Harvest Baskets

Riverview, NB(Zone 5b)

I am toying with the idea of a "Road Side Stand" this year.
I purchased a lot of vegetable seeds and will probably only sell corn this year. (to mainly cover this years expenses) The corn part is easy. I'll sell it by the dozen.
But, the following season, i.e., 2006, I'd like to sell Strawberries and perhaps a few other things. I'm thinking Tomatoes and Cucumbers.
Well, to sell Strawberries and Tomatoes and Cucumbers, I'm going to need something to put the berries in and I'm going to have to have something to put the Tomatoes and Cucumbers in.

The tomatoes and cucumbers I thought I might sell for canning as well as for the table. So I will need something to put them in so the people who buy them, hopefully, :) will have something to take them home in.

I thought maybe using grocery bags and weighing the vegetables. You know, get a bushel basket and fill it up to see how much it weighs, and then fill grocery bags to match the weight of a bushel basket. How does that sound?

I wish I knew what I was doing. Ha ha ha ha

I get a monthly check and I'm trying to make a bit of extra money and since I love to garden and it's something I know, I thought I'd give this a try. I picked out a really good corn to start with this year, at least it sounds really good. People go nuts at the grocery store when they bring it in by the crate, and even though it isn't that good, people are on top of each other reaching for it.

Oh Lord I hope I do ok with this venture.

Anyway............Moving right along..............:)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Good luck with your new venture!

I know those pint & quart baskets can add up, even if they're the cheaper plastic ones. I wanted to mention that folks at our farmer's market here put berries, tomatoes, etc out for display in those baskets, but when you buy them they get transferred to a little paper sack. Larger baskets, or even plastic grocery bags are also nice for when you're shopping along a table of produce, so you have somewhere to put your choices. Then they get weighed if sold by the pound or counted if sold by the piece. See what seems to be SOP at your local markets, as different pricing & display strategies may work better depending on your location.

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

We have small farm close to us and they have an"Honor Market". They have their vegetables in bushel baskets and a
scales on a table, There is a locked money box with a slot in it for purchase moneys. You weigh your own purchase and figure the price from a blackboard with the day,s veggie prices on it. Put the money in the box and take your veggies home in used grocery store bags that they save all year. They have them in a bushel basket too for customers. Most people get a used bag and put it on the scales and add they veggies so they are close to even pounds for easier math.LOL They sell strawberries, corn, cucumbers, tomatoes peppers pumpkins and squash.


Dansville, NY(Zone 6a)

I have been thinking of the Honor Market system myself since i work
a full time job and grow stuff for fun and to just do something.
I live in a small trailer park and most others here are retired and
nobody has a garden or anything. I think with a few 4 x 8 plots in
the side yard and a 10 x 12 or 10 x 16 lean-to greenhouse on the
side of the trailer i sould beable to support the trailer park with
fresh veggies/flowers/ herbs and strawberries.

Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

What an exciting adventure to consider, DarrellR. While I cannot offer advice, I do wish you the best of luck! :)

And VbSparky, it sounds like you could have quite a successful lil Honor Market. I rather imagine your neighbors would be watching out for your best interests while you were working, as well as enjoy having their own local 'grocer' for the really good stuff. Makes me wonder if I should consider a lil stand for our neighborhood... hmmm... :)


Riverview, NB(Zone 5b)

critterologist.....I like the idea of using paper sacks and plastic grocery bags. The grocery bags will work great for the corn.

VbSparky......I like the idea of the "Honor System".
The bags and the Honor System combined works for me.
Thanks everybody for your input. I appreciate you.
DarrellR in NB Canada

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Although I like the idea of the honor system, I would recommend tending your stand initially, until you get to know your customers and they get to know how you'd like to do things. I'd hate for you to come across that one bad apple that could spoil your whole experience. Once you establish a customer base, I'd bet they'll be fairly self-policing, because they'd be looking out for you. Just my 2 cents, and please note I've never run a market stand!

BTW, I think there is a "Market Growers" forum here somewhere..... you may be able to get more expert advice there!

Riverview, NB(Zone 5b)

Thanks Critterologist. I'll see if I can locate it.
And, I think you are right on the money.

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