More heuchera temptation, anyone seen the 2005 intros?

Golden, CO(Zone 5b)

Suzanne, I couldn't find any history of a heuchera coop, and although terranova has a good rep, the only evidence of size is pictures on the website. I know several people who have bought things that came from them and all were quite pleased with size and condition. Since I'm not a wholesaler, I can't get into the wholesale side of their website. That would be where they would indicate size of each plant I would think. I clicked a link on their website that was an interview with a TV crew done in 2002 that showed some nice looking stuff, but I'm sure they would have filmed the best.

I was hoping someone here had some input on their stuff.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I am really surprised that with all the members who have purchased from Terra Nova, why there is no listing in Garden Watchdog.



Cape May Court House, NJ(Zone 7a)

Terra Nova is WHOLESALE only!!!!

Jadare is in the Garden Watchdog!!


This message was edited Mar 22, 2005 2:38 PM

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Gotcha Ruby,

About the Terra Nova. I just saw Jadare in there. That's great for her.


Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

Molly, Those pics are from last fall, and no - I have not gotten anything yet this year. I believe Amber starts shipping in April, so it is getting really close. The order I have been adding to all winter is HUGE!!! I had to go get my garden journal and read the list the other day to make sure I was not orderimg those things again!! I had forgotten what some of the items were and akmost ordered 4-5 plants I already have coming...LOL :)

Have a good day!

This message was edited Mar 22, 2005 7:42 AM

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


No I haven't got them already :^((, I thought you had. She should be emailing me shortly with a shipping date. Since I live in Florida, maybe she will send sooner than April. wish wish wish.

Have a great day!


Woodstock, GA(Zone 7b)

Terre~ I am not a wholesaler either but maybe i will give them a call, perhaps they will sell to a garden club. By the way, you should see all the beautifull hosta from the co-op coming up!! I did not lose even one of them. Actually, i keep finding pots all over my yard that I must have planted them in because i was too tired to actually dig a hole, lol. Hope you are doing well.

Golden, CO(Zone 5b)

Boy, if you do, let me know, I'll be the first to sign up!

I'm so glad your hostas are coming up, I haven't seen mine yet, but hopefully soon. I'm not in the least surprized you are finding them everywhere, you ordered what, 300???

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I've been watching here and just wanted to pop in and say, some of the heuchera's that went to sleep this winter are starting to wake up.

I always worry about these since they are not zone 10 plants. I worry they died, like the hostas, then they surprise me and come back, like the hostas.

BTW Jamie, I did hear from Amber, and mid April is the anticipated shipping date. But I received the seeds I ordered from her this weekend.


Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

That is so soon! I better e-mail her and find out for sure my final order status. I am sooo excited to see all these new treasures...:), I just can't wait. I know I will have forgotten some of the stuff I ordered over the LOOONG winter, and it will be like a late Christmas surprise as I open my boxes...:)so


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


I just re-read her email and interpreted it that for Floridians, shipping date tentative 4/11. That is, if their ground isn't still frozen. Ooooo, I can hardly wait.

I just finished planting all the things I received at the Florala Swap a few minutes ago. Now I need to review my order to see what I bought and where I shall plant them.


Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)


Oh my gosh...that is next week!! I will probably be the week after...I haven't gotten an e-mail back yet. Do you have picks of the plants you planted?? And what did you get?? What is coming from Amber?? OK, ok, enough questions. I am going to go check my e-mail for Ambers reply...

Happy planting !!


ps. One of my beds waiting for plant orders....getting VERY excited!!

Thumbnail by jamie68
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

And one other bed for FULL sun plants...I feel like a kid at christmas...just waiting to open those boxes...LOL :o)


Thumbnail by jamie68
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


This picture is of the columbine, rock soapwort, galliardia, agastache, yellow and blue eyed grasses, violas, and some salvia. I got these last October from Amber. Or did you mean pics of what I planted yesterday? The ones I planted yesterday are not very photogenic right now. They were small seedlings and cuttings mostly. We'll have to wait on those til they grow a little bit.

I refuse to show you my zone 9 bed right now since all those plants are somewhat dormant right now. I also have Bergundy, varius daylilies and a few others.

This time I ordered achillea, violas, zebrina Hollyhocks, fanfare, buddleias, blue and gold spiderwort, Meadow Rue, agastache, sedum tri-color, a couple hostas and more columbine.

Is that zoysia grass you have growing in those pictures? It looks so soft and cushy. We have mostly St Augustine sod down here. Drought and heat tolerant but not nice to walk barefoot in.

Well, have a 9:00 appointment. Better get dressed and going. TTYL


Thumbnail by MollyMc
Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)

Not sure if this is new for '05, but here's Heuchera Purple Petticoat.

Thumbnail by smiln32
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Lovely Carla, and great picture too.


Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)

Here is Heuchera Stormy Seas - close up of the leaf...

Thumbnail by smiln32
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

I love your border...nice, healthy plants! I have some to show you.......

Heuchera 'Amethyst Myst'.....One of my favorites....Oh, they all are my favorites.

Thumbnail by jamie68
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)


Love those plants!! The deep purples are gorgeous!!

One of my other Favorites...H. 'Amber Waves', a symphony of orange, red, hot pink, and green...really amazing!

Thumbnail by jamie68
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Hi All,

Remember I said earlier I got the seeds in the mail I ordered? Well it was bronze fennel and iceplant seeds. They are germinating away as we speak.

Today I received half of my plant order. Let's see, Cerise Queen Yarrow, Blue Agastache, Red Butterfly Bush, Denver Gold Columbine, Meadow Rue Thalictrum, Carnival and Gold Standard hostas, tri color sedum and Blue and Gold Spiderwort.

They have been planted already and I await further news on the rest. I also have some DL's coming from the co-op and some trades coming in. It's keeping me busy.

I spent Sunday, moving things around, the tropical stuff had to get out of my daylily bed, cannas had to be thinned and of course, Saturday I had made another trip to a local nursery I discovered so I had to find places to plant those newcomers.

One of my shade gardens isn't going to be in the shade again until after the summer solstice, much later. So I had to move some sensitive things to the back corner.

It was a busy day yesterday.

Have yall got yours yet?


surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

Having lived in Hollywood Fl. for 15 years before moving to the carolinas 6 years ago,I marvel at the things that you are growing.I pretty much stuck to the tropicals.Have you tried to plant Heliconias?I was very much involved in the Heliconia society when we lived in Fl and I can tell you that they are a breeze in your climate.All you need to do is keep dividing rhizomes once they become established.There are so many different types each flower more spectacular than the other.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


Yes, I planted heliconias the first year I started gardening. They were the ones with the orange flowers. Within the first year they got ugly, the orange wasn't as vivid, the leaves turned gray around the edges and they were sending underground roots out into the yard. I took them all out and started growing perennials.

I do have some tropicals in my yard, but not many. I like a lot of color and variety. Granted, it's more work to take care of than tropicals, but I have time.


surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

You tried the worst ones h.psittacorum which is not recommended for garden planting as it is a runner.If you want ones as a dramatic specimen I would recommend h.caribaea or the the hanging h.rostrata.
My biggest problem with gardening in South Florida was the heat and humidity.I envy you the stamina to grow the things you do in such a climate.
I also love the Heucheras and started a few last year.They are doing well and I'm sure I'll order more next year.

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