Need Help with seed sharing Idea

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

We are a group of Native plant gardeners and we would like to have our seeds in a central place, a bank of sorts, and have the members take according to what they need.
This would have to be organized and would take some work. Have any of you done something like it and how did it work out?
Any feedback would be greatly appredciated.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


Have you ever been to a marina store? Many have used books. The concept is, take a book, leave a book.

The same could be done with the native seeds. For instance: you could be the seed bank. Maybe get someone at DG to sticky note a thread, say, in the Texas forum, that has the native seed listing.

Someone looks at the list of "in stock" native seeds, checking at the same time what is needed to keep the supply stocked. Let's say, I have seeds to put in the supply, I send them to you in a bubble pack. Included in that bubblepack I would put a stamp and self-addressed label for you to send me specified seeds.

You, the seed bank, would take out the received seeds, slip in the requested seeds and ship them back to me in the same bubble pack with my label and stamp.

You would then update the "sticky" thread with the newly arrived seeds and reduce the stock by what was sent to me.

This procedure could be outlined in the sticky thread so no one would expect any seeds without send seeds, postage and a label first. The seed bank requirement could be limited to "Native" seeds only.

Just a thought.


Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Hello Molly, that sounds like a great idea, I will present it to the group and see what they have to say.
Thank you very much for the suggestions, I will let you know what they say.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

You are very welcome.....:^))) Happy to help.

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

Hi Josephine,
Don't forget that you need a storage place that is cold, dry and bug/rodent proof.
And develop a time span for keeping them. What happens to seeds you have in the bank if no one requests them after 2 years, 5 years, etc...??

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Hello Caron, Yes there are many considerations, and it is starting to look like a lot of trouble, we are still in the thinking stages, people are raising a lot of questions, and we don't know if we could keep everyone happy, it may just be more trouble than it is worth.
I guess when leftover seeds aproach the end of their shelf life we could offer them to the members in general so they would not be wasted.
As I said we are kicking this idea around and see it it holds up.

Seattle, WA

This link may be of interest to you.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Josephine--Let me know if you need help with this!

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you Debbie, we are still thinking whether it is doable.

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