Very Confused

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

Can anyone tell me what is going on with all my house plants this winter..I have been very careful on the watering of my plants and seedlings but it seems I have a problem with the dirt in my pots mildewing or at least thats what it looks like. I was thinking maybe something was infecting them but I have not seen not one bug and have looked very close...I sure hope you all can help...
I do hope I posted this in the right forum...


Coeur D Alene, ID(Zone 5a)

What does it look like and how are your plants responding? Is it fuzzy white stuff ontop of the soil? I had that once, and I would just scoop some of the dirt out, and it seemed to work...

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

My guess would be not enough air circulation around them.....turn on a small fan to blow across the pots. Does wonders.

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes it is white fussy, and most seem to be doing just fine I lost a couple of seedlings that just seem to just wither away. and I think you might be right about the air circulation, I will try that too...It started around the base of my Yucca that I had cut a few branches off in the fall but it has now re sprouted new growth. Some of my others have the tips of their leaves turning brown but that may be another whole question...I do use only distilled water when I water but is it better to water inside plants from the top or bottom? I have never had allot of success with house plants but I have ended up with few more this winter and I was worried with these dreary days when they don't get much light.

Coeur D Alene, ID(Zone 5a)

try scooping our the fuzz, and increasing air circulation. also, you may just be overwatering your plants. I have several friends who do not do well with house plants and usually it's because they water them way too much. I water mine about every 2 weeks or less in winter - stick your finger into the soil - it should be slightly damp, but not really wet. Water when it feels pretty dry. The brown tips could be from overwatering, underwatering, a draft...
I would use regular water - it has some nutrients in it that plants won't get otherwise, and the extra chlorine in it might help the fungus problem. I'v watered above and below - they both work equally well for me.
Hoe that helps!

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Mara, I keep feeling the dirt and it always seems to be dry and I had been watering about once a week so I guess that is way to much for winter and I will go back to reg. water and see if that helps..I have the worst problem with the tips of the leaves turning brown is with my peace lily and my yucca...
Thanks so much for all your help.


Greenback, TN

You haven't used coffee grounds by any chance have you? I had this problem once and it was because of that. The grounds work great outside but tend to mildew in pots...

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 8a)

Making sure not to over water (and the soil can be quite wet even if the top is dry!), along with having good air circulation will easily fix your problem. Also, could the brown tips be b/c the heat is making the air too dry in the house? Sometimes, even with enough water in the pot, the air is too dry for the's my experience with the same thing:

My dad's african violets had mold on the top of the soil. He was overwatering them, bless his heart, in an effort to be taking good care of them. So, I "stole" his plants from him for a short while to fix the problem. I wanted to repot them for him and bring them back. Being the procrastinator I am, I scooped the top layer of soil off that day, and left them on the porch, where they stayed for a couple of weeks, not getting watered. And what do you know?! the mold problem was gone. I took him his plants back, told him not to water so much :-), and they're doing wonderfully now.

good luck with yours! :-)

This message was edited Feb 3, 2005 2:48 PM

Irving, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for all your help..but no I had not used coffee grounds..I have noticed the mold problem is much better and I know now I was taking to good care and the dirt must have been much wetter on the bottom..I have been sick the last week or so and not worried about the pants so much and they are doing better for it...(:

Thanks all of you

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