What's a reasonable price for a philodendron xanadu

Osage City, KS(Zone 5b)

I've been looking at one at Lowe's that is currently 69.97. The garden guy says he'll sell it to me for 40.00, that is still alot of money if I kill it..... It is in a large pot and about the size of the one in the plants database. Can this be divided and replanted ? Is it worth 40.00 ... ?

I'd love a second opinion before I spend this amount of money.....

Yikes, that's a whole lot of money for a bit of greenery. Can't blame you for not wanting to spend it. I paid $15 CDN for mine as a young plant 2 or 3 years ago. They grow very very slowly. If I was you I'd look around a bit more. If you're stuck on it though, I don't know of a philodendron that can be killed by anything, so its a good gamble. Yes, it can be divided and replanted; if its as big as the one in the database, you can get 4-6 plants out of it. Whether its worth $40 US (I see Cdn. $50+) only you can decide. Maybe buy it, divide it, and sell some back to Loews...lol.

Dayton, TX(Zone 9a)

I started with a small one in a gallon container in the spring. It is large enough now that I can't reach around it. That is pretty good growth for one season I think. I would buy small and enjoy the journey. (of course I was out of town and it was bitten by the freeze!) Had absolutely no problems with it. Good luck, rmika

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Judging from all the Philo. Xanadus that I have seen come and go in BIG retail greenhouses, I am not particularly fond of the Xanadu. It always was so quick at getting a smelly, fungus infection where the leaves started getting black and mushy. Maybe that is just a transitional thing, but It surew is a turn-off!

Other Philos. don't seem to have this problem. Just my 2 cents worth!


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Any philodendron will get that with too much water. If the soil is allowed to dry before watering there should be no rot.

I've had my Xanadu for about 8 months, or so, and it is very happy. I've moved it between a bright SE window (back away from most direct light) and a plain ol' florescent shop light at about 6" away from the plant and it's happy in either location and putting on tons of new growth.

The only time I've had a problem with it was when it was outside this summer and getting too much rain.

Isn't that funny MaryEv, all of my philodendrons get upset when I let them dry out, and will drop leaves. I keep them in bright to medium light, but no direct sun. Maybe the air in my house is dryer than yours?

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I don't let them get as dry as say my succulents, but they are dry to at least 1" from the surface.

I hardly have any humidity in the winter with gas heat blowing much of them time. I try to remember to spray them off, every once in a while, but I usually forget.

Ahh, sorry, I took it literally that you let them dry out. I have the same forced air gas heat, so essentially we treat them the same to keep them happy.

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