Mango Seeds

Clinton Township, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi, I have two mango seeds, I have taken them out of the hard outer shell, now what? I have tried this before where I took them out of the shell but kinda gouged the seed as I was doing so, I put them directly in dirt but nothing happened except a lot of rotting. Do I need to do anything special for these seeds?


Palmyra, VA(Zone 7a)

Are you sure you should removed them out of the shell? I thought you were to plant them with the shell on.

Clinton Township, MI(Zone 5a)

ummmm, I dunno - somebody told me to take them out of the shell because they'll sprout faster??????

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Papayahed,

I grow Mangos often & yes, I generally take them out of the outer husk. As you discovered, it's hard to do w/out damaging the seed. I've grown a number of them indoors over the yrs., unfortunately mine have never gotten taller than 8" or so before they get fruit flies or gnats & I get irritated & throw them out.

Generally, I find that it works best if you do the following:

When eating it, scrape as much of the fibrous stuff off the pit w/ your teeth. Put it on some paper towels & let it dry out for a few days, sometime the outer husk will dry out enough to split open on its own, risking less injury to the seed.

I pot them up in houseplant mix w/ perlite for good drainage, there doesn't seem to be a rightside up or down, as which ever way I've tried it, the first sprout usually turns itself over anyway.

I leave them uncovered in bright indirect light. The first few leaves will go through interesting color changs from Apricot, to Burgundy, to Apple Green (the order here may be wrong, but the colors are right & VERY COOL TO SEE). After that they turn dark green & (to me, become very ordinary looking). Don't know if you're growing indoors or out, if out, I understand it's a good few yrs. to fruit (if at all).

Pls. do a seach for 'Mango from Seed' or 'Growing Tropicals from Seed'. I've seen the site, but am sorry to say have foregotten where it is. Good luck & enjoy, it's a fun experiment. (If I find the link, I'll post back for you.)

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