Some May garden pictures.....

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

I went out today and was amazed at what a warm week of rain can do to a perennial border!! It literally exploded in growth this last 7-10 are some pics:

My sister got me this bear and my kiddos got the bear and wolf next to him for Mothers Day...they are going to dissappear in all the foliage if I don't go move;)
***Edited to say that the bear was from my son and the metal bear and wolf next to him are from my of them read this and called me on my flub...had to give proper credit...LOL ;) My sis got me something altogether different....this memory of mine...UGH!!

This message was edited May 16, 2005 10:03 PM

Thumbnail by jamie68
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

My favorite Anemone...A. coronaria 'Lord Lieutenant'. I am pretty much a sucker for anything this shade of blue....

Thumbnail by jamie68
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

This border is in its third year...the whole sleep, creep, leap thing is sooo true! It is really filling in this year...

Thumbnail by jamie68
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

One of my other favorites...and I forgot its name...must get more of them so will have to find it in my journal...;o)

Thumbnail by jamie68
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

And the is Jerusalem Sage.....Phlomis russeliana....getting nice and tall at the back of the border....

This message was edited May 12, 2005 7:50 PM

Thumbnail by jamie68
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

...and two more favorites...Geranium 'Johnson's Blue' and Cimicifuga simplex 'Black Negligee'

Thumbnail by jamie68
Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

How beautiful!! :) Sleep, creep, leap, huh??? I just planted a slew of teeny, babies out front :) Good to remember! LOL :)

Your garden looks fantastic :) Thanks so much for sharing it with us!!

Huga :)

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

Two Sun roses....Helianthemum 'Cerise Queen' and H. 'Ben Ledi' These two really took off this year, just a smattering of blooms last year, and now covered.....I think they liked the move to the main border to FULL sun!

Thumbnail by jamie68
Circle Pines, MN(Zone 4b)

Such gorgeous flowers! Thanks for sharing.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

Thank-you for your kind words, and for sharing the pictures with me! Dave's Garden sure does give us a wonderful place to share our gardens with other gardeners....thats half the fun of all the work we do - sharing it with others. Thank-you for sharing in mine...;o)


Thumbnail by jamie68
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi all ~

These two plants were here when I moved in, they looked dead, but I moved them out of deep shade into the sun, and look what happened...LIFE ;o)LOL But since I did not buy them, nor have I seen them at nurseries....I don't know the names. Do you guys have any ideas??? One of them was called Silene by the former owner, I am assuming the pink-flowered one. The other has little pouch-like flowers....I seem to remember something about a perennial with purse-like flowers...but the name escapes me......

Any help would be appreciated!!

Thanks ~ Jamie

Thumbnail by jamie68
Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Jamie, fancy meeting you here. These pictures are just as wonderful as the ones you post in the alpine forum.

Your pink flower in the last picture is the variegated form of Silene dioica and the yellow flower looks like a Calceolaria, although the leaves don't look quite right for that and I wouldn't expect it to be hardy in your zone.

Love your bear! Is the blue plant in front of it an Aristea or a Pasithea or something else? My own garden decor is heavy on cats, of course, but I do have a lovely statue of a bear catching a salmon in one of my fish ponds. If it doesn't rain again, I'll try to take a picture of it today or tomorrow.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Jamie, your garden is beautiful! Such a nice assortment of plants!! I'm really taken by your Anemome coronaria 'Lord Lieutenant'. I love the color blue in the garden. That plant is to die for! You are so lucky to have Cimicifuga, "Black Negligee". Another plant on my wish list. It looks so lovely paired with Geranium 'Johnson's Blue'! Maybe we could trade....?

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

Zuzu ~

Thank-you for the perfect ID on those plants...I looked both of those up and they are dead-on...good job!! The blue-flowered plant in front of the bear is called Sisyrinchium bellum with S. montanum mixed in to get different heights in the same clump....."Blue-eyed Grass" common name. I can NOT remember if they both flower blue, but they are cute little iris relatives that have the prettiest blooms all summer. I think we are both blue flower lovers...;o)

Shirley1md ~
I am always up for a trade....what did you have in mind??? :o) Isn't 'Black Negligee' a great one?? I won it in a drawing at a Hardy Plant Society was the one I wanted, and I couldn't believe I won.....I have several Cimicifuga...'White Pearl', and 'Brunette', and 'Hillside Black Beauty', but I just couldn't cough up the $30+ bucks for Negligee, winning it was sooo neat! And I love it with "Johnson's Blue' ecspcially when they start to entertwine later on in the season, they get even better. One of my favorite combos in this bed...

Let me know what you have to trade....

Have a great day all!!

Thumbnail by jamie68
Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Wow, all of the stuff in that last picture is so good-looking. I have a lot of different kinds of Sisyrinchium. In addition to the blues, there is a short yellow one that grows in water, so I have a pot of it in one of the fish ponds, a taller yellow one with gorgeous foliage like a variegated iris, and a cute little one I bought for the first time this year, called "Quaint and _____." It's a weird color, but cute.

When I previewed this post, I got a profanity warning, so I'm deleting one of the words in the name of the plant, but here's a link to it.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, again, Jamie, and I love the pics of your perennials...especially like your h. geranium Johnson blue. do you have other hardy g.s? I am finding myself picking up more and more of them...I planted Rozanne, Brookside last fall and already had Claridge Druce (a ready reseeder)...

Also liked your anemones...mine have yet to bloom so I'm thinking they're getting too much shade...are yours in full sun?

Thanks again. t.

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

hiya Jamie68,

Really wonderful pictures of your fabulous garden. Very inspirational indeed.
Thanks so much for sharing.


Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

I am amazed at the sheer number of plants you must have...everytime I suggest, or describe a plant to you, you not only have it - but several other varieities and cultivars....amazing. I also have the yellow, and I have the Quaint-and-_____ on my buy-when-I-find-it or beg-for-a-start list.....such a cool color!! I definitely want to see a nice thread of perennials from you with that snazzy new camera and computer set-up LOL ;o)


Hi again!! I am a major collector of the hardy Geraniums....I have over 25 - maybe up to thirty different ones by now. They fit into almost any spot in the garden, ones for full sun, partial shade, even quite a bit of shade. Any color scheme can be enhanced by them as they are available in sooo very many colors. And no matter the height you need in that spot, there is one for that too - from 2" ground covers on up to 3' mounders and everything in between. They require very little fussing, and come back so reliably year after year and long bloom-time and gorgeous fall color in foliage of many is an extra plus. As you can tell I really like the hardy Geraniums...LOL ;o)

And yes, my anemones are in FULL sun.....not a minute of shade all day! I am amazed at how well they have done there. So many anemone need shade, at least in the afternoon. But these guys seem to love the sun..;)

Thumbnail by jamie68
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

drdon ~
Hello stranger..;o) How are those colts and fillies???Any showing lately? And the rose garden?? I need to go take a look at that thread. I feel so much better about my garden when I can share it with others, and digital cameras were the best invention for that!! Thank-you for those kind words...I am planting some salvias this year after you inspired me with your collection. Any new pics of those plants in bloom?? And if you don't mind me asking...what are some good blue Salvias?? The ones I am onsidering ordering are : S. corrugata, S. 'El Cielo Blue', S. guaranitica 'Blue Ensign', and S. semiatrata to go with S. sinaloensis I already ordered. Do you have any of these blues, or any others that you recommend? Let me know your thoughts, I would really appreciate it as I LOVED the Salvia garden you showed us earlier this year!!

Thanks so much!
ps. Weigela 'Wine and Roses' in its first year of bloom...such a little cutie, and soon to be a big beauty - I hope lol :o)

Thumbnail by jamie68
Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Well, my picture-taking plans were thwarted by more rain--rain all day today and the threat of rain for the next two days as well. Regrettably, I had just moved about 25 Lewisias outside, and you know how most of them hate overhead watering. The rain started while I was dog-walking, and by the time I got home they were drenched. These plants really keep us hopping, don't they? I felt sorry for them in the solarium because I thought the sun coming through the glass was too hot, and who ever heard of rain in May in California? Showers, yes. Even some freak thunder showers, but there has never been any of this relentless, non-stop rain in California between March and October.

I'll have to share a picture of one of my geraniums with you as a warning. I don't know the name of it, but you might not want this one. It forms enormous clumps everywhere in your garden, yards and yards away from the place you originally planted it. I suppose I could get rid of it if I were really religious about pulling it out, but it has pretty pink blooms and graceful foliage and dark red stalks, and it covers a multitude of unsightly views, such as withering bulb foliage. Actually, I think it's probably in some of the pictures I posted on the alpine forum. This is its season to go mad and it's growing under and around several of the troughs. My favorite geraniums are the phaeums--Mourning Widow, Samobor, Lily Lovell, and Langthorn's Blue. I got a nice Geranium harveyi from Digging Dog this year. Interesting foliage and habit.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

The mountain laurel that's just a mass of buds is going to be outstanding in just a couple of days. I'll look forward to seeing a pic of it! Everything else looks beautiful, too. Yes, it's amazing what just a little rain can do to perk everything up. We had none from mid-April until a good soaking thunderstorm hit Saturday. My feeble attempts at watering just can't rival Mother Nature's rain.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Jamie...what is the difference between Hillside Black Beauty and Neglige? I have HBB and Brunette and can hardly tell the difference. also do you think I could have the anemone in zone 7? Probably not or I would see them around here more often..they are too beautiful for words. I think we have them as spring flowers and then they never come back NOT THE SAME> You have a fabulous enviable garden.

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

hiya jamie68,

The horses are fine, one new filly 'Damiana', she's a trip. We're on foal watch now for the second of the season, and another is due in late June.

As far as blue Salvias, S. sinaloensis is amazing pure blue, S. guaranitica 'Argentine Skies' is lovely and S. patens is really nice as well. Right now Purple Majesty is blooming, Costa Rica Blue- a nice S. guaranitica is also perking up some blooms. You and mickgene were instrumental in helping me increase our collection this year and I'm grateful to you both. Annie's Annuals (As reported by the incredible Happenstance) has many flats of S. sagittata soon to be ready for sale. I suggest that blue flower above all others. I've been monitoring her website to see when they become available.

Your garden is just fabulous!

best to you,

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Jamie and Don,
How I wish I had the climate for those lovely salvias. I tried zone denial with some this winter and, even though it was a mild one for us, they didn't make it. I guess I'll have to reconcile myself to having guaraniticas as annuals since those dark forms are sooo desirable. You'll post pics, right, Don? Maybe I'll just enlarge your pics and put them on stakes! LOL

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

Don ~

Thanks for your sage advice...get it?..Sage advice...LOL ;o) Anyway, I will let you know which ones I do order, and will post pics later when in full bloom. I would love to see yours must have some gorgeous blooms now...

Levilyla ~

Thank-you for the kind words about my garden, very nice to share it with others! HBB and BN are a bit different in color here, with BN being a bit darker than HBB, but the real difference is the blooms. Black Negligee has pinkish/white blooms that fade to cream, Hillside Black Beauty has white blooms that tend to turn brown quicker. And Brunette is different in that the foliage is a tad darker that HBB and lighter than BN...but the fragrance of Brunette flowers is what is truly a stand-out on Brunette....smells just like Grape Soda, and for a very, very long time! My daughter goes out every day when in bloom, just to smell those tall stalks! ;o)
I do love the anemone as well, I would grow them in a container with a hardy Geranium on top...then just pull into garage, or shed for coldest part of winter....they are soo very pretty, and don't you love the blue..;o)

I rescued that Kalmia from the garbage at a nursery here in town. They insisted it was dead...I kept asking if I could take it home. They finally said "go ahead"---and look at the result!! It is a little dwarf called Tiddlywinks that gets 4 feet tall in 10 years. and I am amazed at the sheer number of blooms, covered!! I will take a pic tomorrow, it is in much more bloom now!

Zuzu, I look forward to any and all pictures you take!! Your sheer number and variety of plants amazes me.....;o)

Have a great day all!!

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Jamie, I got my plants from Big Dipper today and I think I'll stick to my early shopping schedule with them from now on. The plants they sent me in January were bare-root with huge root systems. The ones they sent me today were blooming plants in little pots. Good roots, but not humongous. The January plants probably were left over from last year. Some of today's got mashed in shipping, notably the Lewisia Magenta (boo hoo). On the other hand, Deirdre sent me a lovely bonus lemon thyme, and most of the plants look good. They're just not spectacular, the way they were earlier in the year.

Plant Safari also delivered my plants today and they look really good. Mostly tropicals, but a few rock garden plants too.

I also got a delivery from Aloha Palms today (my poor mail carrier; she really earns her salary in my neighborhood). Ten plumeria cuttings for just $1.99 apiece. They are BIG. At least an inch in diameter and quite long. I never expected such big cuttings for such a low price. A nice surprise.

The rain finally stopped this morning, but all the branches on the trees and shrubs are waterlogged and drooping down to the ground. They're California shrubs and they're not used to rain in May. It rained nonstop from Tuesday to this morning. I was watching the weather reports at first and heard we got 4 inches in the first 4 hours. After that I stopped watching and climbed into bed with a big bowl of popcorn and a DVD of the whole first season of Arrested Development.

I hope the rosebuds don't rot from the rain. Black spot is running wild. Some of the roses are going to lose all of their leaves.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

I have Tiddlywinks in a pot that is in it's 3rd??? season here. I finally found the place to keep it this winter to avoid serious amounts of winter dieback. (You shouldn't have that problem in your zone.) So I'm looking forward to it finally adding some size this year. Since all Kalmia are slow-growing, I'm happy even if it just grows a little. Mine's never been so heavily covered with buds, though. I'll look forward to your pics.

A DVD already of Arrested Development? I keep meaning to watch that and have never caught it. I'll have to look for the DVD now.


Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Michele, I hope you like really silly humor, because that's what it is. It's a good time for silly, though. That's what Eric Idle said when a reviewer asked him why he decided to revive Monty Python's Holy Grail in his broadway production of Spamalot after all these years: "It's a good time for silly."

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Yes we all need silly. When I'm watching or listening to something comedic in front of my mother, she'll cluck and smirk and say, "That's so silly." and walk out or look back at what she's reading. But that's the point! It's definitely "a good time for silly."

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi guys ~

Zuzu - You have some planting to do...;o) I am glad most of the new plants are well...and I agree about the difference in early season plants vs. mid-season plants from Big Dipper....I will also be ordering early from there from here on out.

Michele ~ Don't you love the Kalmias?? I have 2, 1dwarf and 1 medium size called 'Peppermint' whose blooms each look like a little peppermint candy....really neat plants. My dwarf 'Tiddlywinks' has sooo many blooms that none of its foliage is visible right now! I took a pic today but it has rained for 3 days and it is a bit soggy, I will get a better one when it dries out some...;o)

Have a great week-end all!!

Thumbnail by jamie68
Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Jamie, I have to confess that I'm an utter failure at growing Kalmias. I love them, but the minute I plant them, they sneer at me and drop dead. New Zealand tea trees do the same thing in my garden. Everyone else in my neighborhood has huge and gorgeous New Zealand teas. It's depressing. What do you suppose I'm doing wrong?

Did you see the Pulsatilla Papageno pictures Galanthophile posted in the alpine forum? They're luscious. I bought a 3-pack from Bluestone Perennials. I hope they're three different colors.

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

I know how you feel about the Kalmia. They're native here and some spectacular shrubs are all through the National Park and woods along the Appalachian Trail. But, in my yard, pffffft! I think I should stick to the species and forget about these lovely hybrids. I bought 5 of various types 5 years ago, and all but one is smaller than when it went into the ground! That's why I decided to pot the Tiddlywinks when I bought it.

Oakland, CA(Zone 9b)

Lovely photos!

I don't know if anyone answered your comment about the name of the plant in your fourth photo. It's Sicilian Honey Lily (Nectaroscordum siculum)

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