Just "Knock-Me-Out"

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

ditto what Jeanne said.

Thanks badseed I'll report here after I find whether they do mail orders. Just as a side note, a woman I met today told me she was a "Rosarian" who grew 150 rose varieties. (I think I was supposed to bow in deference, but alas, I DID NOT). Anyway she told me the Carefree Sunshine was a trademarked rose in its own right, not a yellow Knockout. She said yellow knockout is still not out commercially. I tried to tell her many websites claimed this rose was the yellow version. She told me that was bunk. However,she also said Carefree Sunshine was every bit as hardy and desirable as Knockouts ( cherry red, pink and blush). I like the looks of CS, so that's OK with me and it suits my landscape where I need a hardy, disease resistant, shrub rose. but if there are any "purists" looking for yellow knockout, it appears this ain't it.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Maggie you said"One note (okay, two-in-one): no fragrance, and killer thorns" you got the thorns right but mine are SO FRAGRANT..I can stand at the Garage and smell them..they are wonderful..which ones do you have?

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

I have the cherry red ones. I've only seen a few references to a slight fragrance, but almost everything else I've heard or read says they don't have a fragrance. I've never detected one from mine, and I do periodically sniff it (just a habit.) Hmmm...

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Krazy Keith's has a bare-root Pink Knock Out for only $6.95.


I think their roses are Wayside overstock, but I got two meidilands in the mail from them today and they look really good.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

wow this guy is rated 100% in GW. great prices! off shopping I go...

surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

I just ordered it too!Thanks for the info.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

me three... can't wait been looking at them but too much $$$ I just couldn't pass this deal up.

Kernersville, NC(Zone 7a)

oh my, I never thought I would order from someone named Krazy Keith, but here I sit with a big grin on my face and a very small dent in my pocket.

I got 2 Astilbe arendsii Gloria Purpurea that I think (hope) will look good with my heuchera co-op plants (1.95 each), 2 Multi-Blue Clematis (2.95 each) and 2 adorable little hydrangeas, Pia for 3.95 each,
they grow in containers! I'm a little over excited about that, sorry. Anyway, grand total with shipping was less than $25.

Ok, I know I'm off topic because I didn't get the Knock Out roses, but I wanted to thank Zuzu for the link. When you guys get your roses from them will you let us know how they look? Thanks :)


Willoughby, OH(Zone 5a)

Woo-Hoo! Guess what I got for my 25th anniversary! That's right,,Knockout! And you can't just have ONE!! So now I have to get a pal for it. And for those of you that are looking for another totally carefree rose try 'Scarlet Meidiland".
Virtually indestructable.Japanese beetles ate the loudly touted 'Bonica" to the bone and killed it while "Scarlet Meidiland"' was never touched. Doesn't get black spot,either.
So Thanks to JeanneTX for posting this thread and kick starting my constant remarks about that "GOrgeous Knockout Rose" around the dinner table.I was rewarded!

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Gail, Scarlet Meidiland was one of the roses I ordered from Krazy Keith's and they sent me a really lovely bare-root rose. I can't wait until it gets going.

Rachel, I also ordered hydrangeas and clematis from there. The hydrangeas are in little pots (4-inch, I think), but the clematis are bare-root plants wrapped in wet straw. Of course, at those prices I really didn't expect a blooming clematis.

They recently added a lot of things to their bulb page, and those items also appear to be Park Seed and Wayside overstock, because both of those places sent me e-mail announcements of their bulb sale, offering all of the same bulbs, at the same prices. The nice thing about Krazy Keith's is that there's no cutoff date. Wayside's sale ends in three days, but Krazy Keith will keep selling the bulbs until they're all gone. Some of the prices are fabulous: Sprekelia bulbs for $1.95 each! I bought a lot of those. I really love them.

Kernersville, NC(Zone 7a)

Hi Zuzu, can you tell me what to do with the bareroot wrapped in straw when I get mine? I should have researched before I ordered but I saw the prices and click click click!

Thanks for the info, Rachel

Willoughby, OH(Zone 5a)

Zuzu,you will LOVE "Scarlet". They are tiny little roses but in large clusters.When I cut a cluster they last about 3 weeks in water. No kidding! Look beautiful in a vase with some blue larkspur.

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Yes, Rachel, it's very easy, and I think I remember some instructions on the label, but maybe those were plants from somewhere else. You unwrap them and then plant them, in the ground or in a container, with the top of the roots just half an inch or an inch below the surface. All of mine already had little green shoots showing. If you were planting a bigger clematis, you could plant it deeper, with the top of the roots two or three inches below the surface. They grow better that way. I planted mine in 1-gallon cans, because I didn't want them to get lost in my crowded garden, but I'll move them into the ground when they get taller.

Actually, now that I think of it, you'd better check with someone in your own zone. We never have frost here, so you might have to plant them deeper there.

The other thing is that they want something shading their roots. I usually grow pansies or petunias or trailing lobelia right next to them and that does the trick. They sound fussy in the gardening books because they supposedly want their roots in the shade and their blooms in the sun, but I actually have a lot that have been growing in full shade or full sun for years with no problem, so they're not as fussy as you'd think.

Willoughby, OH(Zone 5a)

Zuzu,here is a pic of "scarlet Meidiland"..a cluster.

Thumbnail by golgi
Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Oh, Gail. I am soooo glad I bought it. It's gorgeous. Thanks for the picture.

surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

I am also in love with scarlet meidiland.I have 4 bushes and they are without any problems.

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks for your input, Downscale Babe, and I congratulate you on your intriguing screen name, especially in combination with your address. You sound very cool.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Gail..so glad I could be of service ..you will LOVE your Knockouts..
Rachel..Be very cautious about your Clematis..I don't know if you realized this but Krazy Keith said on his site that they will be shipped as "Bareroot"...Bareroot Clematis are very hard to grow..with any bareroot plant you receive you must soak in warm water for AT LEAST 2 hours.. if you are getting your Roses as Bareroots do the same..and dig your hole...make a mound in the hole and place the bareroot on top and spread the roots over the mound..I see that you are in NC..so if its a grafted Rose make sure the grafted part is above the soil..put some nice bonemeal in the hole prior to planting and move the dirt back in and press down firmly with your hands..fill the dirt all in and take your hands and make a "well" around the rose..fill with water..it will seep down ..keep filling with water till it seems like it is just slower seeping in and stop...the success of your Rose will mean that you water it well everyday for the first couple of weeks..once the leaves have appeared then you can make a trench around the rose about 5 inches circle from the rose center..put in Rose Pellets fertilizer ..cover the soil back up and water...NOW , with your bareroot clematis..you will want to soak as I said earlier...it CAN NOT GO DIRECTLY into the ground...you must pot that baby up in a one gallon or half gallon pot ....put bonemeal in there ..cover the root up..leaving just a tad bit sticking out and keep moist all summer..you CAN NOT plant it into your garden till that pot fills up with roots...I wished I had known you were going to buy bareroot..I would have turned you onto my clematis grower Debbie...she has awesome Clematis and only sells them for $12.00 bucks + shipping to my online friends..make sure you keep the soil moist ..clematis like to have their roots kept cool but their heads up in the sun..they are the "Sleep","Creep" and "Leap" plants that is why so many people get discouraged with them..but I cheat and buy 3 yr old Clematis from Debbie...Here is a pic of one I got from her..Check out these roots..that is what you want when purchasing a Clematis to make sure they flourish in your garden and give you years of enjoyment..Hope this has helped...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

who is debbie, i want to buy clematis from her too. That is a GREAT plant. bye now. gotta go back to krazykeiths...

Kernersville, NC(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the advice you guys. Who is Debbie?

Sorry I didn't respond sooner, dh was in a car wreck yesterday.


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Yall send me email on Daves and will give the info...Jeanne

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

Rachel, hope your dh is alright!

Kernersville, NC(Zone 7a)

Maggie, thank you! He is bruised and very sore, but much better than expected. His car rolled 4 times on the highway at 70 mph. They had to take him by helicopter to a trauma center. He was going to a job near the coast, so he was 4 hours from me when they called, I really freaked out. Here is a picture of the car on the driver side. Can you believe he didn't even break a bone? They kept x-raying him because it was so unbelievable. His seat broke on the first roll or the top caving in would have crushed his head or broken his neck.

Thumbnail by butterqueen
Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

He is SOOOO fortunate! You have all been truly blessed! ~ Suzi :)

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

OMG!!!..Rachel..so glad the good Lord was watching after him..that is a miracle!!....Tell him we are all so happy he is ok...Jeanne

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh my gosh!! He was fortunate indeed! God really was watching over him. I'm so glad to hear he's doing well!

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Praise God for his infinite power and for this miracle. Butterqueen, I don't know what else to save but join everybody on a collective sigh of relief.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

thank goodness hes okay!!!! what a scary thing. God was watching out for him.

i am gonna go back to the roses here.

i just bought pink and red knockout roses from my Lowes for 7.95 a piece in a 2 gallon continer.

do these do good in full sun??

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

the hotter the better. and that's a very good price. WTG

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