Neon pothos

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey all,

I was at the grocery store today, and I managed to leave with another plant. A neon pothos. I'd heard about them, but I'd never seen one. Now I completely understand why people would want one. It was the last one.

The problem is that the lable containing light requirements and care instructions was missing. I'm assuming they're the same as with a regular pothos. Is my assuption correct?

After I got it home, I watered it, removed any leaves that needed to go, and I sprayed and cleaned it. I just love it...

Thumbnail by jdee
Greenback, TN

oh how pretty!!!

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

It is so pretty. I sure would love to run across one of those at the grocery store. You have a beautiful plant there.


Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you both. I'm pretty proud of it.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Great find!
:) Donna

Miami, FL(Zone 10a)

Just a comment, looks like your pothos has
yellow and white markings .
If that is the case your is the Golden Pothos
"epipremnum pinnatum"
The Neon is with solid green leaves. only.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

The leaves are a light yellowy-green. I think a couple have lighter areas. I've got a golden pothos, and the leaves are a bit darker, then I have another that the leaves are larger, very dark, and some have white on them. The one I called the neon pothos is because that's what it said on the tag. I guess it is possible that someone put it in the wrong place. Thanks for telling me.

( Kim) Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

I was looking at your pictures and I don't know if this is the same as yours but I leave my plant in the kitchen I have no windows in there and there isn't much lite in the kitchen I got this plant at walmart in Sept of 2004 I took a cutting from it and put it in water for rooting and the small one is what I have gotten so far I water all my plants once a week unless I see if its dry my apartment gets very hot in here so most of the time I just guess (lol) no I have one of the water meter's you stick in the dirt

Thumbnail by Dimmer
Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

That's beautiful, and I do have one like that, but the one in the picture is light yellowish green. I've got cuttings in a glass of water now, but it's too soon to tell if I'll be able to pot them up yet. I made my aunt a plant from my cuttings when she was in the hospital. She says it still looks healthy. I think the reason I have so much pothos is because it's so easy to keep. It seems the perfect plant for a beginner like me.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I just took this picture of all three of my pothos together. The large one, I got last year, and thought it was golden pothos. The darker one, I don't know what it is, because the tag just said "pothos." The one in the middle was the one labled neon pothos. Is that what it is?

Thumbnail by jdee
Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Here's a close up...

Thumbnail by jdee
( Kim) Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

That is some great pic. I have to say this is such a great site everyone is so free with information. Now if I could only spell(LOL) . Well I have one of those little greenhouse and I have to find the tent that goes over I think my African violets needs it I have alot of babys I started and they are not doing much maybe it will help.
Thanks jdee
Kim (aka) Dimmer

Jennifer, that's definitely a neon pothos you've got there, and its really lovely. congratulations! I've found them up here in shops, but never for under $25; I've tried to talk the store owners into selling me cuttings, but they never


Dataw Island, SC(Zone 8b)

Pothos of most types is a favorite treat of lizards, so if you have an extra leaf here and there, toss it into the garden. : )

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow! $25? Are you going to be mad when I tell you that I got mine for $7.99? If it grows and flourishes, maybe I can send you some cuttings.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

I love pothos! I agree that you definitely have a neon pothos. The lighter spots on the first picture just looked like they were caused by a flash to me. Great find!! I've only found them in stores with a hefty price tag, too, but a fellow DG-er was generous enough to send me a cutting. I don't treat my neon pothos any different from my golden pothos, and they're both doing great.

That would be wonderful Jennifer, if only our governments would cooperate. Unfortunately live cuttings cannot cross the border. I'm just going to have to talk some nice shopkeeper out of a cutting one day. I regularly go into plant/flower shops to se what they have, and always end up chatting about plants, so it shouldn't be too hard....she says Thanks anway!

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh. I wasn't thinking. I knew I couldn't send them to Canada. I guess I feel like everyone is in my own living room via computer. lol


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