Goldfish Plant

Ridgeville, IN(Zone 5a)

I have a goldfish plant, and was wondering if anyone else has one? Mine was very small when I first got it, and it's grown quite a lot. However, the middle part of the plant isn't very full. You know how with some plants, you trim the plant to keep it full, bushy and looking nice......can the same thing be done with a goldfish plant? The plant is very healthy, and looks just isn't full like it used to be. Any suggestions? Thanks. Jenny

I have two different varieties, and I trim them once in awhile. They're bushy, so it must work. I make new plants from the cuttings. You can also just put the rooted cuttings back into the same pot to help promote a bushier plant.

Ridgeville, IN(Zone 5a)

Thanks! Any tips on rooting the cuttings? Do they root quickly? Jenny

I just cut off the bottom few leaves and put the cuttings in water; you could also try rooting horomone and pop them in the earth - I've never used that method though so can't say how it works. A month in water should give you a good enough root to be able to plant. Goodl uck!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


The Goldfish Plant is a member of the "Columnea" family. Another one is the Lipstick Plant. From what I know, they root very slowly and not too easily.

I have Lipstick Plant. I hang it outside all Summer and it just thrives! Last Summer it bloomed beautifully. Here's a picture--close up.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I just got a goldfish plant from Lowes. I love mine, but I hope its not too hot here to grow it.

It should do fine for you jdee, the more sun mine get the more they bloom, but they'll dry out pretty fast. I'm finding though that although it grows fast in in the pot, the cuttings I took about a month ago have very few roots yet. I might just pop them in the pot with the rest of the plant anyway. Maybe they don't need to be rooted in water.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm glad you told me that. I was moving mine, and noticed that a piece of it had come off in transport. I didn't know whether or not it would root in water, but I put it in some anyway. Now I know it eventually will given time. Thanks.

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Hiya, jenny! I HATE my goldfish plant! Only because I can't get it to bloom though.....;-) Such a bummer. In my corner of the universe, I HAVE been able to just clip a cutting & stick it into soil with success. In fact, it's been so easy, I now have several little goldfish plants around taunting me with NO goldfish. I've contemplated giving them away, makes me so mad!

Anyway, one other tip: they LOVE natural rainwater. Not that it makes them bloom, however.......

=) MKJ

(Zone 5b)

I remember reading something about this recently, but I can't remember if it was about goldfish plant or lipstick plant. Assuming they have enough light and the right temperature & water, could it be they might need fertilizer? or could they be too young to bloom?

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Yeah, from what I've read, they have to have JUST the right amount of water, light, humidity, fertilizer etc, in the EXACT balance, or no bloom. Needless to say, I've yet to discover that perfect ratio.......=( Rewarding (I've HEARD) if you find the right combo.


I've found that they need lots of direct sun shine to bloom. I literally drown mine once a week, by the next watering its bone dry. So I think the key is lots of sun, lots of water and let it complely dry between waterings. Mine are actually not getting enough sun right now and are not blooming either. My mini greenhouse, full of seedlings, is in the way right now, so its worth the sacrifice.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3a)

I think 2 of three of my cuttings took. I used a rooting hormone. Joelle

Ridgeville, IN(Zone 5a)

I've read that they need high humidity to bloom. I've also read that they are hard to get to bloom. I don't do anything special with mine.....yet it blooms several times throughout the year. Go figure. :o) Jenny

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I feed mine with Miracle Gro fertilizer (dilute feeding with every watering) and it blooms off and on for me....mine's a small plant, too.
I read somewhere, too, that a 'cool position' will help them bloom. Mine is in an east window in a cool room, so maybe that helps?

Feeding and good light are definite necessities. I think the higher humidity might *help* (had one above the kitchen sink in an east window at my last home that bloomed like crazy!) but I don't think it's absoutely necessary to see it bloom.

After reading this thread again, and viewing the picture by Gitagal, I realized that I too have a lipstick plant. I knew about my other two being goldfish plants, but got this new plant a couple of months ago, which has bloomed like crazy for me, and I was baffled as to what kind of plant it could be - the flowers are so unusual. Then it hit me just last night - I checked mine, which is still blooming, and that's what it is! It gets nearly no sun at all, but lots of light, and I've been keeping it fairly damp. Go

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