PF Seedling pictures, Please.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

We have really been busy adding details, but now I'm requesting everyone add their seedling pictures to the Plant Files. With Spring comes seedlings for many of us.
This will definately add to the quality of information.
A firsthand comment on germination is always a good addition too.

I have planted a large area with a big mix of wildflowers and Daisy mixes. They are coming up thickly and it would help to have these pictures as a reference.
Also, to keep another collected record of them you could post an identified seedling in this thread or other spot of the admins choice.
Thank you,

Thumbnail by sugarweed
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Let's see if I can pullup a Rainbow Coleus seedling picture

Thumbnail by sugarweed
Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

This is a fabulous idea, Sidney! I was planning to start photo records of veggie seeds and seedlings at various stages of growth this season, and it's nearly time for me to begin. :)


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Figured since almost all of us are growing at least one plant from seed. I am, thanks to all the encouragement from DG.
When people are so special to send ya seeds, you've got to plant them. Last year I could afford flats, this year it's seeds.
All contributions greatly appreciated.

( Kim) Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

My plants are indoor plants AV plants I started them in september Dose this cout or do they have to be outdoor?

Thumbnail by Dimmer
Modi'in, Israel

Sidney, sure thing! As soon as my camera is back from the shop ("sometime this week"), I'll start taking pics of my seedlings. I don't do many seeds, but what I do get I'll take photos of :-)

Kim, I think the purpose of adding seedling pics is so people can use those as well to help with an ID. If you know what the seedling it, you'll know if you want to pluck it out or leave it to grow :-) So it doesn't really matter where your seedlings were started.....they'd look the same if started might just be later in the year for those outdoor seeds. :-)


Seedling pictures are something that would be great to have much more of, thank you Sugarweed for bringing it up and the encouragement.

If I may add something a little extra, if the idea is for ID, the best stages for seedling IDs are the 4 to 8 true leaves stage, any younger and it can be difficult to tell. Of course some genera have very distinct leaves right from the start but these are less common.

I'm looking forward to seeing these in the PF.

Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)


Any plants are great for adding pictures to the PlantFiles. It doesn't matter if they are houseplants, veggies or trees (or anything else for that matter). Isolate the plant/seedling and note what it is, then take your picture. Make sure you don't get too close to the subject matter, though, or your photo will be blurred and it won't be as useful. My digital camera doesn't work on super close-ups, so it's frustrating for me to get good shots at times.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes, all babies are welcome, indoor, outdoor, makes no difference.
African Violets, wow, you are brave, I think.
My picture above was not as good on focus as I thought.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Great idea, Sidney! Pictures of this quality would be ideal.

We should include "weeds" we deal with as well.


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Wow this is a site folks with 400 seedlings, with great clear pictures. Just a wonderful resource.
Thank you John!
So far, I know I have lupines. lol

Modi'in, Israel

Cool site John! It's definitely been added to my gardening favorites! Thanks for the link. I ID'd some of the "questionables" in my own garden from those pics! Now I know I'll be out their plucking up at least some of them whenever the rain lets up and the beds dry out a bit LOL


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Got 2 in the que for the PF...coleus and red cockscomb...both with a penny beside them for size.

Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)

Melody, The penny is a great idea.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Absolutely, money is a great size relative tool. We almost all have a dab of it somewhere.

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