I just got a pink princess and I was wondering?

( Kim) Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

I don't know if this is good or bad its very cold Up here And I did tell him that but he said it would be fine Is this how there are to look I have to send a couple of pic I just got it 20minutes ago Iwish I could find out to send all at once
Kim They just dont look well can anyone tell me what I should do

Thumbnail by Dimmer
( Kim) Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

This is pic #2

Thumbnail by Dimmer
( Kim) Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Pic #3

Thumbnail by Dimmer
Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi Dimmer! I have one of these , and I love it. Your's looks a little rough , maybe due to shipping damage, but it certainly looks healthy enough to live and do very well. I have seen on some forums where some say they are fast growers, but mine is very very slow growing, but I really like it anyway. Baby it along for awhile , and I think it will be fine. Lou

( Kim) Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks Lou.
I talked with Steve he said the same thing baby it so I hope it will love it here

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

I agree. Looks like physical damage - but otherwise a healthy plant. Just treat it normally and it should be fine. You just have to wait for the damaged leaves to grow out.

( Kim) Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Well I have been babying the plant and so far 2 leaves have died off BBBBBBBBBut I think I have a new leaf growing so thats it for now

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)


I have one of these plants too. I don't know much about its growing conditions, but here is what I've learned on my own: Water it when dry to the touch, place in bright light( mine gets about 3 hours of sun, but otherwise very bright light, each day) and, keep it very humid. If you don't keep it humid, the pink leaves will begin to brown at the edges.:((((((( Its beginning to grow at a more regular pace now that the days are longer. None of the new leaves have been all pink or even half pink:(((( They are all burgundy with pink splotches. I'm guessing that some of them will turn green and more pink as they age. It's a fascinating plant. I love the thick stems!!!!!!!! I'm trying my hand at propagating now and I'm not so sure I'm succeeding!


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