Alocasia help

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

Well I'm a fine one to give advise to anyone regarding houseplants, LOL!!
In the process of trying to rescue my Alocasia "Polly" from root rot and about all I'm left with is a bunch of corms.
What is the best way to get them to grow (assuming they will grow)? There is no rot on the corms (still hard) but not roots or sprouts either.
Thanks, Caron

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I had an Alocasia "Jungle mask" for some years and noticed that it does have a dormant period. I had it in a 6" stone pot and it would grow a few nice leaves while outside for the Summer, but the leaves would "peter out" in the house for the winter. The lower stem did thicken up as years went by.

After a few years of this, I just gave up, so--I cannot really assist you. I would (maybe) treat the corms as any other bulblets and plant them in the early Summer in pots and keep them moist and see what grows. You could also call a local Nursery and ask for advice, OR--go to the PDB and see what they have to say. How about books on exotic tropicals?

Not much help, but just my 2 cents worth. gitagal

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