Star Jasmine

Mars, PA

I have had a Star Jasmine for several years. During the winter months, it's a houseplant. It goes outside during the warmer months. It never seems to flourish but just hangs on. Some years I get a lot of flowers. Some years I get only a few. It's also tall and leggy. I fertilize it regularly at 1/2 strength, water it when it is dry 1 inch below soil surface, have it in a room with good humidity and bright light (morning sun only). How can I get this plant to do better? I was thinking of repotting it into a better soil. What type of soil or mixture is best? You name it, I have it, so I can mix my own potting soil. Also, it's not pot-bound, but it does tend to dry out a few days after being watered. Should I re-pot it into a smaller pot?? Thanks for any suggestions. Liz K

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

If it's leggy, I would cut the tips of each branch. You don't need to cut much off, just a little will work. This will cause it to create more branches. Here where I live, Star Jasmine lives outside as a landscape plant all year. Full sun, regular water. It's a very tough plant! We get 106-110 degrees for about 2 weeks or more in summertime, and our lows in winter average about 18 degrees or so. I think you should let it live outside all summer in full sun. Get it used to the sun gradually while the weather is still mild. You may still need to bring it into the house in winter, but I bet it will strengthen up for you!


Mars, PA

Well, thanks. I will do that. Do you think I should re-pot it? I think the pot it is in is too big and the soil has not been changed in years. Thanks, Liz

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Wouldn't hurt to check the roots and see how it's doing. It would probably like some new soil.
While you're at it, why don't you get some "starter" fertilizer and mix some into the soil? Look for a good product that helps new plants create feeder roots. Strong roots, new growth, it should be a whole new plant by fall!

K :~D

This message was edited Apr 23, 2005 5:09 PM

Mars, PA

Well, Kachinagirl, you were right. I set it out there in morning sun and it's a whole new plant. Big, green and healthy. Bloomed all summer! I'm smiling. Thanks for the advice.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

I love it when a plan comes together! Yay! Success! Glad I was able to help!

K :~D

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