My New Plants

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I found some great bargains at Home Depot. I've looked all three of my new plants up in the PlantFiles, to get thier scientific names. I assure you, I'm not this smart. lol

The first one is calathea roseopicta. I've repotted it since this picture was taken. I'll take a new one, and update, as soon as I repot the last plant....

Thumbnail by jdee
Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

This one is calathea x hybrida....

Thumbnail by jdee
Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm not sure about the last one. I looked, but can't tell what variety of dieffenbachia this is. Maybe someone can help me out?

Thumbnail by jdee
Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

According to my houseplant book, the ones with green around the edges and white in the centers are D. picta Camilla or D. picta Marianne. I can't tell between those two, though: one is a drawing and one's a photograph in my book.

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Beautiful finds you have there.
I love the pic of the first one. They all look very healthy too.


Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I love that one too. Would you believe that it had so many raggedy leaves on it, that I started not to get it? My husband is the one who encouraged me to buy it, after we looked through it and noticed lots of new leaves ready to unroll. It's a 10 inch plant, and it was only 12 dollars. After we got it home and cut the spent leaves off, I realized he was right. Thank you for noticing it.

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey you got a great deal too! Wonderful. I love shopping for great deals on plants. Sometimes I get a lil frustrated at the prices now days and the care the local shops give them. You got a wonderful price for the size of plant.Pat hubby on the back!

Just a note of caution on your diffenbachia plant in the last pic... whatch out for how much sun that baby gets.I had one last year I toasted by having it sit too close to my patio window where the afternoon sun hit it. It was a crispy critter.

I love your grey & white kitty in the back ground,too:)


Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

That kitty is Munroe. He's good company for me while I'm watering. I usually take each plant, and move it to the concrete walkway (hubby told me that watering on the porch will cause the wood to rot over time), water it and let it drain before putting it back in the saucer. Munroe likes to drink the water that pools in the driveway. Three bowls of fresh water in the back, and my cats drink from water puddles. Go figure. :)

Thanks for the tip about the dieffenbachia. It's on my front porch, where it gets morning sun, but by afternoon, my whole front yard is shady. I have 2 oaks and a red maple shading it. I did, however, move the plant from the railing to a more protected area of the porch, just in case.

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