Plant Trade

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

I'm going to have to work on one to see what I have outside and inside now.
:) Donna

Medicine Hat, AB(Zone 3a)

I like tropicals but have no room left for houseplants.

Paradise - I lost the clematis rooting you sent me last fall. I had it in a glass and was just about ready to plant it up but then the cat got it. That would be "the rotten cat"! I am in no hurry if you want to wait until your plant grows more.
I have the following irises but they are not very big yet. Some I have yet to see bloom. Last year I planted: Breakers, Summer Olympics, Loop de Loop, Tennessee Vol, Edith Woolford, Rock Star, Vision in Pink, Superstition, Crimson Snow, and an unknown bronze iris. This year I bought and will be planting: Immortality, Clarence, Beverly Sills, China Dragon, Rare Treat, Swingtown, and So Fine.

Dillpickle - What color is your unknown daylily?

I still have stuff emerging so I'm not quite sure what I have yet. Has anybody started planting their perennials, yet?

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

I have been over the past two weeks. So far, so good.

Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)

I think it is a bronzy colour,
and it is one that doesn't grow very tall.
I would say medium height..
too early to plant here yet in WPG.
will see if I have a picture of it..

Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)

This is the one daylily that I have for trade, at this time.

Thumbnail by dillpickle
Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

if you have extras of your Lily(red) I'd be interested.
thanks, Ingrid

I have alot of the orange daylilies for anyone...

Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)


I know have it also in my garden, but that trade would not be till later, unless
it comes up in one of my many pots,,
got it from my friend out in the country, will check with her I know she has allot of stuff that she wants to get rid of in pots too..
So I will let you know and mark you down for some.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

I'll keep an eye on what's blooming in my yard. Hopefully echoes/inanda will be able to id my land lubbing lilies.

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Pam you have to get your wish together.....

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

hmmmmm I just noticed yours is pretty bare too Ingrid! ;)

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Will do our best to ID your lilies Pam, but remember that we still can't ID that one of Langr.

NB> Not all lilies are land lubbers. some sail on the waters pure.
Inanda located at 50º 15' 54" N
96º 42' 48" W

50 knot winds tonight

with ships bells ringing regularly
edited to fix typos

This message was edited Apr 20, 2005 7:46 AM

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)


I hope more *will* bloom this year!!!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Thankyou for the unique Hosta, Donna...........for all who want cuttings of Madame...I'm sending them out this coming Monday, otherwise they sit at the Post Station...and.........and.......... so they'e enroute Mon. hpy gdng..........Elaine

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

You are sure welcome, Elaine. But I should be thanking you. Can't wait to get my cutting of the Madame. :D

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Unique hosta. What....... This isn't a hint as don't have room for any more, but always more than interested in 'unique' hostas.

El snoopo inanda

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

It was a Krossa Regal Hosta, Ginny. Gorgeous frosty lavender/blue foliage. I was hoping Elaine likes Hostas as much as I do.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Thanks OFG

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

I grow them in containers, and take on the appearance of a tropical! lots of fun! E

Don't think I have that one, but I've read it's very slug resistant.

Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)

I have Krossa Regal Hosta. got it last year
now waiting for my hosta's to start showing themselves. ..

Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)

Mailing out hens and chicks tomorrow to
Donna and Elaine..


Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Thanks Wilma.

I will put your Bamboo in the mail, but it probably won't be until Tuesday, if that's OK. I worked Saturday and today at the Nursery. Yesterday the temperature reached 26 C, but I was off by 1:00 npm so It wasn't bad. Today, however, the Celsius reached 28, and I agreed to work from 1:00 until 5:00 pm as a favour. Never again! I thought I was gonna melt. Tomorrow I'm on the morning shift again, so it won't be bad. Don't know if this old gal will be able to do this in June, July and August, Peeps!!!!

On the plus side, I swear, all of my plants grew two inches today!!!>/I>

Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)

Donna, that great, just think of all the plants you get to play with,,
Working in a greenhouse is hard work,,
nice weather you are having,, kinda cold here, sure hope it warms up soon..
but they say Snow might be here by Wed,, sure hope they are wrong,

take care

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

We're going to get some funny weather so-hang tight and when it warms up we will start digging some plants out for you..Are you starting from scratch or do you have some...I was going to take from all places here that I was going to thin out..just to let me know-not that I go over board here..LOL

E-mail me -with info


Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Wilma, at about 3:00 pm yesterday afternoon, I would have given a King's ransom for some "snow" on my face. But now that I think about it, if given the choice today, maybe I'd prefer to find a little shade instead! :D Suppose to be another warm one today. Only working until noon though, so I should be ok.

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

For any of you who are into Canna - ButterflyChaser -DG member, has a large selection and will ship over.

As well I will be receiving about 5-6 types of brug seeds to maybe share here..Let you know when they arrive.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Hi Paradise,

Thank you for the stuff you sent today. However, all I asked for was a smoke tree cutting, rooted or not. Didn't receive it. Did you forget?? Think you must have mixed up my trade with somebody else's. You haven't answered dmail so think lack of communication has caused some misunderstanding. Didn't ask for any of the other stuff you sent.

Wilma's arisaema wasn't in your shipment either.

Am assuming you couldn't root the smoke tree cutting. Too late to do anything about it this year anyway. Guess I'll find one next year.

This message was edited Sep 23, 2005 7:46 PM

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