The Game Picks Up Speed

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

I Finnaly got some pics off my camera!!!!!!!! Thsi is the table my DH built me to start seeds -- that's my DH in the corner!

3 shelves aluminum on top to conduct heat- florecent lights and we ended up putting insulation around 3 sides (the hard foam type that is silver on one side)

Thumbnail by mysticwill
Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

this is what is inside each shelf -- there is metal tape over every crack or joint in the pieces so water can penetrate


Thumbnail by mysticwill
Arroyo Grande, CA

This is great mysticwill. I built one similar to yours out a set of boltless shelves, even did the rigid insulation between levels. It was great fun building it, but as it turned out the garage was warm enough to where all I needed was a few flourescents and the big problem became keeping it cool. Getting ready to do my third set of seeds. I built some computer server fans into the sidewall and they have worked very well.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Do you rent out that handy husband? He sure is a sweetheart.

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

LOL!!! He is a Keeper-- he can fix the house, the car and build me just about anything..

WEEZGREENS!!! I am NEVER EVER pricking out 192 lobelia AGAIN! OMW and I am not done -- I thought "oh if she can do it I can do it, no problem...." UGH! nevermind the nicotina I did, more of that to do too, the portulaca, pertuina,..... mommie......

LOL! It's pobably no eaiser to get one teeny tiny seed in each little hole, so I guess I have to pick my pain... And Ihave to convince that DH to build me another rack..... hmmmm


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I clump transplanted my lobelia and my nicotiana etc.... partly because I thought this would give the little plants a branched appearance early on, and partly because I didn't have room under the lights for that many cell packs of each kind, and I thought it seemed better to clump them than to toss out so many little seedlings!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

LOL, Heather! Yes, there are many, many little lobelia, aren't there! Like critter, I group plant them, but I have found I prefer the look I get when I only plant 4-6 plants to a cell. I start them early, so they get a chance to fill out, but they aren't too crowded. Of course, to get that full look, I've got to plant a couple cells instead of one on each corner of a basket! I've got 12 flats of lobelia out in the greenhouse. That's 72 per flat, so 864 of those little devils! Some are beginning to get blooms now. I've got some buds on a flat of marigolds, as well.

I transplanted 9 flats today, and I haven't even dented the trays of seedlings waiting to be transplanted. I'm going to be busy!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I think 4-6 per cell is about the density I used, too, but I put mine in 48 cell flats. They had to share the space with some white alyssum, but a couple dozen lobelia will be plenty for my purposes. They're coming along well. I tried 'Cambridge Blue' this year as well as the darker blue 'Crystal Palace' I've grown in the past.

I can hardly imagine 864 little plugs of lobelia!!! Are you redoing those baskets for downtown?

Happy transplanting, WZ! :-)

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