Just "Knock-Me-Out"

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I planted these 3 "Knockout Roses" Spring of '2004...You think this is one blooming fool?..Its got 4 times the buds on it now as you see blooms just waiting to open....After its done I will need to cut it back away from my sidewalk...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willoughby, OH(Zone 5a)

Knockout roses are the greatest darn thing since sliced bread! I HAVE to get some!

Ormond Beach, FL(Zone 9a)

What is a knock out rose? Is it like regular roses? Is it a bush or a climber?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Bassetts..Its a Shrub Rose...BUT, I have been told they can get 6 feet tall and 6 feet wide and dummy me...I planted 3 of them about 3 feet apart!!You wouldn't believe how much I cut it back last year.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I have recently heard good things about these. Those are lovelly! I just saw them in an ad for $18. What is the average price for them?

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

My neighbor (and I've seen them for $16.95) so $18 seems average. you will not regret this purchase.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

They're beautiful! Are they disease resistant? Any problems with pests? We have a terrible problem with Black Spot in this area because of our hot humid summers.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

But I will have to decide where to sneak in another plant. LOL

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

these plants are tough as nails. highly disease/pest resistant. I had always maintained that I did not like roses because of disease/pest problems. Once I owned knockout and nearly wild, I converted and now have a small collection of OGRs. Highly, highly recommend.

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

What about those nasty little Japanese beetles???

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

huga, have never seen them on these or any of my roses.

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Really??? That's very interesting.....hmmmm....

Can I have the latin name on these guys??? Jeanne, do you know your cultivar? Is the cultivar actually "knockout"??

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I just googled for fun. Try Rosa Knockout. I found the original pink, a pale pink, a red and supposedly new double hot pink. These are just too pretty!

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I know, Chele, as I said before very interesting, hmmmmm..... LOL :)

I have been thinking this week about what I'm going to use to screen this horrid looking utility box out front. It's going to be a mix of shrubs and grasses predominantly. Roses actually crossed my mind, they're just so absolutely gorgeous. BUT, I always dismiss any thought of them rather quickly. "No, no, Jacci. You are a low-maintenance gardener. You do not want to mess with these fussy (although beautiful) plants. Enjoy someone else's roses". Japanese beetles alone have been enough to keep me away. But now you all have me very, very interested. Thoe spot is completely full sun all day long. I'm going to be making a large berm and planting a good 10" above the ground level, so I can make the spot quite rich. Hmmmm.....

I'm sure Michele is already pricing them somewhere or getting some DGer to send her a cutting. LOL :) Any more info, Chele??? ;)

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Those are gorgeous! I know we don't have Japanese beetles down here, wonder how far south in TX they come?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL Go Google! I have seen them up to $18.95 plus shipping. I just had an ad this past week for $17.99 and gas. LOL I got sidetracked in the tropical forum while listening to Will and Grace and totally forgot the roses.

Do you want me to come stand in front of your utility box? LOL

Lilburn, GA(Zone 7b)

These roses THRIVE in our "hotlanta" humid summers! I have a sprinkler system to water and they get overhead watering frequently. 3 years now without any problems with disease or pests. FYI, I just saw them for sale yesterday at our local Lowes. Didn't catch the price. I have the red variety and would not trade them for anything. Caution...they get HUGE!!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thrill the neighbors and put up a scarecrow. I do a scarecrow lady every year. The wilder the clothes, the better: thrift shops are the way to go - hats, vest, dress, old Christmas garland for a necklace. You'll never have to spray, cut back or improve the earth. Mine is in the herb garden next to the vegetable garden. Stick a small V shaped trellis to a stick in the ground tall enough to hold a clay pot (or other pot) for her head and you're all set. Nobody will have to look for your house number either!

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL -- two words, pirl, "HOA, HOA" :) LOL -- actually, I did have a scarecrow last fall, but she was a classy one ;)

Louise, MS(Zone 8a)

I just saw them at Sam's Club for ten bucks today. I remembered the name from HGTV. I may have to swing by and grab a color to two.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Guess what I got for Mother's Day?!?!?!?! It only has one flower on it, but it is covered with buds. Hubby picked a good one!

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Lovely, Jeanne. Knock Out rocks! I bought one from Chamblee's nursery in Tyler last summer, and wow......that guy just blooms, blooms (in huge quads!) and I adore it.

Great rose....deserving of its fame and praise.

=) MKJ

Orange County, NY(Zone 5b)

Hi everyone. I'm new to Dave's Garden and started my subscription with a search on Knock Out --JeanneTX your shrubs are stunning. I had just about given up on roses, but all of the chatter about the Knock Out's have encouraged me to carry on. I couldn't track these down at my local, independent nurseries, so I snatched up six shrubs and one J&P tree knock out from Home Depot. I looked at them in Lowes as well, but their stock was either very stressed or worse yet diseased??? I Can't wait to see how they go.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hubby found them at an out of the way nursery in N. Ky. The lady told him she had yellow and had run out but was rooting more. I bet I get that one for my birthday. LOL I am trying to find the perfect place for mine. Any advice Jeanne? All I have found is that they want sun, moist but draining soil and a bit of fertilizer.

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Badseed, I put mine in a raised bed that gets alot of direct sun, with late afternoon shade. They're so effortless.


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

BadSeed...their reputation of "No Care/Disease Resistant Rose" is soooooo true ..as a matter of fact mine only get about 6 hours of sun and grow like mad..of course I still feed them my Rose Granuals/Food once a month..they, like all Roses are hungry little buggers ergo "Heavy Feeders" to perform at their utmost peak...Also, just to tease and tantalize those of you that are Knock-out Rose fanatics..they do have a new "DOUBLE" out there..woohoo..glad you like...they bloom like their is no tomorrow and here in Texas that means many months of blooms!!

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Jeanne, it was your post that finally put me over the edge! LOL I told hubby (forgetting Mother's Day was coming) that the next time he had occasion to buy me something, I would love to have one of these. I told him when I was looking at your beautiful picture! :) Honestly, I was moreso expecting one for my birthday. Maybe when the lady gets the yellows up and running, one WILL show up for my birthday. LOL

Thanks a bunch for the info! I have to find the perfect spot for mine. Hmm...

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Is this rose a climber? I thought it was odd that it is in this forum but if it is a climber, I should make a different space for it. :)

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Ut oh...ME BAD...no its not a climber...you have to forgive me..I thought I was in the Rose Forum..duh..it can get to 6 feet tall...but no its a shrub...someone tell me how I got into this forum..LOL...Jeanne

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

and HOW I can get out..LOL..j/k

Corpus Christi, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm glad you posted in this forum! These roses look great! It is hot and humid here most of the time and rose care is a headache. Glad to see such a beautiful rose with so few problems. Barb

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Badseed, I would like the name of the nursery that carried Yellow Knockout. I've been looking for that one everywhere!!!! There is Jeanne's hot pink (well, that's what I call it) and there is very pastel pink knockout that is to die for. I will greatly appreciate the info.

As far as cultivation, the more sun the better. good drainage and the ocassional fert.

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

As for long blooming, the first yr I had mine it was in a pot the whole time. It bloomed 11 1/2 months without stopping! It was great-looking always, and now that it's been in the ground for a year, it's even better! Texas A & M designated this an Earthkind Rose since it is so tough and easy. And as Jeanne said earlier, for a rose, it's pretty shade tolerant. One note (okay, two-in-one): no fragrance, and killer thorns. The beauty and ease are worth it, and it could be a good deterrent to break-ins if placed under windows, etc.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL Jeanne! It's okay. When I came back to brag I got one, I couldn't find the darn thing. I had to look for you to find your post. :) I checked roses then shrubs and trees and couldn't find the darn thing. LOL You can have it moved if you want to by sending an E to the powers that be. I was moreso concerned with the growth habit. Mine is still in it's pot while I survey the yard.

Nery, let me search real quick and I will be back with the name. If they won't ship, let me know. Hubby works right by the place on the weekends. She said she was rooting more yellow.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Here ya go. The website is not too exciting but she has a nice list of plants. :)

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Are you talking about the Rose from the same Hybridizer of the Knockouts that came out with the Rose..."Carefree Sunshine"?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I should have checked back here before I went searching. LOL Your's has better pictures! I believe that is the yellow. I was not with hubby and he just said yellow.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

You Mark my words ..he will probably come out with a "Double" Carefree Sunshine next year..that's always my luck..I get the knockout and the bugger comes out with the double knockout..LOL

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

If this thread had been in the Rose Forum, I would Not have seen it!

It sounds like something I could grow, which has never included roses. Hence the abstinence from the Rose Forum. : )

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Darius..I think people with black thumbs could grow these..they are so carefree and disease resistant till I wonder at time if they really are Roses..but, I am the caretaker kind of person..loving my flowers and nurturing them..you will always see me out there nipping off the spent buds..which reminds me..I need to get out there..LOL..before it gets TOO HOT!!...Have a great one...Jeanne

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