Plant Trade

Riverview, NB(Zone 5b)

I'll be here. :)

Thanks again.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3a)

Ingrid-I have two Jasmine-will get Pam to ID them if she can-could be two the same;o). Will you try to root another clematis- and I will try the Jasmine? Joelle

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

I could kick myself. Tried -unobtrusively- to get some of my DD's black bamboo but couldn't get any root. Have been trying for 3 years to root culms unsuccessfully.

So there we all are at Linda & Cheryls, with a ton of bamboo. I never saw or asked. Was looking for baamboo at all the nurseries but --- too expensive.

Please send two bits Linda, when you ship to Wilma.


Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Oh, great!! Pam(Lilypon)bought one too at Garden Works..Any Jasmin will be fantastic. I gave the other to mom.
I have another one rooted of the Clematis which I can send you maybe another type which I have here..If, thats ok with you?Wish I new what I know now..I would of been chopping alot of things and rooting them up...I will know for nxt time thou.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

I could kick myself. Tried -unobtrusively- to get some of my DD's black bamboo but couldn't get any root. Have been trying for 3 years to root culms unsuccessfully.

So there we all are at Linda & Cheryls, with a ton of bamboo. I never saw or asked. Was looking for bamboo at all the nurseries but --- too expensive.

Please send two bits Linda, when you ship to Wilma.

Please root a bit of smoke tree for me. What lily would you like?


Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)

could you start me a cutting of that red Ivy too,
looks so pretty, thanks

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

I will ship you cuttings and place them in water...have patience for they take sometimes a while to root..Or, you have to wait for me to do this for you. Your choice..As far as a lily-surprise me. maybe, no orange if possible. Let me know what you decide.ok.

I will try to dig out some for both you and Oldflowergirl(Donna) instead of cuttings..Just need a few more weeks to see where my babies are coming in..

Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)

I am in no hurry, my stuff is still sleeping but soon I am going to
wake them up, beautiful day to do some yard clean up today..

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Does anyone have a Rose Bowl Peony????

South of Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Paridise - I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for but I just bought 2 'Bowl of Beauty' Peony roots from Home Depot for $4.98 each. Here is a link to a picture of what I got:


Does anyone have
Dicentra cucullaria, Calla pallustris alba, Oriental Poppy 'Miss Piggy', or a white Trollius to trade me? Cause that's what I really wanted.

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

I must call up in Ottawa tomorrow and check home Depot..Thanks...That's something they have them. great, Thanks

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Brenda.......surprise me on the trade! And Paridise, "Mdme Alfred Carriere is my favourite rose....if you go back into the Roses will find her! I'm going to need addresses to mail off please! Elaine

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a) she is, Paridise

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Ohh, Elaine, if you have an extra one for me, I'd love a cutting of the Madame. Such a gorgeous rose. I'd be honored!

Donna Kusch
421 - 104 Street
Castlegar, B.C.
V1N 3G6

Are you into Daylilies, Elaine. Or Begonia? Give me a hint so I'd know what to send you.

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

That is some beauty..of a rose! Do you think it will hold here in zone 4-5???If so, I would just love a cutting, if possible..If so, what could I send you in return?

Let me know if you need my address.

Best Wishes, Ingrid

This message was edited Apr 16, 2005 3:36 PM

Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)


I won't trip, over it but if you do have any spare cuttings
I would love to try to grow it here,
What would you like in return?
will be posting up a list soon as I see what is coming up outside..
Let me know and I will e-mail you my address..


This message was edited Apr 16, 2005 10:05 AM

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Good idea, Wilma. Ingrid did you save a rooting of the clematis for our trade?
Linda would you have a piece of your bamboo for me to trade?
:) Donna

Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)

Well Donna you know I am always full of good ideas,,

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Yes, I do and will place your name to it.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

I know you have great ideas.
;) Donna

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Hi Paradise,

How about a pink one? Or Yelow?


Donna, theeeere you aaaaare! It's about time you showed up. Tell us all about the goodies you brought back from Florida RU. What ya got?

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b) went to the Florida RU. How was that? Have you got family down there?

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Send me a surprise...thats fun..
The Smoke tree we still have to wait alittle-to early just yet..

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

I had a fantastic time! Meet so many wonderful people from different groups. I stayed with great friends in Deltona. We drove up on Friday to Florala. It takes 7 hours to get there. Stayed at a neat bed & breakfast place. The new owners who took over it has a son, Josh who plays in The Lost. The weather in Florala went down to between 37 to 40 farnheit at night. I was like a butterfly flitting from trade to trade. It was so much fun! You can see some of the pictures from it at the Roundup thread called Florala. When it came time to pack everything up, I just followed the Canadian Customs Act about bringing houseplants for your own personal use. I spent hours washing off all the soil and wrapping them up in wet paper towels and bagging them in ziplock bags. I wrote everything down what I was bringing to show them. When I went thru Customs, their were very, very impressived! Customs said I was probably the only person who followed the instructions and did such a great job. So last weekend I spent it buying potting soil and planting up all the plants. Just finished today potting up all the bulbs. Some of the things I got were special brugmansias, blackish elephant ear, water lily, different cleodenrums, pandora vine, cross vine, voodo lily, amaryllis, cinnamon vine, plumeria, philipine violet, crinum and a few others. Customs is concerned about plants that can stay in our climate 12 months of the year.
I can't wait to see everything bloom.
:) Donna

This message was edited Apr 16, 2005 10:01 PM

Good for you Donna, we were letting you be the guinnea pig. Thought we'd hear from you last weekend and when all was so quiet, almost went to the airport to see if we had to bail you out. Mmwuuuwahhahhhhaaaaa

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Wow, sounds like you had a wonderful time. WTG! You came home with some fantastic plants! And congrats getting through customs. You must have done a bang-up job getting those plants prepared. Well, I'm off to check out that RU's photos. You must post photos, when all your loot starts to bloom, Donna. :)

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

If you had to bail me out it would have been at the Montreal airport. Would you still have come?? Oh now you tell me that I was a guinea Well I did good! I only brought my quota of 50.
:) Donna

Donn, how many and which clerodendrons? What kind of brugs did you get? Snoopy mind wants to know. Montreal, oh sure

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

How's that saying go....if I tell you all my secrets, I'll have to come and get I did get a Becca Lynn, Rosamond, Butterfly and a Hawaiian Double White. The Cleo's were one of the blue flowered one and a bush type. I do have the two different bleeding heart ones that I've wintered in the house. The red/white flowered one even bloomed inside. I also got some Walking Iris, Sago Palm and some Sago Palm seeds.
:) Donna

Riverview, NB(Zone 5b)

Here's my address:

Darrell & Jan Rogers
882 Pine Glen Rd
Riverview, NB

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Ok all you Mdme wishers! I need addresses to mail these on please............Elaine

Mine is in my dmail to you along with a few questions Elaine.

Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)

looks like I will have some
coral bells ( pink) flower
some lambs ears,
unknow daylilies ( NOT ORANGE)
hen & chicks
wooly thyme
outdoor cactus ( prickly pear) flowers yellow
and in a few days I will know what else
is in those pots ,,

Medicine Hat, AB(Zone 3a)

Paradise - do you still have some of that pretty red clematis? I will have cuttings of Jackmanii and The President soon. My clematis is not up very high yet. I could also trade cuttings of Creeping phlox Coral Eye or Daphne Rose. I have 4 more varities but they aren't up yet.

I would love to do a bunch of trading but I only started planting last year so I'm watching intensely to see what made it through it's first winter. In a couple years though, I should have 45 named daylilies and some 15 named iris to barter with! Guess what my two favorite flowers are!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Songbird I do hope you like tropicals too! ;)

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

I luv tropicals.
:) Donna

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Do you have a plant trading list Donna?

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Hi Brenda...Did you want the same Clematis as what I sent last fall to you?? I can cut some of the red one for you, but this time it wouldn't be rooted for they are all spoken for.

Let me know what kind of irises you have if you get a chance.


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