Black Mondo Grass ???

Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

When I dug up my grass to divide it, there are little white egg looking things growing on the roots. Looks like pods of some sort and they are white/clear. They were there when I bought the plant several years ago, too. What are those things and can I use them to propogate the grass?


Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Could be eggs, could also be nitrogen nodules (fixes nitrogen in most beans and clovers)
Got a picture of them?
Does it look something like this?

Thumbnail by RikerBear
Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

I don't have a camera...they don't look like that. They are attached to the plant, they appear to be part of the plant. But I could be wrong. They look small egg-shaped clear jelly beans.


Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Sounds more like eggs than. Some crawly critter I would think :-)

Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

Hmmm... I wonder... now my curiosity is gonna make me keep digging it up.


Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

In reseraching this some I see that many types of Beetles lay eggs in and around root systems of host plants. Could be what you've got............

Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

ahh...thank you! That's probably what it is. And me, like a fool, wanted to go dig some out and try to grow them in my house!

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

:-) No worse than me babing a treasured plant only to find it to be a weed. LOL

Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

hahah! that's hilarious, I would totally do that!

but when I baby a plant it dies, if I treat it like a weed, it thrives!


Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

I just remembered an incident... I found these BEAUTIFUL white flowers growing on the side of my house, where I never go. I VERY CAREFULLY dug some up and moved into my backyard and watered them and cared for them. Then came the was easy to ID them at that point and they were BEGGAR'S TICKS! Arrggghhh! Now I have them all over my backyard 3 years later and can't get rid of them. Oh, the shame!


Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

LOL That's how I got canadian thistle in one of my perennial beds..

Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

I've got thistle, too, thought it was soooo pretty when I first moved here so I let it go to seed.... stupid me.


Eugene, OR

I have some Black Mondo grass in my back yard right now. Last Fall most of them produced little white flowers. I was looking at them today and one of them has little pea sized black balls on it. I'm wondering what that is.

Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

Isn't that what the seedpods look like? Not that I would know, mine haven't flowered yet.


Eugene, OR

I'm assuming that the little black balls are seed pods, but the timing is throwing me off. I thought seeds came after flowers and the flowes were on the other Mondo grass last fall. Doesn't it seem early for seeds already? I hope it is thought because I'd like to spread it around the base of a pyramid trellis I have. As you can tell i'm new to gaardening; second year.

Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

Could they have been growing there for awhile and you didn't notice? They should come right after flowering.

Eugene, OR

Possibly, but it's hard to believe they would look so shiny and bright if they had been there all winter. You know when I bought that clump it had some very green grass in with it, which i assumed was early stage mondo. The sales person at the nursery didn't mention it so I thought it must be Mondo. Once Fall hit I neglected my garden, but when I went out a couple weeks ago I noticed the green grass had totally engulfed this clump of Mondo and it had a lot of seeds. Like an idiot I still thought it must be Mondo so I helped spread the seeds. I found out a day later it was a parasite grass. When I pulled it all out from around the Mondo I noticed the little black peas so maybe they were there over the winter. I'll go out tomorrow and pinch a round on them. that would be great if they were seeds becasue there a lot of them.

Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

today I dug up a green mini mondo and it had the same things on the roots. and you know what? I planted some dahlia clumps and those brown things hanging look just like the things on the mondo grass, only bigger and not the same color.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

If they are clear little round things like beads, the could be slug or snail eggs.

The black round bead thingees are seeds, from last fall still around. Plant them and see if the sprout.


Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

ohhh noooo!!!
we have snails and slugs. usta have only snails. like i said, when i bought the mondo grass it had them. so maybe the mondo grass brought the slugs with it???

Crossville, TN(Zone 6b)

Sorry, Michelle to ride in on your question but I just bought this grass.

I am getting mixed instructions on where to plant it. The tag says sun to part shade DG says part shade/shade. Where do you have this planted?


East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I strongly recommend part shade/shade. I planted one in full sun once, under a tree, thinking that would be enough protection, it got crispy in no time. this plant has got be in the top ten of SLOWEST to grow! beautiful but boy is it slow!

Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

I planted mine part shade, doing great.

Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10a)

Any possibility they are root knot nematodes? We have a nematode in this area (North Florida) that forms a gall-like structure around its home within a root. The knots crush easily. I have seen similar structures on green mondo grass here.

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