I bought peat pots and I have no idea what to do next...

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL :) Okay, I have these Cleome and Morning Glory seeds. I saw that the things take nearly 3 months before they flower! Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a "headstart" might be a good idea. So, I bought some of those peat pellet things at Lowe's tonight. Problem is I have very little idea of what to do now! LOL. Can anyone tell me when I should try to sow these seeds in the peat pellets? My last frost date is around Mother's Day. I' d also greatly appreciate it if anyone could explain how and when to begin hardening any seedlings off, and what kind of natural light I should give (did I read to start them in a lower-light location until they sprout???)

Thank you all sooooooo much! I don't know what I'd do w/o you all to walk me through this seed stuff!!!
Hugs :)

Start the Cleome 2 or 3 weeks before Mother's Day indoors. You can start the mgs then too but you will need to provide them support like a bamboo cane for them. I don't use the peaty pots because they dry out so fast and have to keep watering them. I don't recall if Cleome needs darkness to germinate. I always refer to one of the seed germination databases for that guidance. Do you have those at hand or do you need links? I printed one out because it was so handy, but it was quite a few pages...well worth the ink and paper IMHO.

You need to slightly nick the seed coat of the morning glory seed with a nail file or carefully with a sharp knife. Then soak the seed in warm-to-hand water for between 24 and 48 hours, some say only 1 hour, experiment with it? Then you can plant the seeds individually in the peaty pots, taking care not to plant them too deeply but not too shallowly either....something like 1/4" deep. Keep the pots out of drafts and warm. Most are very easy to germinate. You ought to see big shoots in a few days.

What mgs do you have?


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I would go ahead and sow the cleome now and set the tray outside in a protected area. They seem to sprout best with fluctuating temps. They used to be one of the few things I could not get going and other people had them self seeding out the whazoo. A friend told me the secret was changes in temperature. I winter sowed them year before last and up they came when they were ready!

I have to agree I don't care for the peat pots either. Run up to Lowe's and get some of the seed mix and a tray of cell packs. The three packs are in a wrapper that says 3 greenhouse trays or something like that. They even come with little plant markers. :)

Osage City, KS(Zone 5b)

hugahosta, Do you have a Dollar General store where you live.... I found trays with the plastic cells at the Dollar General for 3.00...... The tray, the dome and the cells......

Dansville, NY(Zone 6a)

Watch them morning glories, the pack i got at walmarts says germination 10 days.
the things poped in 2 days and were a inch tall..

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

A little hint for the MG seeds, I have found it very easy to use fingernail clippers to take a very tiny nip off the seed. That is all you need to let the water get into the seed and start germination. Good luck, Margie aka Queen of Dirtland:)

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

The MG are "Milky Way" and I'm going to be transplanting them into a container for my front steps :)

Thanks so much to everyone for the helpful hints! I'd never even try seeds if i didn't have ya'll :)

Michele, when you say "a protected place".... what exactly does that mean??? Full sun but little wind? part sun? shade? I would love to do something with them now :) Maybe it'd make Spring seem closer...

Thanks again!!!
I'll post pics when things eventually germinate!

Hugs :)

Once you get them going and out of the ground, hugahosta, you will be forever hooked on doing seeds, never to be cured. Say your prayers LOL!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

You can set the cell packs outside. You want to be careful that cute little mice and birds don't steal your seeds. You also want to make sure they won't sit in water (like in the flat) or sit under a downspout or such. I use the flat with the lid but be sure to make sure the tray does not hold water and take the lid off as soon as they sprout.

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)


This message was edited Mar 4, 2005 11:52 PM

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks! I was wondering... at the risk of sounding like a Seed Idiot.... why can't I just put the Cleome seeds in the flower bed? If these guys reseed so freely (as everyone says they do), can't I just put the seeds directly in the space I want them to be in permanently? I know that winter sowing in flats has a huge germination rate, but don't we wind up thinning so many out anyway? If I try direct sowing and it flops, I can get started Cleome plants from nurseries in Spring, right? Just wondered... LOL :)

BTW, I found online that I'm supposed to start my Morning Glory seeds indoors 3-4 weeks before the last frost date :) Also says to chip the seeds, soak for 24 hours, and cover w/ 1/4-1/2" soil. That last part was for me... as a note :) Fun!

Thanks again!!!

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey, look! I have a book about annuals!!! LOL :)

Well, I've answered my own question about sowing directly outside. The answer is that everything will bloom later... who wants that?! LOL... does winter sowing produce plants that flower as early as starting seeds indoors?

Hugs :)

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL You are such a good sport. You can sow both outside. I just really thought you wanted to start them inside. :) And yes, they will bloom quicker if you start them earlier, in most cases.

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh my word, ya'll, I'm in trouble.

Okay... now I have these "visions" dancing around in my head (doesn't help that it's 12:30am) ...... visions of a long folding table up in the open room, next to the window.... visions of maybe just a really simple light system over the table.... visions of a seed tray in the fridge.... visions of little teeny weensy cutie tiny green Morning Glories, Cleome, and Gomphrena, oh my!

I've just realized tonight (yes, I'm quite slow) that the main benefit of sowing seeds for me is earlier bloom. Oh dear, watch out! I bought several different types of seed that I was just going to sow directly in the garden this Spring... as previously stated - watch out! LOL :) Now, of course, I want to start every last one of those seed packets inside to get earlier blooms :) I direct sowed Gomphrena last year (it was my only flower all summer, LOL) and I absolutely loved it. Problem was that it didn't start blooming until the end of July! Not this year, honey! LOL -- this year those baby seeds are getting a head start! :) I'll have gomphrena much earlier!! YIPPEE!!!

Seeds are great, seeds are neat, seeds are fun, seeds mean blooms, I need sleep...

Thanks sooo much, everyone :)
I'm going to bed for now, LOL!

Hugs :)

you want to start them indoors so you can have the joy in watching them burst through the soil, and observe each part of their early growth, up close and personal. This, in my opinion, is the best part of starting seeds indoors.


Boy is that ever true Gerris! This is my first year to grow from seed, and I was also extremely anxious - so much so that I bought a mini-greenhouse that's 6' high and has four shelves. They're all filled with trays of seedlings, just poking their tiny heads out of the peat pellets. Its so exciting to know that I can actually grow something from seed! I like the peat pellets because they're clean to work with, and I put them in cell packs once they've expanded. I also have last frost about mid-May....gonna have some big seedlings by then....lol.

Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

*sending images of colorful blooms to Jacci as she sleeps*

This thread has been so much fun to read! Been there, done that, on my second year and even more addicted than before. Life is good! :)

*HUGS* to all,

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

The thing to do with peat pots is throw them away or get dark glasses and grind them up in a powder and sell them downtown late at night lol. I can see it all now yo hey there want some bad peat to smoke lol Ernie

I got some peat pots too, put expanded peat pellets in them too. I find they get moldy really fast. Am controlling it now with h2o2, but won't get them again. Good plan for them Ernie...I have just the right sunglasses....lol.

Spokane Valley, WA(Zone 5b)

LOL @ Ernie... ya stinker!

I don't use those peat pots at all, but I do like the pellets for starting things out and then clip the netting off when I pot them up. :)

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Huga--I was researching how to start seeds too (since I'm new to it) and here is the thread I posted with some of the info from google-ing--- http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/488155/- covers The Deno Method, WinterSowing, and general seed propagation and Tom Clothier's site among others--for when you (and I) really get going on seed starting..... lol

I tried the Zip Lock Baggy germination thing (Deno method) this week on Cosmos--probably too early--but every seed germinated...now I guess I'll plant them in the seed trays from Lowes...

My sister says to watch out for Morning Glories--once you have them you can't get rid of them--do you think that's true? I love them and would like to plant them too...t.

(Zone 7a)

Once you get them going and out of the ground, hugahosta, you will be forever hooked on doing seeds, never to be cured. Say your prayers LOL!

LOL LOL Joseph!!!

hugahosta...I'm the prime example!!!

Never to be Cured! ha ha ha ha

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Um, what if your peat pots start molding before or just at the point of germination?

I don't want to lose my seedlings, but is it already too late?


Jen, I have a bit of mold on all of my peat pots, but none of the seeds have reached germinatioin yet. I mix No Damp in my watering can (2 tsp/1 qt. water) (stinky but effective), and am spraying once or twice daily with dilute hydrogen peroxide (1 part H2O2 to 20 parts water), and its keeping it under control. I'm not sure if it'll harm them, but am hoping not. I've also heard that spraying with camomile tea will help, but haven't tried it.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Yes, many people are suggesting chamomille tea, but I think that is for damping off and I don't think that is what is happening.

I read on another site that the mold most likely won't go anywhere, but the outside of the pot and to just watch the moisture levels. I'm going to see if it gets worse or not and if so, I might just start over in plastic pots.

Thanks for the advice on No Damp. I'll check into it.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

When your seeds germinate in the peat pots, let them get big enough to handle safely and transplant them to plastic.Throw away the peat pot. This is usually about the time you see a set of true leaves. Little plastic bathroom cups with flat bottoms work beautifully and they are super cheap. Poke a hole in the bottom and use a sharpie to write what kind of plant on the outside. Only get the flat bottomed kind...the ones with the raised lip won't work because you can't bottom water.

I even use the bigger ones for tomatoes...the clear kind lets you see the root system and you know that your plant isn't root bound.

Willoughby, OH(Zone 5a)

OK,just my 2 cents worth. I have always used 3'' peat pots for my morning glories because they resent transplanting ALOT! The peat pot can go directly in the ground with no root disturbance. Sure they often get a little moldy but it never hurt my MGs. Once the plants get pretty big and develop a good root system,Letting them get a little dry ,before watering helps control the mold. Everybody has personal preferences,though, so just find out what works for you.

(Zone 7a)

Ohh Yesss.. to each his own. Whatever works best for you. But personally I will never use another peat pot or pellet. I've decided they are not for me. You can always use this http://www.gardensalive.com/product.asp?pn=8066&bhcd2=1110549141 It also elimates mold on the peat pots. The plants really like it too...lol. I just add a teaspoon to a spraying bottle and spritz every now and then. I'e been very fortunate this year..I have seen little or almost no mold or damping off.

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Great idea, Melody. I might have to try that if I ever decide to grow seeds again. I might some day...maybe just 1 flat - why not :)

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

You all are giving such great advice, thanks. I think I will try some of that Soap-Shield. I believe it is organic, right? The mold is going away now that I've removed the baggies and let the pots dry out a bit, but now I'm afraid to water too heavily. I'm using a mister, but that doesn't seem to water enough. Oh, the troubles!!! LOL Really, watering is getting to be a bit tricky. I watered from the bottom of the flat and it completely soaked and I believe killed several cells while leaving others a bit dry. I tried to make sure it was laying flat, but I'm sure it is a little uneven. Any advice now on watering?

Hugahosta, I believe I've hijacked your thread. I'm very sorry. Are you still out there? How are your seedlings doing?

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

2 sets of overnight house guests at different times and about 14 folks for dinner set me back a bit! I need to get on this! Thankfully, I think the next couple of weeks will be relatively calm with not a lot going on at Hotel Morgan :) So.... I'll get em going! No problem on the hijack, BTW :)

Night! :)

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

OK... here's the update :) I took Badseed's advice and got the tray packs and starter mix. So tonight I finally got started! I sowed "Strawberry Fields" Gomphrena and also a purple gomphrena. I even remembered to label them :)

Thumbnail by SalmonMe
Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

An annual book I have recommends placing them in darkness or covering with black plastic until germination (6-15 days). So, here's my trash bag seed tray :)

Thumbnail by SalmonMe
Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Now, the seed pack said that it was 6-15 days until germination at 70-75 degrees. We keep our house at 68 most of the time. I was wondering if this little spot would help germination. It's about, maybe, 2 feet from the heater vent. Is it too close?

This message was edited Mar 15, 2005 11:41 PM

Thumbnail by SalmonMe
Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

So, there's the Gomphrena! :) I'm a bit nervous now! So, do I check these guys every day and keep them a bit moist (evidently, Gomphrena seedlings like it a tad drier than most)? When the first one pops up do I put the clear lid on with the vents open and move them into bright light at that time?

The Cleome is in the freezer for 2 weeks, then I'll sow it and some basil. This will be really fun if I actually get plants out of it all :) I'll really be bummed if the Starwberry Fields Gomphrena doesn't work out. I want that plant! :) LOL

Thanks so much for helping me through this!!!
Hugs :)

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