and humidity of the summer...so I'd better get to it!

I have a few different ones...will try to get a 'group photo' and post in a couple of days.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Thats fascinating the leaves and color changes during the winter time,this should be very interesting plants,
Are they loved by any insects such as spidermites of white flies?

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

They do tend to attract spider mites *if* they're allowed to dry out completely.

I keep mine in a south window during the winter (even *that's* not enough light to suit them, it seems, although they do still thrive there....they just lose some color), so the potential is there for spider mites, but I find that keeping them well-watered helps deter them.

I've never had a problem with whiteflies on them, and I've grown them for several years.

The Acalyphas grown primarily for the 'foliage' are much easier to grow indoors than those grown for their 'flowers' (Acalypha hispida).

I know others do grow the A. hispidas indoors, but the spider mites 'do them in' for me...I've never been able to keep one in good condition.

The 'foliage' Acalyphas do flower, their flowers are just not as 'showy' as those of A. hispida.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Tropicman, I just happened to see this thread. That fern in one we always called a Florist's Fern in Miami. It is the MOST invasive plant you can imagine there! It almost strangled out 150' of Surinam Cherry Hedge, climbed (unnoticed) up the front of my house and grew under the roof which had to be replaced. .

Those berries never die. I have lived here almost 3 years and this year one came up in a potted palm I brought with me from Miami. I don't know whether to laugh or cry...I love the fern, but I'm afraid to turn it loose again.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Not to mention those little thorns they have,sharp!!!!
Well being a pot plant,I don't have that worry.
But I like the lacy look it has,and the color of green,almost a chartrusse.
Nan,I think I check some out at the local nursery!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Isn't it a terrible thing when what you think is a beautiful little blessing becomes a horrid little (or big!) curse?!

I'll try to get a few cuttings and start rooting them if you should not be able to find any, Tropicman.

As I'd said above, I've only had luck rooting them outdoors when the weather is warm and humid....so if I don't get 'on top of it' now, it'll be too late!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Thanks Nan,
Well it's defineatly hot and humid here as well!!!

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