Will ginger Mioga "Dancing Crane" root in water?

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I've rooted spiral gingers with no problem, and I'm hoping that Mioga "Dancing Crane" will also root since it has a proper stem rather than just pseudostems (?) formed of layers of leaf petioles.

I don't even know what to compare Mioga to. Can anyone give a genus and species for it?


Capistrano Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Zingiber mioga 'Dancing Crane'

they're gorgeous, and i'd assume you could root them in water.

Capistrano Beach, CA(Zone 10a)


maybe not... but it's a very interesting plant, if you ever have any extra i'd love some :)

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I put some stems in a vase with flowers, and, though the edge of some leaves eventually went brown, they were doing pretty well after the flowers were gone. I retrimmed the bottoms and have kept them in fresh water for about a week with no sign of roots. These were grown in deep shade, and the stems are very tender. Maybe they'd have a better chance if they had been grown in more sun and the stems were stockier. I'll let you know if they root.

Thanks for the genus name. I had seen that web page; the comments are about the most interesting I've read on the web, though most people are more enthusiastic about it than that writer. I was surprised to find as many as three reliable retail sources on the internet. Of course, I only found them after I had climbed mountains and swum rivers to get the few I have.

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