UK PlantforLife Initiative

Dumbarton, United Kingdom

There is a new campaign taking place in the UK called PlantforLife. This initiative is spearheaded by the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) and is aimed at raising the awareness of plants and the role that they can play in enhancing people's quality of life. PlantforLife is also supported by the Horticultural Development Council and the European Union. Research has shown that having regular exposure to plants and green spaces can radically reduce your stress levels and put you in a better mood! And having more plants in the home, school and workplace will bring all kinds of environmental, health and morale boosting benefits.

Does anyone know if there is any equivalent type of campaign taking place in North America?


Thumbnail by Chris_Moran
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Welcome to Dg Chris! I've never heard of anything like that here, but its such a neat idea! I guess not so much an idea since there is research backing it up. I know that everyone that comes in my house says the plants calm them and make them feel at home, its so true! I hope someone starts something like that here, thank you for sharing it with us.

Fremont, CA(Zone 9a)

About 15 years ago, NASA did a study on plants cleaning the air Their results seem to be widely recognized in educational circles, if not in the general public. This group appears to be trying to improve this situation.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I've recently seen a few plants with tags that say things like "Plants Clean the Air" , "Plants for Cleaner Air", etc...

That might have something to do with the organization Potemup listed above.

Dumbarton, United Kingdom

Yes, I knew about the NASA stuff and have also come across the plantsatwork site.

I like the idea of the plant tags with the "clean air" message. I'm sure this idea could be expanded on.

I started a similar thread on a UK "plant enthusiasts" forum. I have to say there was very little awareness of the campaign and much cynicism that it was just another industry advertising campaign. I think some of these "enthusiasts" need to open their eyes and realise that with so many other "lifestyle" distractions we need to encourage plants and gardening as something good for everyone - and the planet!

Time to get off the soap box (does that translate ok?) ;-)

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