Seed Snatchin' XIII...First Recon Mission

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Blaine don't you dare!!!!


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Well, that's what I get for doing yard work all weekend. I was really sorry to read of 8ft's decision to leave. I hope he hasn't gone yet, so he can read this.

Blaine, I would never try to talk you into staying just because we will all miss your wonderful posts or all the smiles and chuckles you offer. If this is something you really want to do, they we owe it to you to let you go without making you feel guilty about it.

However, if you are bowing out because you were chastised for being yourself, I have to make an arguement for staying. My whole life I've been either a bit of levity in a person's life... or a thorn in the side of those who cannot tolerate 'inappropriate behavior'. I've had more disapproving looks than Lady Godiva.

At the age of 58, I've decided that the smiles I bring some folks makes it worth ignoring the disapproval of others. They've got a right to feel the way they do, but they can always chat across another fence or eat at a different restaurant (I play with my food).

If you are still around DG to read this, why not just leave your membership in tact and see how it feels to not visit here for awhile. If it is a relief, let it roll by. If you feel a piece of you is missing, head on back. While life is just too short for petty squabbling, it is also too short to lose good friends.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Honey, you just tell me who needs a good talking to and this big girl will take care of it.. Blaine.. just hang out here, where you belong...with the sexy people!! Not the mean ones!! :)


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

He'll like that! LOL. His DM and Aunt are still on DG. I hope he moseies on back.
I believe you have the job Susan!

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

Cleome seeds from Extension office's teaching gardens -- SNACHED


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

That'll teach 'em, Mysticwill!

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

OK I have to admit -- our extension President said I could...... LOL! She was alos cleaning up the gardens so I cam home with some verbina too...

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Blaine's Subscriber circle is missing... :(

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Bummer.... :( We're going to miss him around here. I hope he comes back later on.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Poor Dyson, oh but we picked up Rj, or Randy from Houston.
We need a couple of men in the fray.
Art,(artcons) is the most organized professional snatcher I've read of. Susan is good, But Art is artfull!
Read his post Aug 22 & 23 here
I'll send Idgit your post Weeze.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes, I'm here. I'm a fan of seed snatchin! I've found a great area for seed snatchin. I've been taking the dog for walks, and have been exploring the alleys- I snatched an unknown EE right in the middle. I've also discovered what I think is a climbing Hydranga - There are plants growing in the alley, plotting a snatchin this weekend. Not sure if this shortcut will work, but had my camera on hand - I've never seen this plant before, and it's climbing up a fence. Leaves sort of look like Hydrangea..or however ya spell it.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

It's neat. You NEED some of that!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I think so! Never seen anything like that one before! It looks like it's in a pretty heavily shaded area too.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

OK, everybody... get on the bus. We've pretty much picked this thread clean of seeds, slips, bulbs and roots... so over to Seed Snatchin' XVI:

Augusta, GA

I have found my soulmates! Hello everyone! Last month I helped myself to brugmansia, sedum and phlox from my granddaughter's orthopedist office and the Sunday after spent 3 hours in Lowes...but I had'nt learned to go prepared. I asked for a small plastic bag but came home with many varieties that I didn't remember a day or two later. I guess it depends on how busy the fall and winter are on how much gets planted. I will have a lot of 'surprise" planters for sure. In the past I have spent so much money (especially in relation to our income) for plants and garden stuff.. All the birthdays Christmas Mother's family knows what to buy...but even marked way down the prices just makes me sick. Especially after you get into trading and "snatching". Sometimes I feel a little guilty, but I never take anything but seed pods and any broken branches on the floor. I've done that is Wally mart too. We have semi-annual plant trades here in Augusta. I looked forward to the fall one last weekend for months and months but then had to back down. The weather had been so hot and dry I was concerned about dividing perennials and so I waited but the weather did not break. Decided it was wiser to wait till spring.

You have, indeed, found your soulmates! I love it that you actually asked for a plastic bag at Lowe's! That is great! I usually just stuff seeds in my pockets then forget that they are there. My washing machine is full of them, I'm sure!

Now don't forget to 'get on the bus' by using the link Weezingreens provided . See you at the next stop!

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

I found this thread tonight - what a treat! Way back to defoecat's rocks - when my mother lived in Kentucky she had gorgeous bluestone rocks scattered all over her yard. She kept telling me that one of these days she was going to use them for something, but I knew she wouldn't - they were already talking about moving when my Dad retired. Each trip (4 or 5 a year) I would "pack the car" early in the morning that we were to leave, and load a few up. After 8 years, she never did anything with the rocks, and I had enough to edge in my shade beds.

I admit to dumpster diving at the expensive garden center down the road (I knew the black truck would come in handy someday), pinching seed heads (smoking can be a good thing - cigarette plastic makes a great temporary home in a purse), taking pinches off my neighbors vines that hang over my fence, and a multitude of other "sins". If I weren't raised southern baptist I might have to go to confession :)

Most of my plants have come from neighbor trades, sales, or the neighborhood plant-fest in the summer. We use poker chips to determine "worth". A big potted tree or shrub is a $10 chip, down to two packs of annual seeds for a $1 chip. You get chips for what you bring, and spend them for what you take. The trades are due on Friday and we spend Saturday sorting and labeling. Plant picking start at 2pm on Sunday. Luckily, we have some great neighbors with beautiful gardens. I had two great hauls at the same snooty garden center's fall clearance sale... two full jeep loads without breaking the bank.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, you're definitely a kindred spirit, all right! I like the way your neighborhood plant fest works with the poker chips -- great idea!

Please join us on thread #16! (link above)

And browse through some of the previous threads if you get a chance.... there are some great stories!

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