Pruning Schefflera

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

This Schefflera has 4 stems with the main one being the tallest. It's at the ceiling now and I'de like to prune it but I don't know how much is safe to take off. I'de like to take off the top foot of that main stem if possible. If so...can it be rooted?

Any suggestions and directions would be greatly appreciated.


Thumbnail by toni5735
Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

I googled it and I canme up with a couple answers --but the short one is YES -- (good news cuz I have a leggy one myself)

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thank you mysticwill!

Danville, VA(Zone 7b)

hey, Toni. I,ve got about 4 new plants comming along just nicely by cuttings .All you have to do is to cut the stem at a knode and use some hormone treatment on it, keep it out of the sun and it should root, after it gets going good feed it some fert. If you want a challange you can just take a leaf off of a plant and do the same. This one can take some time

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks rb250! After dipping in the hormone stuff do I just put it in regular potting soil? Also how big should the cutting be?


Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Toni.......rb's right--SUPER easy to root. I just snip mine w/a node (like a geranium) and stick into soil, keeping it moist. To make it even EASIER, I use a self-watering AV pot so that I can forget about it...........I have so many now, I'm resorted to sticking them in the garden beds!

=) MKJ

p.s. I've never used any hormone, just plain old soil. Make work even faster? Who knows..........this is an easy plant to prop though. And, pruning your plant will make it bush out fuller.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks MKJ!

I was wondering if the cutting off the plant is about 1ft. long can that entire cutting be rooted or should I shorten it to just the top few inches? Also would this root in water by chance?

Sorry...not trying to be difficult...just curious :-)


Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

You know what? I'd try the whole thing--I've done that before. If, by chance it doesn't look as though it's taking, you could snip it down. Also, if you chop it into several pieces, and stick all into a pot, you'll get a nice little "bush" going. I've done that too..........pretty much done it all, because I can't stand throwing the cuttings away!

A close girlfriend sent me a potted scheffelera when my first child was born six and half years ago. Thus, when I prune an "arm" or a "leg" (lol), I think, "Ah, man! Can't chunk part of Em's plant?!" So, I find a place to stick the prunings.......=)


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Toni - You can prune scheffleras as hard as you wish &, as long as they are growing well at the time of pruning, they will bounce right back for more. Schefflera has large amounts of chlorophyll in stem tissue, so even if the plant is completely devoid of foliage, it can still manufacture food & build new leaves. I have pruned many multi-stemmed plants for others (and myself). I usually select a stem in the center as the tallest stem & roughly prune the others to a tepee shape. This seems to insure that all parts of the plant get adequate light until the next pruning. July and Aug are the best months to undertake hard pruning & it's best to do a root pruning/root reduction/repot at the same time.

Scheffs like a fast draining soil & being allowed to dry thoroughly between waterings. In your zone, feeding from about the vernal equinox (mid- March) to Sept 1 is about right. Your plant will want to rest in winter, unless you grow under strong lights. My scheffs are outside in full sun all summer.

Cuttings of any length will root readily w/o the benefit of auxin based rooting aids. Perlite, vermiculite, or a fast draining soil are best. I don't recommend rooting in water (I'll elaborate if you wish). Before sticking cuttings, prune all but 1 or 2 small leaves at the end of the stem to reduce water loss. Remember the plant has plenty of chlorophyll & won't miss the leaves you prune. Put cuttings in bright shade & out of wind. Staking cuttings will help eliminate breakage of hair-roots on tatter cuttings if outdoors. You can also cut stems into 1-1/2 to 2" chunks & simply lay them atop damp soil where they will root readily.


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Just had to say, Hi Al!
Good to see you here!

Sorry for 'busting in' on your post, though, Toni...hope you don't mind.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

WOW MKJ and Tapla....thank you so much!

I was a little hesitant about possibly "mutilating" this plant by cutting the main stem back but with all the knowledge and great advice from you all I feel confident I won't be killing my best plant!'re not "busting in"...we're neighbors! (Go Bears!!! hehehe!)

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

hahaha Toni...
you gotta know I love 'The Pack'....but my son has always been a Bears Fan, so *unless* they play Green Bay, I'm always rootin' for them!

And we have plenty of Bears T shirts, sweatshirts, throws, posters, fanny packs, etc.!

Glad you weren't upset though.
You did get some good advice, above...some that I'll keep in mind in the future myself, if I should choose to prune a Scheff!

I do have one that's quite tall right now (about 4.5')...kinda looks like a 'standard' plant....might choose to cut it down should it reach much higher!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

That's so funny nan! My neighbor is a transplant from Wisconsin and a big Packers fan. Between him and my husband (Bears fan) I just have to laugh. They don't watch games together or anything like that but when the two teams are playing each other you can just feel the tension in the air! I only wish the Bears would win once in a while so hubby could strut around like a peacock!

I can't believe how much great info I got on pruning my scheff. I'm looking forward to rooting some cuttings to give to friends and family. I really like the nature of this plant. It's easy to care for and not fussy at all.

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