ok...meanwhile, then

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

So, while I was hoping somebody would answer my last post, my sweet bf brought me a good sized rubber tree today. It's a few feet tall, maybe 2' or so...... full!!! bushy! new leaves growing on just about every stem.

How much light is too much? I let it dry out mostly before watering, right? Do I feed with every watering? Normal "food amount"?? Less??

Woo! Questions that I hope everybody can answer..


Julian, WV

Hi Jennifer,
I have never grown a rubber tree before but found this information if it will help you out.

Common Name: Rubber Tree
Latin Name: Ficus elastica 'Burgundy'
Family Name: Moraceae
Light: very bright, not full sun
Temperature: moderate to warm
Water: water moderately, do not allow root ball to dry out, water less in winter

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Angelsong,

I grow several of these; yes they are ficus, are you growing it in clay or plastic (that pertains the how much to water)?

I grow mine in bright but indirect light (no windowsills for them). Mine closest to the window is maybe 8' from a west window, somewhat shaded by nearby plants. If yours is solid green or green& white also matters. The variegated ones can take a bit more light (mine nearest the window is variegated).

Don't feed w/ every watering, maybe once a month. But you just got it right? Pls. give it a month to adjust to its new environment, & especially since its all leafing out & busy w/ new growth, sounds like you don't need fertilizer for a couple of months. W/out knowing what kind of fertilizer I can't really say how much to use; would suggest you follow package instructions & to be safest, make it a bit more dilute that they say.

As to watering, yeah, let it mostly dry out before watering (I tend to water mine once a week, but their size, location & whether in clay or plastic all influence that).

Enjoy, these are beautiful, sturdy plants that I find very rewarding, lots of luck w/ it. (Pls. post back if I missed anything.)

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

I'm growing in clay, it's darn green leaves with almost maroon stems in the middle of the leaves. It was well-watered when I got it, so I don't plan on watering for a while.

Would off to the side of a west-north-west window work? It won't receive any direct sunlight b/c I know that's a "no no".

Fertilizer will end up being the really dilute miracle-gro ... something like 7-7-7... I can't remember at the moment. I usually don't use it with every watering....

Thank you!!!!


Port Huron, MI(Zone 5b)

I always put mine outside in the ground in part shade in the summer and the growth is absolutey amazing. When I lived in Miami they grew as outdoor regalar trees. i lived in a third floor apartmant and I had a rubbeer tree that ws right outside my beroom window at that height.It was marvelous, but when i cam to michigan the size was trully disappointing. spending their sumers outside in the ground has greatly helped their size and health in general.Of course they have to be brouht in for the winter, and I take that opportunity to trim up their roots
Sandy,,,hope this help

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