OK, got some silly newbie questions :)

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi guys, I have been following this forum but don't think I have posted before, but I have a couple of questions.

A friend of mine sent me 5 wandering jew "starts" I guess..... they don't have any roots to speak of, so what do I do with them? I have some Rootone here, do I just Rootone them and stick them in the potting soil, or do they need to be water rooted? I have no idea what to do with them.

She also sent 2 Spider plants, they have soome roots though so I am figuring I can just put them in their pots right??

LOL Sorry to be asking such basic questions but I really have no idea


The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

You can do either with the "wandering jew". Water or potting soil.
Your choice.:)

The airplane plants just pot them up and stand back.

Both are pretty easy so they should do great either way.


Edited :I've edited to not be offensive,it is the common name of the plant.

This message was edited Jul 31, 2005 12:10 AM

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks MsC. I just wanted to make sure :)


Buffalo, NY

please do not call a plant "the jew."
it's really offensive

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm so sorry to have offended you. It was not intended to be offensive in anyway. "Wandering Jew "is the common name of the plant and I did not mean anything offensive with my shortened name in the post.

I have edited my reply with the proper common name.

MsC :)

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

For the record, I think it's a shame that "political correctness" extends to everyday plant "laymen's" terms. MsCritter is a fabulous socially conscious individual.........I often call my "wandering jew" the same, and in 'net lingo, we're often looking for quick abbreviations.

Aside, Woofens, all I ever do, and DID last night as a matter of fact (lol), is just stick the stems of clipped wandering jew into potting mix. No babying, no hormone, just watering. It's unbelievably easy. The more you pinch/clip and stick, the thicker it'll become.

Same with the Airplane Plant.........some plants just WANT to live and don't need any special care other than water and the occasional feeding after rooting.

=) MKJ

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks MKJ,
I guess if ya don't know me, then I can easily offend anyone...sometimes it just doesn't pay to be helpful ...lol

So Janis how's the lil plant clippings coming along???

I love my Variegated Wandereing Jew plant...it is beautiful and so easy to use in baskets and containers.
The two mixed together are beautiful in a hanging basket!


Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey guys..... still recovering from my fall... but i'm better. my outdoor plants are suffering from not getting watered enough, but indoor plants are well. All of my wandering jews and both spiders aren't growing much but are still alive :)

Will post pics soon. :)


Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey, Woofens--hope you're recovering A-ok? =) How much light are yours getting? My airplane blooms & prop's itself on a shaded porch, with very filtered light. The jew blooms and grows quickly when getting direct light from the south, indoor. Outdoors, I have it under a crepe myrtle w/abutilon, and it grows FAST. =)


p.s. MsCritter.......post a pic of your variegated wandering jew--I'd like to see it! I have the purple & green stuff, along with the smaller variegated white & pink bolivian jew.

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

Right now, mine are on the kitchen table, getting indirect west light..... Jeff has to hang the hooks for them. (Don't get me started on hat Jeff "has" to do for me)

I'd like to see the varigated one also.

I'm getting better.... slowly. I just went out and watered for the first time since Thursday... my 14DS has done it a couple times..... now my arm is burning...... but at least I could carry the watering can. Couple days ago I couldn't hold anything with that arm. X rays said no break, but boy it hurt!!
Just no more carrying 2 baskets at a time anymore :)


The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Janis, I missed the post where you fell. I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you feel better soon! You've had a tough time with the lil one sick and then you falling. Hope things get better for you quick!

The "variegated wandering jew" plant is the same as MKJ's variegated white & pink bolivian jew.
But if I can find a pic of the basket I'll post it.
It's pretty full and I love it in all colors.It doesn't seem to mind my watering habits either(unlike my Av's)lol
Let me find that pic....

typos of course:)

This message was edited Aug 3, 2005 8:35 PM

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks MsC... I was just being a klutz. My front steps cut right through the yard, and go clear down to the road. I was carrying 2 hanging baskets of MG's to move them to the other side of the yard, stepped down off the curb, and when I stepped back up on the curb on the other side, my foot slipped, and I landed on my left ankle and left forearn in the concrete steps. I was POSITIVE my arm was broken, but they say its not. I've got a rainbow of pretty bruises tho :)

The worst part was, (other than being left handed) the basket I spilled was my ONLY gray lady MG that germinated LOL. I have new seeds on the way, but waht a bummer :)


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