Fern Help Needed Please

I was given a Humata species (Hare's/Squirrel's Foot Fern, Spider Leg Fern) this summer and it's struggling to get through the winter, in fact it may already be too late.

It wouldn't accept my attempts for upping the humidity, saucers of gravel and water/ light spray/pot of water close by, and ended up in an attack of the red spider mites. I've put it in the kitchen where the kettle frequently boils, that's seen off the red spider mites but the poor fern keeps attempting but won't thrive. The fronds are free of any sign of necrosis and pests, it's watered so the medium is moist but not wet, it's in filtered light and frost free but not hot conditions.

Any ideas or suggestions as to what is going on or how to help it please?

Baa, I keep mine in a north facing window; it doesn't like to be moist all the time, l keep mine on the dry side, but never drying out of course. Its a happy plant, about 2 yrs old, with lots of "feet". Hope that helps!

Thanks :)

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Baa, I have always taken pride in myself that I do quite well with indoor ferns (and you know they say pride goeth before a fall, or something like that). I don't have your fern. but this is the first year I'm having problems with ferns inside... same ferns I've doing for years. Maybe something in the world-wide air?

Interesting Darius; what ferns do you have? I sure hope whatever's in the air stays out of Canada...lol. I've just started collecting this past few months, and only one's died on me so far, a frosty fern which I didn't like anyway...lol. I have a rabbit's foot, a bird's nest, a staghorn, a button, a lemon button, a maiden's hair, and two noids, one might be a boston. They're all babies still, except the rabbit's foot. I keep hoping I'm not overwatering them and they keep growing. I'm so afraid of root rot; how do they not get it being wet all the time? Here's my lemon button fern. I've put all the ferns on marbles in their dishes; this is the only one that doesn't like it-within a two days it started getting brown ends. Do you know what's happening here darius? Thanks.

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So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

cee, I had quite a few but over my 2 moves in the last 11 months, have lost most of the inside ferns. Sole remaining fern is a rabbit's foot and I worry about it. My maidens hair is in the garden and should come back, alonmg with several other native ferns. I hope the Japanese Painted fern comes back too.

No clues about youyr lemon button, although I've had that one. Don't even remember what happened to it... lost in some move, probably. That happens a lot to me.

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