My New Plant

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

I wasn't going to buy anymore plants, but look what I found at Kroger. I've been wanting an english ivy for quite some time, and now I have one.
One question...
Can I root this ivy by putting cuttings in water like I can with my pothos ivy?

Thumbnail by jdee
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


You probably can, but it will be a slow process. Besides, if you cut off the tips, they may not re-grow for a long time to look as nice as they are now. If you want more of this Ivy, just get another plant.

The main thing to remember with ivies is NOT to overwater them! They get root rot so easily if kept too wet. Allow the soil to get almost dry before watering. Make sure you have loose soil, good drainage, wash the whole palnt off now and then (keeps Spider Mites at bay), and give it just bright, indirect light and cool growing conditions!

Yours looks like a "Spearpoint Ivy". Is it? Gitagal

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

It doesn't say, but it probably is.

Paris, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, why didn't I check? The ivy I bought from Kroger was planted in a thin plastic growing pot, then set over into the red pot that you see in the picture. Well I noticed that every time I checked it to see if it needed to be watered, it was very wet. Finally, I took it out of the red pot, and I found a mess. The roots had grown all the way out of the holes in the bottom of the growing pot, and there was water all in the bottom of the outer pot.
I emptied out the water, had dh drill holes in the bottom of the outer pot, and repotted the iving into it. The plant still looks pretty, so I guess I caught it in time.
So to all you beginners out there...always check your new plants thoroughly.

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Jdee, I have done the same thing with the inner and outer pot. I too was unaware that there was a pot inside of the outer one and did the same thing that you did. But I saved mine in time and I hope yours will be okay. So I have now learned to check for an inner pot when I buy a plant. It can surely save your new plants.


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